Saturday 11 November 2023

Friday Night Sharpe Practice and a Small Package

 For the second Friday in a row, I headed over to Julians place for a one-on-one game, this time of Two Fat Lardies Sharpe Practice rules. We have played a few games of this previously - but not for quite some time, so Julian spent the first hour or so reading the rules to get his head around it again.

He already had the table set up and the mission was for four units of French (2 Legere, 2 Ligne) to get at least one unit over the river. The defending Brits (1 Rifles and 2 Line) simply had to prevent them doing so. The river had two fords available for the French to cross.

For some treason, this game was far bloodier than I remember them being in our previous outings, as you will see in the AAR below!

Julian has amassed and painted a decent sized collection of Perry plastic Napoleonic troops for this project.

It's tempting to me to add a small force of my own, but I think I will resist!

A view of the table - the four French units will start at the top of the picture.

One of my British line infantry units - Julian has also acquired a batch of sabot bases to make movement quicker.

We each used a drummer to keep track of force morale, I started on 11, Julian on 10.

One of the French Legere units.

Julian sent one force (1 Legere. 1 Ligne) against each ford

I had the rifles, with their longer range and more deadly fire, in the woods between each crossing, and a line unit on either side. As the leading Frenchies approached the first ford, Sharpes boys let rip - 6 riflemen with 1 D6 each, plus 1D6 for expert shots plus 1 D6 for effective range plus 2 D6 for officers' reputation and they had add 1 to each score because it was their first-time firing....

And the result was half the legere dead plus a heap of shock markers!

Next turn, and the rifles aimed at the second (ligne) unit in the same sector of the field.

The ligne unit took a battering too!

Meanwhile, Julian's second force was marching around the field to get in position to assault the other ford, on the right of my position.

The legere got into position and let rip with a devastating volley their own - basically the same stats as riflemen but with a shorter effective range......

And the line unit took a pounding - 5 dead and 2 shock!

My riflemen switched position so they could engage the ligne in the open (a tactical error, I should have tried to take out the legere ...)

The ligne suffered heavy casualties and an abundance of shock from the riflemen...

But the legere in the woods got revenge for the French ... 

.... OUCH!!

The depleted line infantrymen, now in the shelter of the woods, put in a first fire shot on the legere. They had been joined by my grade 3 mounted officer, so had 6 x D6 and adding one to each roll for the first fire.

A few less legere now - if I had done that with the riflemen as well, there may have been very few legere left to fire at the men in green with the devastating effects shown above.....ah, well!

The few remaining ligne attempted to cross the ford and claim victory .....

But my line infantrymen let out a volley again from the woods.

And they were driven back with loss!

The single rifleman was able to move forward and, inspired by his officer, rolled 3 D6 - getting three hits!

The ligne unit disintegrated and fled.

Having skulked out of range since the first couple of rounds of firing, the two French units on the British left now made a last desperate attempt to cross the other ford. The activation chits came out in Julian's favour, and the legere made it across the stream...just!

As it was 10pm and Julian had technically achieved the victory conditions, we called it a day. I could have suggested we play on to the end of the turn, because I am pretty sure, if the card had come up for my fresh line infantry unit that had the legere in sight, it would have been quite likely they could have been driven back to their own side of the river again - but I was ok with letting Julian have a TKO this time!

We both really enjoyed the rules although they seemed a lot bloodier than previous games - I recall having light infantry both in woods blazing away at each other half the night and achieving very few hits - perhaps V2 of the rules made it easier to achieve hits? Or maybe our dice rolling was just above average last night.....

On arriving home around 11pm, I found a small cardboard carton waiting on the hall table for me.

My six Blitzkrieg motorcycle troops have arrived from 1st Corps - yay!

I have also just received confirmation from Dave at Caliver that 6 packs of Crusader infantry I have picked up to represent the dismounted motorradschutzen have just been dispatched - so hopefully, they should be here mid-December. I possibly won't make any more overseas purchases this side of Christmas, as delays in the postal network will doubtless increase between now and the 25th!

Thanks for your visit and extra kudos to anyone who leaves a comment. I am off to Barrys tomorrow for a Sudan game pitching British led Egyptian infantry against the Mahdist tribesmen, so another AAR should follow in about 36 hours - busy times here!


  1. Sharp Practice is another set I have had languishing on the shelf for a few years and really want to give a go in 2024. That was fun account with a high rate of attrition as you mentioned at the outset Keith.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, they are a fun set of rules that give an enjoyable game with lots of laughs. I doubt they accurately recreate Napoleonic skirmish warfare, but it's all very entertaining - I recommend you get them down off the shelf next year!

    2. Like Lawrence, SP has been languishing on my shelf too. One day, I may even bring them to the table.

      Excellent report, Keith. You are turning your gaming frequency up a notch or too.

      Was your 1st Corps package left conspicuously on the hall table? I can hear it now..."Keith, you have some explaining to do".

    3. Thanks Jon, glad you enjoyed the report. They are a fun ruleset, but then, my preference is for lower level games at the moment, others may not enjoy them as much as me.
      The package has not even been mentioned...after 35 years of wedded bliss, maybe my wife finally gets it ?!

    4. If that is the case - could she please teach my own wife to "get it" too?

    5. chance Dai..... your wife might remind mine, why she should question me!

  2. enough already with the motorbikes , its going to be impressive motorcade in the end

    1. Lol...just been working on the first of the new arrivals, as it happens!

  3. Great game, reminds me I haven't played Sharp Practice for a long time

    1. Maybe something to consider for the next club night, Scotty?

  4. Everyone who plays SP seems to say good things about it ….. but, it does seem to come with a steep learning curve, would that be fair?

    1. Yes, I would say so Norm...there are a lot of rules and getting your head around them all can take a bit of doing - but the end result is worth the effort, I think.

  5. Good looking battle Keith and more parcels…those crusader hare mans are some of my favorite.I am also buying too many figures at the moment stocking up for Christmas.

    1. Thanks Matt, I like the few Crusader figures I already have, so am anticipating this batch will be equally pleasing.
      Thinking about timing, I think probably anything I order from now on may struggle to arrive in 2023...the latest 1st Corp carton took three weeks from the UK.

  6. A good game and a late delivery, sounds that you're having a good day.

    1. Thank Joe, it was one of the better ones this week!

  7. Quite a brutal game! And the package makes everything even better.

    1. Yex very bloody engagement indeed Greg, but with honors almost even, we both went away happy, I think!
      Coming home to the new arrivals was the icing on the cake!

  8. Fine game there and you are certainly getting lots of playing time in at present, which is good to see. SPII has loads of potential, but based on a few games, you need to play it a lot to become au fait with it, before you can really get the most from the game. I think this is why I prefer Dan Mersey's 'Rampant' rules, as they have a common engine and not too much chrome, so much easier to pick up.

    Sorting through my Germans I noticed loads of stuff awaiting to be turned into my Kradschutzen Kompanie...

    1. Thanks there a "Rampnt" iteration for WW2?
      We have played a couple of games of Lion Rampant several years ago....I can't really remember much about them, to be honest (so many rules, so little memory capacity!)
      I will be looking out for your motorcycle troops in the near future!

    2. Not that I know of, but I think other gamers have tweaked 'The Men Who Would Be Kings' for purely infantry bashes, but I'm sure 'Xenos Rampant' could work quite well, given that it features some 'Weird WWII' lists etc.

    3. Well I was wrong, he appears to have published some WWII tank rules:

    4. Lol, I like the title...very TFL esque!

  9. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. They are definitely worth giving a try Michal

  11. Great looking game... and more motorbikes!

  12. I "think" (?) Stew ran these rules out for us to try years ago? (I know I have the pdf version that he emailed me shortly after they were released.) If Chain of Command by the Lardies is anything to go by then I am assuming playing Sharpes is similar?

    One day I might dip my toe into the Napoleonics side of the hobby, but that would be a day way down the line. If I do - I hope my collection looks as good on the table as Julian's.

    1. O and more BMW's? You must have 20 of the things by now?

    2. Thanks Dai....I guess there are some similarities between CoC an SP, but to be honest, it's so long since I played the former that I can't remember much about it!
      Glad you like the look of Julian's Napoleonic troops too.
