Sunday 26 November 2023

Julian's Birthday Bash

 Games with a difference today, as we visited Julian to partake in some aerial combat and a lunch to celebrate his mutter mumble birthday (actually, I don't know the number, but closing in on 70 I think - how the hell did that happen?!)

Not a HUGE amount to say about the games - aerial warfare is real "beer and pretzels" stuff (at least, the way we play it!) so nothing is taken very seriously.

The morning session was WWI - these were the four German planes commanded by Rick, Nick, Chris and me. The Brits were Julian, Barry, John and Mark.

Each side had a photo reconnaissance plane, that had to fly to the opposite end of the table, overfly a target, then get back to its own starting line to win.

We headed straight at each other for about 3 - 4 turns until we were all in long range, then the gunfire started. Johns very first shot at me resulted in this damage card...... just in case it's not obvious, my plane exploded!

The game carried on with me respawning on the start line..

The large British plane in the top of this image was the recce plane, a Bristol F2, controlled by Barry.

Planes circle to and fro over the front-line trenches.

The lines on the stand indicate arcs of fire - the Bristol, being a two-seater with a rear facing mg, has two but my plane is the dead zone between the two arcs - phew!

I managed to maneuver into a firing position but think I may have come off second best in the exchange of fire! 

There were several collisions, in which both planes take damage. With his guns permanently out of action, Nick resorted to deliberate ramming's as a primitive form of midair assault! Despite this, Barry managed to survive, and the Brits won game one. We then swapped ends, with Rick, Nick, Chris and I taking command of the RAF and the other guys becoming Von Richthofen and his Kameraden.

I took the plane with hearts on its wings!

And its ANOTHER collision. We won game two - so one game each although as I pointed out, the Brits beat the Bosches 2- zip!

Luncheon is served - very nice charcuteries et fromages with several accompanying wines, finished with an affogato ice cream - tres bon repast!

The afternoon was a single WW2 game - Nick, Chris John and I being the Luftwaffe, Barry, Mark and Julian the RAF and Rick heckling from the sidelines!

The game was quite balanced as Chris and I were operating JU87 Sturzkampfflugzeuge, so it was two ME109's against three Spitfires and Hurricanes. The German mission was to get at least one dive bomber over the town on the Allied end of the table and the RAF mission was simply to prevent that happening.

The Knights of the Air in a head on charge.

They haven't learned anything about avoiding collisions in the last 20 years, then!

Two on one but it didn't end up well for the Brillcream Boys!

Two JU87 v one RAF fighter. My aircraft is on the left, Chris on the right.

Stuka pilots view of their adversary!

"The Hun is in the sun!"

Spitfire pilots rear vision mirror view!

Chris as a Stuka pilot was obviously a frustrated ME109 ace - he totally ignored the bombing mission and got stuck into dog fights with the enemy fighters!

I managed to slip around the RAF fighter as one of the ME109's came up to assist me. By this stage, there were 4 Luftwaffe planes to a single remaining Brit!

Pilot Officer Julian (for twas the birthday boy himself who was the lone survivor) in pursuit of my Stuka.

But he was too late - target acquired and neutralised - a Luftwaffe win in game III!

And that was it, 6 hours had passed in a flash and the birthday party was all done and dusted - thanks to Julian, his wife Jane and daughter Lizzie for hosting such an enjoyable day - many happy returns mate, and hopefully many more birthday games to come!


  1. Happy Birthday Julian, superb game mat and a quality day with friends, wargaming at its best.

    1. Thanks Norm, the Neoprane mats are very nice, aren't they?!

  2. Not a bad way to celebrate a birthday

  3. Wargaming and food can’t really go wrong. Reminds me I should get my WW2 aircraft out some time ?

    1. They are a great combination Matt - just need to add an alcoholic libation or two!

  4. Very nice birthday celebration. Air War games are great eye candy.

  5. What a splendid way to celebrate a birthday…
    Many happy returns to Julian.

    All the best. Aly

  6. Two aerial scrums, a splendid repast, and a birthday celebration--six hours well spent, indeed!

  7. Now this is the way to celebrate a birthday!

  8. What a great way to celebrate and love the photos of the 3 games. It's been years since I've played any aerial games, probably even decades. Maybe one day I'll get to return to the skies...

    1. Thanks Steve. The aerial games are fun but once or twice a year is enough for me, they do have an element of sameness about them!

  9. My favourite way for Birthday Party! :)

  10. Wings of Glory is a fun way to spend a few hours. I can't remember having managed any collisions though.

    1. Yes, nice simple mechanisms although there is a fair bit of setting up admin, with each plane having specific maneuver cards! We seemed to have a lot of damaged mg's, Lawrence, leaving
      aerial ramming as the only offensive option...perhaps we should have a house rule banning the practice...I doubt many pilots would be that dedicated to the cause!

  11. Fantastic day out! happy birthday to Julian!
    Seems like the Luftwaffe learned some new tricks between the wars 😁

    1. Thanks Ben and you seem to be correct in your analysis!

  12. Great games, great food, great friends - fantastic.

  13. What an excellent day. Great to see the aerial combat.

    1. It was, indeed, a most excellent day, Richard!

  14. Looks like a great day, nice games and a drink!
    Best Iain

    1. Can't ask for much more than that from life, can we Iain?!
