Saturday 8 February 2020

War of the Spanish Succession Collection

As our next game is scheduled to be a WSS affair, I decided it was a good excuse to get the toys out of their boxes for a "show and tell"

This is a very eclectic collection, made up of figures from a variety of manufacturers including Front Rank, Old Glory, Ebor, Reiver and Wargames Factory (now part of the ever expanding Warlord empire).

Each unit comprises nine bases, several being eight bases of infantry plus a battalion gun, manned by grenadiers, as my research indicated was what they did. Using the Wargames Factory plastic figures made this a simple proposition, as I simply took spare grenadier heads from the infantry set and added them to the plastic gunners. One thing I liked about using the plastics was the ability to do simple conversions like this....I also took an infantry drummers arm and added it to a cavalryman to make a mounted drummer for a dragoon regiment.

Following is a list of the units represented. For space purposes, only a portion of each unit appears in the following images. For some reason, I have not recorded the names of the cavalry regiments...
(Slight issue with photos...the very first description is actually the very last image...and there are two copies of the Old Glory unit, apart from that, they are as below)

Dutch Regiment Nassau Front Rank
Dutch Blauw Gards Wargames Factory
Dutch Regiment Van Weiss Reiver
Battalion gun and mounted officer
Swiss Dutch Regiment Lochmann Ebor
Swiss Dutch Regiment Albermarle Front Rank
Dutch Regiment Pallandt Old Glory
Battalion gun
Two Dutch artillery pieces
Danish Regiment Prins Georg Wargames Factory
Danish Regiment Livgarden til Fods Wargames Factory
Danish Regiment Dronigens Livgarden Wargames Factory
Two battalion guns plus Danish King by Reiver
Two Dutch artillery pieces Ebor
Command group
Three cavalry regiments Wargames Factory
Mounted Dragoons Wargames Factory
Danish artillery piece Reiver.  Enjoy!


  1. An beautiful collection any gamer would be proud to have.

    1. Thanks will be nice to get some of these guys onto a table again next Sunday!

  2. Beautiful and impressive collection!

    1. Cheers Jonathan, appreciate your kind words as always. Hopefully they meet with some success on their forthcoming day out at Barry's place

  3. Nice to see them out of their boxes Keith. Must dust iff thr Bavarians tomorrow.

  4. Yes, although seems like very few of them are required for Ricks game next week....I believe I will supply four battalions to your reserve as our commander....

  5. Lovely collection Keith. I really like the plastic Marlburians. They have a very Old School feel to them when they are all ranked up. I'm just disappointed that when Warlord Games retooled the sprues a lot of the options were removed (like grenadiers throwing grenades).

  6. Thanks Nate, I did not know they had changed when Warlord took them over although I have always thought they are a bit "gamey" marketing as Sun Kings Infantry an Grand Alliance Infantry (and cavalry) when I am sure the contents of the boxes are exactly the same.....! Plus of course, they pushed the price up a few quid from where they were with WF.

  7. Gosh I nearly missed this Keith...

    What and excellent parade... I’m looking forward to seeing them on the table.

    All the best. Aly

    1. You were distracted by all Rose Street Aly, I ken fit it's like!
      These are not up to your impeccable standards although the metal figures are pretty nice and I dud enjoy the potential to individualise the plastic ones...
