Monday 30 October 2023

The Rest of the Berlin MC Club Inc!

 Which is my weak attempt at a humourous title for a post of the rest of my 3D printed motorcycle troops!

Without further ado - hier sind sie.

The single rider - note level of detail achievable at the end of the fold out shoulder rest extension to his MP40 

Two up on a side car combination

And three up with a pillion passenger on a combination.

Although the guy in the sidecar is the same on both combos, the rider is slightly different - a nice touch!

Bloody hell - Blogger has changed how to uploads photos AGAIN - tonight, it has reverted to the "new" process noted a few days back - WTF is going on at Silicon Valley - are they on the piss or what? 

Just to prove its not me who is a bit doolally, here is the image of tonights photo upload process....

And this is what it does as the photo loads - quite different from when I uploaded the exciting images of my gardening exploits 36 hours ago!

Not that this change really affects me much - it is still pretty intuitive as to what you have to do - and it still works - so I don't really care which process they use!

Right that's all for this evening - old man rant over - and if you liked the pics, feel free to leave lots of comments telling me how great they are!

Saturday 28 October 2023

B.O.F. Post

 If you don't know, it is Boring Old Fart!

This post is entirely about my time spent in the garden (yard) today, so if you are under 60, look away now .... even I can't believe I am posting this! :)

Strawberry plants have been looked after over the winter with some sulphate of potage. Strawberry food has now been added and in a day or two, I will add the actual straw around the plants.

I wish everything was as easy to grow as rhubarb! This plant comes from a cutting taken from Ruths grandmother garden to her mother's family home in the mid-fifties, where we took a cutting about thirty years ago, and have taken the same plant (via cuttings) through three different homes we have owned since around 1990. Its indestructible!

This is a Passionfruit vine - well, maybe some readers in the northern hemisphere don't know - I had not heard of a lot of the fruits here, before I arrived "in country"!

The blossoms develop as below ....

.... then the fruit appear.

We have already had about a couple of dozen to eat ....

And this is what they look like inside - lots of seeds, a bit like a pomegranate - but a different flavour

The apple tree has lots of blossom so hopefully will fruit well.

This is the mandarin tree which gave up the last of the previous year's fruit around June, and a month later, already had the beginnings of the next crop!

And last but not least, the lemon tree, which does not seem to have a season at all - it basically ALWAYS has some fruit on it although there is definitely more in spring/summer than in the rest of the year.

And finally, a couple of shots of last night's sunset over our back fence. It came and went so quickly that, by the time I went out to the car to retrieve my phone, it was only half as spectacular as it had been a minute earlier!


Loading these images today, I note that the process has reverted to how it was 3-4 days ago, before the latest change was seen ..... I wont worry too much about why or what's going on at Blog HQ :)

Thursday 26 October 2023

Blitzkrieg German Collection - Progress So Far

 I was intending to do a parade (hurrah!) once I thought I had "completed" this Blitzkrieg project, but at least one person requested a progress report, so I thought "why not?" And here it is.

The colour above is weird because I used the 0.5 size on the camera....

Not too many words as all these have been featured on the blog previously. The grand count is - so far - 1 x PzKfw III, 3 x PzKfw 38t, 2 x SdKfz 251 Ausf C, 3 x HMG, 1 x 81mm mortar, 2 x 50mm mortar, 9 x LMG MG34 teams, 12 x infantry bases, 9 x NCO/Officer bases, 1 Senior Command base, 1 x sniper, 1 x motorcyclist and 2 Propaganda Kompanie.

Almost completed are another ten infantry, an SdKfz 251 C and the other three 3D motorcycles. 

In hand but not started on yet are 2 x PzKfw III, a Flak 37 88mm gun, a Pak 36 37mm AT Gun, a 3D printed SdKfz 221 and a 3D printed Opel Blitz truck, whilst en route from the UK are another 6 (I think) motorcycle models.

Is that enough.... could be.... although I have a hankering for an SdKfz 222 (I actually thought that was what I was buying when I got the 221 - slight inattention there....). And then, as several readers have pointed out, I might "need" dismounted motorcycle troops......

Anyway, that's it at present and the end of tonight's post.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

More Blitzkrieg German Infantry

 As mentioned last time, this is the penultimate section of ten 1st Corps German infantry for my 28mm Blitzkrieg project. Very happy with how they have turned out, once again - they are basically the dame ten figures, with the exception of the NCO, who (I think) is a slightly different pose in each of the four sections. 

Work on the last of these very nice figures is underway, as is the painting of the remainder of the 3D printed motorcycle troops, whilst an email has been received, advising the extra motorcyclists from 1st Corps have left the depot in England and are en route to Neu Zeeland!

So, without further ado, here are the pics:

Full section (less MG34 team)

NCO and rifleman

Followed by two lots of three riflemen.

And finally, the LMG support crew.

Well, that was interesting - Blogger has changed again and I uploaded the photos in a slightly different way than heretofore - but at least, it still worked ok! As always, thanks for dropping by and hopefully you have the time and inclination to leave a comment - I note that my comments v page visits is running at around 15-20% ie last time I had 19 comments from 83 views - and that's a bit above the normal ratio I think - so come on, all you lurkers, leave a comment this time (unless you are a bot of course!)