On Saturday, Nick, Rick and I repaired to Julian's home for a relaxed afternoon of ECW bloodshed, courtesy of the TtS based For King and Parliament.
Sunday 31 December 2023
Last Post - and Last Game - of 2023.
Jules had chosen one of the scenarios from the book, he and I played the Parliamentarians, Nick and Rick the Royalists, and the result was a resounding victory for the forces of privilege and repression!
I took quite a few pics, many just for "eye candy" purposes, but I will try to provide some overview of what happened as the game progressed.
Force deployment at the commencement of the action, I commanded the Parliamentarian left (top right) hedged in (literally) by the terrain and opposite Nick, whilst Julian had the top left force opposite Rick.
Nick had brought along the bulk of the Royalist forces - beautifully painted Renegade figures he did about ten years ago and has never had on the table in anger.
Both these cavalry units are from my collection - I provided a few cavalry that Julian was short of, for both sides (even though they should all really be Parliamentarian!)
A view down the table with Parliament to the right and the Royalists to the left.
Julian moved his cavalry straight forward and got right in Ricks face early!
On our flank, Nick had the more advantageous ground (in retrospect, I should have made the most of a bad job and deployed my cavalry defensively behind the hedges to refuse our left flank - but I didn't!)
We had the only artillery on the table so, to nullify its potential, Rick moved his infantry rapidly forward - the result being, we got in one round of long-range fire - scored two hits - Rick saved them both - and then, the guns really had no target for the rest of the game and remained silent! The two units to the right above are Ricks - original Essex and Foundry figures he says he painted 40 years ago!
The cavalry continues their melee on Julians wing....
...a view from Julians side of the fight.
My cavalry all wheels left, preparatory to moving over the hedges to confront Nicks advance.... well, that was the plan, anyway.
The big infantry fight in the centre of the field, two of the three Parliamentarian units are disordered v's only one of the attacking Royalists....
The Royalist right (Nicks command) advances.
A solitary unit of Parliamentarian cavalry had made it over the hedge to dispute Nicks advance ...
.... they did not last long!
The cavalry melee on the other flank continued, but the Royalist commanded shot (extreme right of image) had destroyed one Parliamentarian cavalry regiment and the other two were badly shaken (as were their opponents)
In the centre, each side now has 2 of 3 of the infantry units engaged badly shaken.
Nicks victorious cavalry - just a gratuitous "eye candy" shot, really!
The centre again - two of the Royalist regiments have "popped to one of the Parliamentarian ones, and our second line has plugged the gap.
But things are looking dire on the left flank!
More eye candy.
Another Parliamentarian unit broke, and our army morale coins were all gone - despite the look of the centre, we had been comprehensively beaten - I don't know exactly how many coins each army had, but the Royalists seemed to still have over 50% of theirs when we reached zero, so, undoubtedly, a crushing defeat for Parliament!
A very pleasant way to spend 3-4 hours on a Saturday afternoon - not a time, or day, I usually have available for gaming, but thanks to the largesse of 'er indoors, I was able to attend. Julian is planning a similar event towards the tail end of next week, I am not sure I will be able to make that one but will definitely be working on building up some brownie points in the next wee while!
Thanks for visiting and double thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate them all and would like to take this opportunity to wish all my visitors, readers and regular commenters a very happy New Year and hope you continue to frequent this blog in 2024!
Friday 29 December 2023
Christmas Comes to He Who Waits!
I mentioned in a previous post (or reply to a comment, perhaps) that each of our four immediate family members had to buy a present for one of the others, the recipient being decided by random, secret drawing of a name from a hat (after a false start when my oh so funny wife put four pieces of paper in the hat, all with her name on them!)
In the redraw, my wife got me, and this is what she bought me - $150 worth of random whiskeys!
Yesterday, after dropping my 95-year-old mother-in-law back home, we had a nice lunch at a cafe in Pukekohe.
Our dog Sam and I had to wait outside - he could not relax while his "mum" was out of sight! For those who are interested, I tell people he is a Japanese Spaniel - he is half Japanese Spitz and half King Charles Spaniel!
Back to the painting table, I have finished off the three 3D Austrian Generals (I still have to decide how I will base them)
And lastly, from the recently painted file, this is the 3D Opel Blitz truck that came with the above figures plus the motorcycle troops a couple of months ago.
I added the Balken Kreuz and number plates from a store of left over Warlord decals I have amassed during my Blitzkrieg kit collecting!
I also have a batch of 3D seated troops who I have stuck on thin transparent plastic stirps, so they can be added and removed quite simply.
I saw another blogger had used the same idea for Soviet tank riders recently - but I independently came up with the idea all by myself - honest!
And so, to the meaning of the post title - ordered locally on 27 Dec with money kindly gifted me for my birthday in August AND for Christmas by my wife's mum, this box arrived on 28 Dec - and yes, there are a FEW more Blitzkrieg bits n pieces in there!
Plus, some cavalry reinforcements for my two main Napoleonic armies - the Austrians will have to wait for their additional donkey wallopers!
Finally, up at friends last night for dinner and some festive cheer of the liquid variety -
And of course, we had to try one of my Christmas presents too!
It is now (1040 Fri 29 Dec here) poring with rain and my PC says "high winds soon" at the bottom of the screen - so seems like some more time at the painting desk may be the order of the day!
Tuesday 26 December 2023
The Last Few Blitzkrieg German Infantry.
Tonight, I have finished off the last MG34 LMG team and the two Anti-Tank Rifle teams by Crusader Miniatures, and as usual, they are very nice figures (except for the face of one of the ATR riflemen, which is a bit of a mess, but thankfully mostly out of sight unless you specifically go looking!)
I mounted the moving LMG team on one of the two-man plastic bases that comes with the Warlord Games plastic Blitzkrieg infantry set.
The ATR's are on Warlord plastic cavalry bases - one in a bombed-out ruin...
..... and the second in a more rural setting!
I am not sure how effective these weapons will actually be against a Char B or Matilda tank - but all the armies had them in 1939/40, so I felt it was only right to have a couple in my collection!
That is now all the infantry I have in hand for the Blitzkrieg collection - I still have one PzKfw III and a Flak 36/37 88mm gun kit to put together - plus a 3D printed Opel Blitz truck - so hopefully they should see some progress over the next few days.
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