Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Half Way There....

Well it's a slow business but I have got half of the Scots Greys painted now, so to celebrate this milestone, here are four different angles. They are taking longer than they should but hopefully by Sunday evening all twelve will be completed.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

A Little Something from the Painting Table

To break up the hard slog of painting twelve cavalry figures, today, I slipped four of the Knuckleduster Gunfighters Ball figures into the queue. I guess you could call them queue jumpers, but the Scots Greys, being decent chaps, didn't object to the age old rule of"ladies first"

In order below are Jamie (gotta gun), Kitty (a REAL lady), Fanny Porter (NOT a real lady) and Kansas City Sal (no kind of a lady). The latter two don't have character cards for the game, as officially, they are "bystanders"....but I am sure we will be able to give them SOMETHING to do in a future game....probably not the one Rick is planning, involving cattle rustling though!

These figures were great fun to paint and a nice break from those #^*#^¥** Napoleonic Brits!

Saturday, 22 February 2020

2nd Royal North British Dragoons

Well, here is the first pair of Scots Greys (to give them their more familiar title). This is the officer and trumpeter, which are metal figures. The trumpeter is slightly unusual, in that he is sculpted with his instrument slung over his back and in the process of drawing his sabre, having presumably spent the previous three minutes sounding the charge and is now about to come into contact with the enemy...sensible chap!

As mentioned on the previous post about these figures, the metal figures are mounted on two of the standard plastic horses. One potential problem for fussy wargamers here is that the officers saddle cloth etc are exactly the same as the troopers. This does not worry me and in fact may be more accurate on campaign , but I imagine some may take issue with it

Five images below from various angles

Friday, 21 February 2020

A Few Completed Figures

As I slowly grind my way through assembling and painting the Warlord Scots Greys (God, I hate painting cavalry!), I decided to post some images of western Gunfighters I recently finished off. These gentlemen have been painted for years... Ten at least, and were obtained via an Old Glory figure of the month deal years ago. I finally finished off the basing and they have been added to my gunfighter collection....along with the final figure who is a recent acquisition from Knuckleduster...the character card explains everything ! Hopefully I will have at least one base of British Napoleonic cavalry ready by the end of the weekend.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

War of the Spanish Succession Sunday Game

Today we played a WSS scenario prepared by Rick and predominantly using his figure collection, although Mark, Nick and I also contributed. Mark led the British, Dutch and Austrian alliance, whilst Nick led the French and Bavarian army.

Over a period of five hours, the two armies basically fought each other to a standstill. I led two brigades of Austrians with two Dutch battalions attached on the Allied left, facing Paul with two brigades - nine regiments - of French cavalry. Chris led our centre with around eight battalions of Brits and Dutch, John had two brigades of Allied cavalry and Mark was on our right with a grand battery of artillery as well as our reserves, which were my figure contribution to the game. Julian led th Bavarians against Chris and Barry was opposite Mark leading Spanish infantry, while Nick as commander controlled the guns and reserves of both infantry and cavalry. Please enjoy the pictures below

Allied deployment
Allied left command
French right..Pauls twin cavalry brigades
Allied centre
Allied reserve infantry (my figures)
Allied left advances
Austrian infantry repel French cavalry
French centre advances on Allied centre
Allied centre
Bavarians confront the British
French cavalry
Another French cavalry attack on the Allied left
Huge cavalry melee on Marks flank
Allied left advance towards the Bavarians
Allied reserve infantry fighting Spaniards in town
British v French cavalry fight
Allied left and centre combine to push back the Bavarians
Huge mess on the Allied right
One large British unit v three small French units
Austrian cavalry charge French cavalry
Brits in the centre
Swiss in Dutch service - my figures
Spanish infantry on the French left
Three regiments of Nicks French figures
Final position on my flank...Austrian infantry and cavalry face depleted French cavalry brigade
Final position in the centre ...not many troops left on either side
Final position on the Allied right