Saturday 10 February 2024

Ye Ballade o' Sweet Lady Mary Bell

 I ran through a couple of quick "catch up/plot bridge" games recently, as I felt this story had stalled somewhat and my ideas for the next game were getting a bit "samey"

Game 1

In the dead of night, a small party cautiously navigates the countryside not a million miles from Dunholme Castle, the border stronghold of Sir Julian Bell.

Rab Kerr, Lady Mary (in suitable attire) and a couple of the Kerr household reivers creep slowly through the darkness.

"The meeting place is just ahead, quietly now!" Rab whispers to the small crew.

As the dawn starts to break, a small girl is revealed, holding in her right hand a small clump of juniper bush. "Wait here, lassie!" whispers Lady Mary, and she disappears into the nearby glade, unstrapping the leather satchel carried on her back.

A few minutes later, the young girl leads a "maid" back towards the small hamlet where she lives.

"Gude morning, Annie" says the watchman, giving the unfamiliar maid an appreciative glance as the pair walks confidently by.

"Over here, mistress" Annie whispers to Lady Mary. "Here is my sister Jean, who works as a maid in Dunholme Castle!"

As "the maid" adds water from her bucket to Jean's wash tub, urgent whispers pass between the pair.

"I need some more water, Mary!".  Jean exclaims in a loud tone, so that the guard can hear her words. "Head back to the burn and bring me another bucketful."

Once again, "the maid" passes the watchman without let or hindrance.

He watches her swaying hips with interest as Mary disappears again into the early morning gloom.

Restored to her "travelling clothes" Lady Mary quickly shares her news with Rab Ker. "So, it's on to Dunholme Castle then, lass? Right boys, off we go!"

Game 2

As dawn breaks through the windows of a spartan room in Dunholme Towers, Jessie Nixon steels herself for another round of "questioning" by Sir Julian and Lady Catherine Bell, and Sir Julians sister, Lady Barbara Faine.

"She is a stubborn little trollop" Sir Julian growls.

"She is a worthless peasant, and she will break, soon enough!" sneers Lady Barbara. "But, brother, this work has brought on an appetite - let us retire for an hour and break our fast." 

The rising sun reveals the imposing bulk of Dunholme Castle.

As her master and mistress relax over a hearty meal, a serving girl enters the room, ostensibly to clean up the evidence of the night's "discussions".
"Mistress Nixon, fear not, your salvation is at hand. Here, let me help you up. Your clothes are over there - get you dressed and be ready to act!"

In a few moments, Jessie is dressed and ready.

At the castle gates, a maid carrying water for the kitchen and a couple of local shepherds delivering meat on the hoof for the garrison are waved through by the sleepy guards, whose only thought after a long night on watch is for their beds.

Once inside, the shepherds head to the castle byre, whilst the maid moves towards a door in the main castle building.

"I have to say, that bloody girl has some spirit" Sir Julian exclaims through a mouthful of cold chicken. "Spirt be damned!" snarls Lady Barbara. "She is an execrable wretch, and once we are refreshed, I am going to beat the truth out of her before its time for luncheon!"

Unobserved by the gentry, a maid enters the room behind them and quickly exchanges a few words with another servant.

Shortly thereafter, Lady Mary enters Jessie's room. "Jessie, my poor, dear friend - quickly, there are clothes here in my bucket!"

Minutes later, no sign remains of Jessie Nixon, the lady's maid!

The two serving girls exit the castle, as the shepherds reappear from the direction of the byre.

Together, the quartet pass through the gates and stroll calmly off into the cover of the nearby trees.

Back in Dunholme Castle, the empty room is filled with screams of rage and vile curses when the escape is discovered!

A few miles away, the two "maids" discard their disguises, as do the "shepherds". Now, it's time to head back to the security of Caidhaugh Tower!


  1. Cracking tale and good to see that the dastardly Lady Barbara has her plans thwarted!

    1. Thanks Donnie, I am glad you are enjoying the ballade!

  2. Lovely miniatures and great scenario sir|!

  3. That was fun! Good to see a non violent plot occur, move forward and resolve all in a stting. The next chapter will be soon , one hopes. All your terrain was useful and helped set the well as all the characters.

    1. Thanks Joe! Yes, it was good to get the "large" Reiver building in must have sat unused in the garage for two or three years now, since I went through my Border construction boom!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Richard, it's a lot of fun adding in the "story" to the basic game!

  5. A dandy narrative. Your collection and terrain really rise to the occasion!

    1. Thank you, Ed! It's great to be able to get these figures into a game, having spent precious time and resources on them all!

  6. I was waiting for someone to get clobbered in this installment, but nice to see Jessie make her escape. The castle gate and walls looks very impressive, nicely done Keith.

    1. Thanks Lawrence! The walls and gates have been in existence for several years - and never used before! Large "industrial strength" toilet roll innards, salvaged from work with the purpose of castle towers in mind - whereas the hex shaped towers are promotional pen holder/calendars we give out to customers - all covered in model railway paper dry stone!

  7. Great story and terrain Keith. As Lawrence says the castle is fantastic.

    1. Thanks a lot Ben, I was happy with how the games and the images worked out!

  8. Excellent story line their Keith and a great use of you wide range of figures:). Nice buildings too!

    1. Cheers Steve! I sometimes think my range of these type of figures might be too wide! That has not stopped me adding to them recently, though!

  9. Splendid cloak and dagger adventure Keith…

    All the best. Aly

  10. Great fun and very beautiful figures. Outstanding!

    1. Thank you, Mark - I am glad you liked the games!

  11. Fun gaming with your excellent figures, Keith!

  12. I feel like I've switched on a historical drama half way through the series and I'm confused who is who (I bet Damian Lewis is in it along with her off This is England/that police thing). Is it available on catchup?

    1. Lol....just use the Blogger search Chris...I have kept the title pretty consistent throughout!
