Back again on Tuesday evening - day three of my blog - and the number of photos has reduced to a more manageable number. Tonight I have got examples of another Napoleonic army (Austrian), plus English Civil War and a few fantasy figures for a Frostgrave campaign I have started with a gaming friend on a very occasional basis
Infantry Regiment no 2 - Hungarian - these figures are from Sash and Sabre via Old Glory, who had a huge discount on these about 5 years ago and hence encouraged me to start yet another army!
A battalion of combined Hungarian grenadiers - two stands of each of three different regiments - hence the different facing colours
Infantry Regiment no 42 - Germans in Shakos - again Sash and sabre figures
German Infantry Regiment no 50 in shakos
A German combined Grenadier battalion comprised of Sash and Sabre figures
Two Senior Austrian commanders from a pack of six by Old Glory
The second pair of Old Glory commanders
Infantry regiment no 1 - Sash and Sabre figures in older style helmets
German Infantry Regiment no 3 - these figures are Old Glory second edition and very nice too
Infantry regiment no 8 - Sash and Sabre figures in older style helmets
Austrian Jagers armed with rifles by Old Glory
A Landwehr Battalion with Old Glory Figures
A second Landwehr Battalion with Old Glory Figures
And a third.....
A Grenze Battalion of Old Glory figures
A second Grenze Battalion of Old Glory figures
A Regiment of Austrian Light Horse by Sash and Sabre
A second regiment of Light Horse in green coats this time
A regiment of Austrian Kurassiers - these are Old Glory figures
Second regiment of Old Glory Kurassiers
Old Glory Austrian dragoons
Second unit of Old Glory Dragoons
Old Glory Austrian Lancers
Second unit of Old Glory Lancers
The final pair of Old Glory high command figures
Two Austrian howitzers by Sash and Sabre
Two field guns and crews by Old Glory
Back in time in more ways than one - Front Rank English Civil War figures that I painted probably 15-20 years ago now. This regiment in green is, I believe Hampdens
Cant remember who wore the purple uniforms and cant be bothered looking it up - but a parliamentarian regiment despite the somewhat gaudy colour!
This is a Covenanter regiment with a mixture of figures - they are mostly Foundry but a few Dixon amongst the musketeers
Back to Front Rank and this is the Earl of Essex regiment in a natty orange
A unit of Dixon Scots lancers with a Foundry officer
Front Rank Haselrigs lobsters in full armour
Parliamentarian dragoons by Front Rank with Foundry officer and standard bearer
A generic "Roundhead" cavalry unit - this was the first ECW unit I painted all those years ago
This is a specific Parliamentarian unit based on a coffin effigy or something I think, but I cant recall the details now and cant check the Front Rank site because they have not been producing this range for a long time - possibly a decade
Another generic cavalry unit
Here are the first of the Frostgrave warbadn - all female - these toe are Hasslefree
This sorceress is from Heresy I think
The slightly baffled apprentice sorceress is from Reaper by way of Caliver books
This is a lady in waiting from an excellent rage of (pricey) Game of Thrones figures, but for my purposes, she is a fully fledged sorceress
Another female fighter from Heresy
A female barbarian from Reaper
The two Hasslefree figures from another angle
Two apprentice sorceresses confer in a wooded glade
And form another angle
A final shot of the lady in green.
Just off to watch Game of Thrones on Prime TV now.
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