Wednesday, 27 June 2018

A few weeks ago, I had a previous run through of this rule set but for some reason did not bother to put it up on my blog. I probably cannot remember many of the details now but decided to post the pics here they are!

As alluded to in my last blog, in this trial game, the Brits were again Veterans but the Taliban were Green or Trained at best, and this was reflected in the result.

 A view of the table set up - Brit fire teams entered from the right
 The first fireteam advances cautiously up an irrigation ditch
 And the first Taliban reaction occurs....
 The fire team continues to advance towards the village
 And another group of Taliban appear on the other flank
 Two groups of Taliban fighters converging from the left flank on the advancing British troops
 Another group appear in the buildings ahead of the advancing Brits
 A Taliban sniper in waiting …...

British SAW gunner opens up from the cover of a crop field
 A good result on the firing dice - three hits on Terry Taliban - as Green troops, they can only take a single suppression and the other two hits count as casualties
 The Taliban on the roof are still in the fight.....
Both British fireteams combine in an irrigation ditch

 The GPMG team
 A fourth group of Taliban appear on the Brits flank and move to attack
 Whilst another group attempt to assault the GPMG team
 Both sides suffered hits in the initial combat
 This melee lasted about 4 turns but the Brits emerged victorious
The Brits in the ditch engaged the flank attack with fire...three hits = a suppression and two figures lost
Taliban return fire inflicted a couple of suppressions on the Brits, but they recovered in the following activation phase....

….then followed up with an old fashioned bayonet charge…..

..from which they emerged victorious!

This initial game just proved that making all the Taliban low grade troops meant the Brits suffered virtually no hits, and the game was a walkover for them. A better balance of troop abilities is needed to make this a more interesting game......

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