Saturday 1 July 2023

Last of the GNW Russian Cavalry.......For Now!

 It has taken a while (mainly because I have been watching the Netflix serial "Money Heist" quite a bit over the last fortnight!) but I have finally finished off the last of the Warlord WSS plastic cavalry - this time as a squadron of the Kargoploski Dragoon Regiment, based on the details gleaned from the Tacticus.Nu blog once again.

Dressed in what we might term the "standard" uniform of dark green coat, faced red, here is my version of this unit.

Damn - I just noticed I did not paint the blue of the white/red/blue officers sash - I will go back and do that but the pictures are staying as is!

Once again, without being "stunning", I think the plastic figures come up nicely enough and as I saw mentioned somewhere that at some point the unit had a "reddish" colour, I selected a red flag from those I had available through my judicious use of Google and MS Paint! For the officers, I ignored the "red neckcloth" references and did them black - for the enlisted men I used the bodies that have no obvious neckcloth showing.

I have just started work on one of the Ebor infantry units wearing Karpus headgear - I have not decided yet which unit they will be - my initial plan was to have most units in a "different" uniform - eg white faced red - but I am reconsidering whether I should perhaps do at least 50% of them in a similar colour scheme to the dragoons above, given most of the Russian army at the time wore the green and red combination.....? We will see how I end up going!

Thanks for dropping by and extra special thanks if you make the effort to leave a comment - they are all appreciated!


  1. “Money Heist” is a series worth diverting attention toward. We loved it. Which season are currently watching?
    Fine looking horsemen, Keith.

    1. Thanks Jon...I find the character of "Tokyo" particularly worthy of attention! i think I am on S4...The one where they are in the Bank of Soain melting the gold reserv3s!

  2. Great looking dragoons Keith. As for the infantry, the Russians at this time have a whole plethora of coat colours Makes them one of the more interesting armies of the period to paint.

    1. Thanks Scotty, and I agree about the Russian uniforms! Maybe I don't need to overthink it.....

  3. Well I think they look very nice indeed Keith! As they as they look good once on the table, that's good enough for me. Long gone are the days of taking a week to paint a single figure for Mordheim (how did I ever find the time and the energy?).

    Money Heist we'll have to check out. Currently watching Season 3 of The Witcher, as it's easy viewing and SWMBO loves it!

    1. Thanks Steve....the stupid thing is,as you say, once on the table, they look fine....mainly because, without my 4+ painting glasses, I can't see half the detail anyway, even if holding them eight inches from the end of my nose!

  4. Nice job, I smiled when you mentioned you had missed a bit - the blue on the sash, this is just one of those things that the scrutiny of digital photography draws attention to. I have just done some limbers that were fine to the older eye. I had just been using my glasses to paint, but under a magnifier, suddenly there were mistakes and overspills everywhere! and it took one of my painting sessions to fix it all.

    1. Thanks Norm, I guess most of us are in the same boat to a greater or lesser degree. As noted above, I have been wearing "painting" glasses for at least a decade and possibly longer...I needed artificial assistance with my vision for painting long before I needed it for anything, I need glasses for reading and any screen work, but still OK with the naked eye for tv watching etc.

  5. A worthy addition to the Russian army, Keith! Handsome! The Kargopol Dragoon Regiment participated in many glorious battles of the Northern War and covered itself with glory.

  6. Nice work on the Russians - yet again another super example of how to paint up Cavalry- well done Kieth. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Cheers Kev, they came out nicely I think.

  7. Lovely, as usual. GNW is where it’s at daddyo.

    1. Hahaha....thanks JBM! That assessment OG the GNW seems familiar😝

    2. "of the GNW"......sigh😑

  8. They came up very nicely indeed Keith. I often notice little bits I have missed when posting photos and have to head downstairs to correct them immediately for fear I'll forget.

    1. Yes that is both the benefit and the curse of the close images we all tend to post Lawrence!

  9. Good stuff Keith and a very nice flag. Those Russian sashes aren't easy.

    1. Thanks a lot OB....the sashes are easier in 28mm than for you in 15mm!

  10. Nice addition Keith. Should we expect a game any time soon?

    1. Not at Barrys, Mark - I dont have enough for that! Possibly a four player game at JB's in a couple of months when I have the six Ebor regiments done....? I did think we could probably adapt For King and Parliament rules, just to get them on the table.....

  11. Another nice looking unit Keith…
    The green uniform with red facings is still an attractive combination of colours… maybe you could subtly vary the shade of green for each unit…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! Assuming the uniform info on the Tacitus blog is accurate, there do seem to be two distinct shades of green uniform colours, so that's a solution I may adopt!

  12. You can’t paint and watch TV at the same time? 😝
    Nice job on the cav. Cav always take forever to paint.

    1. Hey Stew, no, I can't, for several reasons....1. I paint in the garage and we don't have a tv out there and 2. Most of what I watch isn't in English (Money Heist is in Spanish, for example) so I actually have to watch it for the subtitles, or I have no idea what is happening!

    2. That is acceptable. 😀

  13. Lovely cavalry in green coats, Keith!

  14. Replies
    1. Cheers Richard...appreciate the support 👍

  15. Late to the party, but also impressed. The cavalry are tough acts to follow. Look great.

    1. Thanks a lot Joe, much better late than never!

  16. can never have enough Russian Dragoons for the GNW!! Very nice Keith!!

  17. Weird, thought I'd already commented but lovely looking unit, I do virtually all my painting while the TV is on, it's not necessarily what I want to watch but at least the pdir of us are sharing the sofa, sometimes it works out and I quite enjoyed money heist even if I missed a bit!
    Best Iain

    1. Ah Iain, you old romantic, you! My wife and I virtually never watch the same tv programmes...maybe the news occasionally....I am either in the garage painting or watching a second tv in the "family room"
