Saturday 19 August 2023

Friday Night Game WWII Iron Cross Rules

Chris, John and I joined Julian for a late war encounter between US and German forces. The aim of the Americans was to get at least one of their two Sherman tanks off the road at the German end of the table. The German aim was simply to stop us doing so! All German troops were concealed until they either fired or US troops got within LOS eg if we entered a wood and the Germans were already in it. John and I (US) did not know what the Germans had by way of infantry numbers or support, BUT we did know that they had some armour, as they would start rolling after the first exchange of fire, 6 to get the tank on that turn, 5 or 6 next turn etc.

All the figures and terrain etc are Julians.

Table lay out - we had to get at least one tank off the road in the top left corner.

A few close ups of the very nice AB Figures 20mm US infantry

John and I each had a force of three "squads" of infantry, a command, a mortar and HMG and a Sherman 76mm tank - 8 command tokens per force.

Mortar and HMG support

Early on, Chris revealed one of his infantry squads, and exchanged fire with my leading unit.

The US forces advance cautiously.

My infantrymen rebuffed Chris inflicting a slight loss, but having exchanged fire, he rolled a bloody 6 and on came a STUG III!

John moves up through the woods - the Sherman managing to avoid becoming bogged!

Julian revealed an HMG team and opened up on the US infantry on the edge of the woods (the green and red markers are order tokens, not hits!)

I obviously missed a few actions as Julian had a platoon of infantry in the woods who rebuffed one of Johns platoons, but I sent support across the road to take them in the flank, and a fresh unit from John's command advanced too - between us, we drove them back with 5 (maximum) hits. Next turn, I got a couple more hits on them and they were wiped out. John had already taken out the pesky HMG with his mortar.

Chris had now revealed a PAK in the woods next to the lurking STUG

ZOOM! John had moved forward out of the first wood when Chris advanced rapidly (20" on a road) and put a shot into the flank armour....BOOM!

With only one Sherman left, we sent more infantry forward to clear our left flank of German opposition.

Chris repositioned the STUG to the German right/our left, ready to take on the remaining Sherman.

The infantry clears the last wood before the German held buildings, blocking our exit route.

"O'Malley, git that bazooka over here, double quick" 
"Roger that sarge!"

BOOM! PFC O'Malley takes out the STUG/

Unfortunately, at this point, Chris had to go and we decided that at 10pm+, we might as well call it a day. The US were winning the infantry firefight and the Germans would possibly have succumbed to our small arms fire - they still had two AT guns available but potentially we could have worked our way around to killing the crews with the infantry, then getting the surviving Sherman off - or perhaps, the Germans would have got in a lucky shot with a Panzerfaust....certainly at the point we had to stop, things could still have gone either way. 

Good game, shame we didn't have another hour to possibly reach a conclusion, but I think everyone had fun, and John Chris and I, plus Rick, will be doing another WWII game tomorrow, once again play testing Andrew's rule system, so another AAR in 36 hours or so!

Finally, here are a couple of Warlord hard plastic Blitzkrieg Germans I have trial painted.

Thanks for dropping by, hope all is well with you, wherever you are and whatever you are up to this weekend!


  1. Good game! Looks like the odds were stacked in the Germans favour with a Stug, 3 x AT guns plus Panzerfaust against 2 tanks. Unless you could flood the place with infantry and flush them all out first....time permitting.

    1. Thanks Chris, I felt the game was reasonably balanced - we just needed to use our superior numbers of infantry to clear a path - but we didn't expect the STUG to be able to do the advance that it did!

    2. It did seem the STuG popped up out of nowhere to get in a lethal flanking shot.

    3. kinda what Stugs were supposed to do I imagine....

  2. how would you compare the rules to crossfire ?

    1. I think Crossfire is the best WWII ruleset I have I guess that answers the question. The big challenge with Crossfire though, is how to play multi player games? We tried a few times but they never really worked. One on one, they are great!
      Iron Cross is a good game but for my money, nowhere near Crossfire!

    2. roger that , only having a couple of semi regular opponents multi player games haven't been a concern. big challenge at the moment is those "dead" periods in the games. Im starting to gain traction with opponents though . nice work on the reports and painting

  3. Good to see Iron Cross getting to the table again and giving its usual engaging game.

    The ‘field grey’ on your trial Germans looks spot on, as is the contrast colour between uniform and helmet. Looks like your gathering is in a WWII phase at the moment :-)

    I put together the Victrix 12mm PAK 40 yesterday (and kfz 7 tow), a tad harder for my sausage fingers than the Zvezda 1/72 model I did a couple of years ago, but rewarding when done.

    1. Thanks Norm, the game was very entertaining! Also appreciate your kind words on the trial figures. 12mm sounds like it might be a bit fiddly to me!

  4. Looked a great game, shame you didn't get a conclusion though, it certainly looked like a hard fight got the US, not knowing where the enemy were. Did you know what forces they had at the start? Or was it plod forward for a total surprise?

    1. Thanks Ray - yes, a bit less wasted time prevaricating over decisions on what to do, and we might have had a real conclusion.
      We knew (or were told) the Germans had armoured support - but not what. Other than that, we had no idea what we were up against until they came into action - or we reached a position where they were no longer hidden - its a method we have used many times and works pretty well. So "plod forward for a total surprise" about covers it!
      Chris, of course, kept talking about rolling for the "first tank", implying they had more than one to come on - bit of a bugger it arrived at the earliest possible juncture!

  5. Nice little action Keith it proved a long way through the woods. Nice early war Germans as well.

    1. Thanks Matt - yes, it was a wood too far in the end!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal glad you enjoyed the AAR.

  7. Good looking game, GI'S did well, getting the Stug out of the way helped.

    1. Yes, Joe, the infantrymen did a good job - not much they could do about the STUG's first intervention, but they got rid of it in the end.

  8. Hi KIETH- Good to see you enjoying the 28mm WW2 Battle with your Friends. I recently had a look at some 1/57th Armor Kits for 28mm at our Local Games Shop ('Hall Of Heroes') - the Panther Tank Kit was $65 AUS...though I guess it is well worth it if you want to field a tank or two. Nice work there on your Germans - really well painted. Stay well there in NZ. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev - the game was actually 20mm - my friend Julian has quite a collection of AB figures that I thought you would be interested in seeing!
      Yes, the larger scale tanks to go with 28mm are quite pricey. Here in NZ, the "official" Bolt Action ones from Warlord start at about$40 for an armoured car etc and go up to about $60 for larger vehicles. I have got a few in store but it will probably be a few months till I get to them - I have about 100 infantrymen to paint first - AFTER I finish the last GNW regiment and two Russian gun crews :)

  9. Looked a close game and a shame you didn't get to fight to a conclusion

    1. Thanks Scotty - I think we had the upper hand in terms of "writing down" the enemy - but getting the Sherman off still would have been a challenge I believe!

  10. Nice looking game and I agree with Norm about the blitzkrieg Germans uniform colour. Spot on.

  11. Very cool looking early-war gaming, Keith. Haven't seen these rules played in our area yet. I'll mention it to the group I'm with to see if anyone has played it here.

    1. Thanks Dean...the game wasn't early war though...US Iin the ETO.....however, the 28mm Germans are for 1940👍

  12. Very nice game Keith! The figurines are very good! Thanks for the close up photos.

    1. Thanks Valentine. I deliberately took a few close ups to show how nice the 20mm AB figures are!

  13. Those German infantry you have painted look spot on Keith:)! Nice game too but I felt it a tough ask for the US, given what they ended up facing. Not sure about the Stug III whizzing down the road and then shooting, when they were used much more in a static defensive role due to their assault gun chassis. Still as long as you all had fun does it really matter?

    1. Thanks for the compliment on the painted Germans Steve! There are Tactical Cards in Iron Cross and Chris had one called Tank Ace that allowed to do a fast move on the road and still fire....normally you can't do a fast move then fire afterwards....but yes, we did have fun, so, as you say, job done!

  14. A nice simple scenario that gave a fun game. The 20" move with the StuG was a killer though.

    1. Thanks Lwarence...the Allies got their revenge in today's game though!

  15. A top looking and sounding game Keith..
    Nice additions to your Blitzkrieg collection.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly we had beer, chat, Thai food AND moved toy soldiers around and rolled some dice....can't ask for much more on a Friday after work!

  16. Great looking game Keith. Always a difficult problem when you are attacking and don't know what is there!

    1. Thanks Ben - and probably quite a realistic problem to have in most conflicts until the last 20-30 years!

  17. that sounded like a fun scenario; I imagine the Germans marked where they were ahead of time on a map or something.

    1. Well kind of Stew...there was a dividing line across the centre of the table that they had to start behind...everything else was just in their heads "on trust"!

  18. Great looking game even if you didn't get a result and nice looking blitzkrieg Germans!
    Best Iain

  19. Enjoyed the pics and those poor GI's must have been left with some brown stained undies with all the German surprises in those woods.

    New EW plastics look great so far! Lets see some more!

    1. Cheers more WWII Krauts till the GNW Russians are finished!
