Sunday 10 September 2023

Two -Games Friday

 I headed over to Julians place midafternoon Friday after leaving work a bit earlier than usual. Chris and John were already there, having answered Julians call for an early start to get in two games - however, although they had been there for approximately two hours AND the ACW (yes Stew, I was thinking of you when I saw it!) game was all set up and ready to go before they arrived, they were only halfway through the first turn of the game, using The Devil To Pay rules!

I arrived to general complaints from the Rebs that they were about to be dealt to big time by the Union and the game would not last much longer etc. The scenario was based on the first day of Gettysburg, with Union dismounted cavalry holding a ridge, awaiting infantry reinforcements as a larger force of Confederates advanced on the position. By the time I arrived, the Union infantry was almost in place and the Rebs were still plowtering around on their approach march - it seemed like they had missed the boat.....

However, a few action tiles later, and the game was over - with the Confederate attack victorious all along the line and the Union forces driven back in disarray. Such was the calamitous state of the boys in blue that their commander (Julian) called the game at the end of turn one - and we cleared the table to set up the second game, an RCW bash using Red Actions, for which I had brought along a contribution of Bolshevik troops!

To be honest, the RCW game was really just a lot of long-range firing with HMG's and indirect fire weapons - not a lot of maneuvering occurred but we had a bit of fun and I got to put a few of my figures on the table, so it was all good! A couple of beers, take away pizza and a nice glass of red wine and off home just after 2200, it was another good day in my book!

Here are some pics with annotations - not really blow by blow AAR's because the first game was over pretty quickly after I arrived and the RCW game, as mentioned, didn't have a lot to talk about (or take photos of!)

Rebs to the left, Union in the centre and to the right.

View from behind the left flank of the Union position 

The Rebs approach march

The game tiles already used can be seen to the right above. One of the things I quite like about these rules are the Carpe Diem tiles, which come out at random. When these appear, all players roll 1 D6 and highest score gets to choose an action type (charge, rally, fire, move). 

Two of the last four tiles out of the bag were Carpe Diems and the Rebs won them both, so were able to move to get their columns and lines into position and then charge on the second tile.

The dismounted cavalry counted as loose order for combat and John had his Rebs in attack columns, so despite Julian throwing some infantry into the rear as supports, the Rebs were rolling something like 8 D6 to 4 D6 in almost every combat - and the outcome was pretty predictable!

The attacking rebel columns (top left) were all disordered and a bit shaky after their exertions, but the Union had no good order troops left to exploit their discomfiture, so that was that - game over in one turn (albeit a very long one turn!)

Game two set up - it wasn't quite as bare as this makes it look - several pieces of high ground meant a lot of the troops could not see each other.

Bolshevik HMG and sailors

More Red sailors

Bolshevik Red Guards

Julians version of "Budyonny's Cavalry Army" or  Konarmia (Кона́рмия, "Horsearmy")

In truth, the cavalrymen sat " in a threatening posture" according to Tovarich Julian, for most of the game ie they did nothing! This must be about three quarters of the way through the game, as they have finally started to advance - the high ground between them and Chris's White infantry meant neither could see the other to fire.

The Red infantry (much like their White opponents opposite) declined to advance and simply waited as the HMG crews of both sides dueled for supremacy. At the three quarters stage, I had won that fight and had 4 HMG to one left on Johns side.

The cavalry had some incredibly good firing results, considering several negatives they had for moving and firing from the saddle. They took out at least one HMG and caused the Whites to pull back.

Scene of the battle as it came to an end - the Reds had the advantage but due to the rather annoying White mortars taking out two of my four HMG's. we were not in quite as dominant a position as we had been a few moves earlier!

Was nice to have the opportunity to get a few of my RCW troops out on the table - they are mostly either Copplestone or Brigade Games "Back of Beyond" ranges but also seen here are Hinterland female sailors (now sadly OOP) and an STP (Russian manufacturer) HMG crew. The Red cavalry and all the Whites are Julians and all Copplestone I think.

Finally, after my post a few days ago including the short bio on the WWII Russian female pilot, it was a bit of a coincidence that I came across this book by Helion & CO.....

Thanks for dropping by and I look forward to seeing all your comments - lots of output from the assembly and painting desk this last week or two, so next couple of posts will likely feature some Blitzkrieg era Germans in 28mm.


  1. Getting in a Friday double header is great! Too bad the Gettysburg game ended almost before it began but the important activity is spending time with your friends.

    1. This is indeed true Jon - I had great fun with the first game - egging on both sides and taking the mickey out of them for taking over two hours to play half a dozen initiatives of the first "turn" - it was almost more enjoyable than the RCW game I participated in - but that's just my horrible psyche coming out!

  2. 2 games on a Friday night with mates is a good night no matter the results

  3. 2 games in a day. Living the dream matey.

    1. It wouldn't be the first time JBM but its been a while! Although, I really wasn't involved in game number one - apart from being an irritating spectator heckling from the sidelines!

  4. Two games, friends, fun, food and drink and home by 10pm, what's not to like?!

    1. My thoughts exactly, was a great way to end the working week!

  5. Double header on a Friday night. ACW and RCW at that. Nice day overall!

  6. A real shame that the ACW game ended so early, but better that, than drag on a bit longer and then deny you the second game. Day 1 Gettysburg seems the most gamed ACW action …. But for good reason.

  7. Replies
    1. They were indeed, Greg. Thanks for dropping by and commenting

  8. Sounds like and excellent games evening.

    1. Thanks Peter, I certainly enjoyed it 👍

  9. 2 games in a day. That's more games than I've had in the last two months! That's living life. Good games!

    1. Lol....I have been through those times John, although not for quite a few years ( if we ignore Covid lockdowns!) Maybe you need to consider some solo gaming, I have found it quite enjoyable!

  10. A splendid sounding day Keith…
    Two games, Beer,Pizza,Wine and Friends… What’s not to like.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly....a good night was had by all!

  11. Sounds and looks like a good time... almost like a wargamers equivilent of a stag do.

    1. Thanks Richard...I might not go quite that far, but we had a good evening!

  12. Lol. I won’t rest until the entire internet associates me with the ACW. Perfectly natural.

    But even if the games aren’t great the jokes about them are a lot of fun.
    I was gonna make a snide comment about the foolishness of clearing off the ACW (the best CW) for some other lesser CW but I know that the RCW is one of your favorites. 😀😀

    1. Thanks Stew....appreciate you adopting such an inclusive attitude when it comes to CW's!

  13. Splendid sounding evening, I do like your Russian civil war stuff!
    Best Iain

  14. Two games in one day - that's one more than I've played all year I think. LOL
    ACW takes a bit to set up. So to read that it was over on the first turn.... almost sounds like wasted effort?

    1. Well, perhaps Dai - but they had been gas bagging for two hours by the time I got there and had played maybe 8 or 10 "initiatives" (a "turn" is over once every tile has come out of the bag and both sides have played the relevant action, so only two or three ful turns comprise most games - a bit like Sharpe Practice etc)
