Saturday, 4 November 2017

Battle of Antietam with Kallistra Rules

Last night five of us got together at Julian's place for an ACW game using the Kallistra hex based rule system.

The scenario was based on the Battle of Antietam.

Julian, Nick and I commanded the Union, against Chris and John on the Reb side.

I picked a command that was hemmed in behind a river in about 5 hexes, and I basically sat there all night until Chris had wiped out 4 of my 5 units!

In the Union centre, Julian initially attempted to help clear the Rebs who were directly across the river from my command, but this was rebuffed early on. He then advanced on Johns position in the Reb centre, but his force was whittled away and by the end of the game was in a very poor state

On our right wing, Nick had much more success, wiping out half of Johns command then swinging in to advance length ways along the table, closing in on John in the centre

However, by this time it was getting late, Julian and I were basically out of the game, and the remaining troops on the table made it look like a draw was the result, although assuming the Union were the aggressors, we decided the Rebs probably had the strategic victory.

Here are a few images - all the troops are Old Glory and painted by Julian

 My initial position - hemmed in behind a river I could only cross via a bridge and three Reb units started the game right in my face - why did I offer to take that command??
Julian's cavalry came over and dismounted in an attempt to clear Chris's Rebs away from the bridge to help me join the game, but to no avail. Chris's cavalry (still on their horses!) charge the flank of one unit
 Meanwhile on our right, Nick made an orderly and effective advance against John's cavalry brigade
 Julian next attempted to assault John in the centre, despite the fact the Rebs were behind a good defensive position

Nick's successful advance on the right continues
Nick's elite Zouaves assault John's dismounted Reb cavalry - a fight that lasted a couple of moves but ended with the Rebs wiped out or driven from the field
 My one remaining unit of five I started the game with - sniping at the rear of one of Chris's units while sheltering behind a hill!
Julian's force in all sorts of trouble in the centre - driven back from the fence line, all of them Disrupted (red marker) and with Chris advancing on his flank (from the left of this picture) with 4 or 5 fresh battalions
Nick had wheeled around and was now advancing lengthwise along the table - John's flank can be seen in the top right
 Nicks Union battery
Julian's Union battery (and where was MY battery - wiped out by Chris's musketry ages ago, thats where!)
Final view from the Reb right flank - Chris - showing the almost empty area behind the river where I had started the action with 5 units and ended it with 1 (in green behind the hill)

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