Saturday, 25 August 2018

28mm Napoleonic Portuguese 
4ª Linha Regimento de Infantaria
Finally completed the 4 Regiment of Line Infantry for the Napoleonic Portuguese project. My intention is to build the Silveras Division, consisting of 8 Line Regiments and 3 of Cacdores, in addition to the 17th Line and 1st and 3rd Cacadores, who were part of General Robert Crawfurds Light Division.
I am now part way through painting the 10 Regiment, and will then need the 10 Cacadores to complete Campbells Brigade. Thereafter, I need to complete an additional 4 Line regiments and 2 more of Cacadores...and then I suppose they will need cavalry and artillery support! The full unit from above The Grenadier company and the right hand half of the unit The remaining three left hand elements
The entire unit shown from the rear


  1. Great looking unit and nice background!
    Best Iain

  2. Thanks Iain - yes, I pinched the idea of backgrounds from Mr Strachan at 1866 and all that - I just Google images of Spanish countryside...or whatever is appropriate for the particular troops to be photographed!
