Thursday 26 December 2019


In addition to the fact I have had"technical issues" that I was too lazy to try to overcome, another reason for my lack of motivation on the blogging front for the last few months has been a very low level of productivity on the painting front.

My current"project" in as much as I have one at all, is to build up a small to medium Portuguese Napoleonic force. To this end, I am working my way through the battalions that made up Silvieras Division, based on an order of battle I found in Haythornthwaites book, Wellingtons Military Machine.

This indicates four brigades of three battalions each, with the exception of the first brigade .....De Costa 2nd and 14th Line, Campbell 4th and 10th Line and 10th Cacadores, Pack 1st and 16th Line and 4th  Cacadores, and Bradford 13th and 24th Line and 5th Cacadores.

I started this project about this time last year I think and have posted images of the De Costas Brigade previously. The images below are of Campbell's Brigade, 10th an 4th Line and then Packs Brigade, 1st and 16th Line. Still to be purchased are two more Line battalions and three of Cacadores . All the line infantry are Warlord Black Powder plastic figures. Cacadores will probably be purchased from Front Rank, although I have also considered getting these from Brigade Games.

I appear to have been able to take the images on my phone, email them to myself and save them on the iPad, as I found the iPad camera was not good enough for the full battalion images...they were very grainy. As I was at it anyway, I also took an individual image of each of th Eureka Victorian ladies ...I am not sure what they will be used for yet, I have just always fancied painting them!


  1. Great work Keith. The Portuguese look very sharp indeed, and those Victorian ladies have a lot of character.

  2. Thanks Lawrence. I have few more individual Eureka figures obtained recently so should have something else to post soon hopefully.

  3. This is a fine passel of Portuguese, Keith! Nice ladies too!

  4. Thanks for your kind comments Jonathan 😊
