Friday, 8 April 2022

Friday Night Update

Its been a quiet week on the painting desk - I feel I lack some inspiration at the moment - I have very few "new" figures available and am awaiting the arrival of a reasonable bunch of 20mm Minairons SCW figures - hopefully they prove as nice in the flesh as the website images indicate!

I have painted up four figures I have had for a few months - two Reaper Bones plastic figures plus two of the3D printed miniatures I cajoled my kids into buying me for Christmas and have then more or less ignored since opening them on 25 Dec - what an ungrateful father!

Reaper Tavern Wench in a Bavarian style dirndl costume

Reaper Bones stroppy looking cook

3D printed maid with bucket

3D printed serving girl

The 3D figures are a bit rough and certainly nothing like the Soviet infantry I bought from France, but its not so many years ago we would have thought metal figures that looked like these were well sculpted - so I can accept them as they are, although I dont think I would bother buying any more

Now, a quick update on the HaT 28mm plastic saga. The day after my last post, the NZ retailer who supplied me with the HaT figures contacted me again with futrther info. He had been to his off site storage shed and checked a couple of boxes. They did indeed have 1/72 on the front but the 28mm stickers on each end - HOWEVER, upon opening the box to check - shock, horror - he discovered the figures within were, in fact, the 1/72 version, as indicated by a molded tab on each sprue, carrying the part number, a four digit number beginning with 8, whereas the codes for the 28mm figures are a 5 digit number commencing 28....
So, I do in fact, have two boxes of partially painted 1/72 HaT Napoleonic cavalry, rather than the 28mm ones I ordered. This of course is quite exciting news, as it opens up the possibility that the actual 28mm figures are not so much smaller than other ranges in the same scale. I now just have to wait to see how the situation gets resolved, as unfortunately, the retailer does not have the genuine 28mm figures available to send me - he has said he taking the matter up with HaT - and I can only hope that he will send me replacements in due course, as I have requested him to do.

Finally tonight, my wife and I visited a large, historic cemetery in central Auckland a couple of weeks ago, mainly so she could locate and photograph the grave stones of some of her ancestors (which she did) but while we were there, I spotted the grave of the first Governor General of New Zealand, William Hobson, who signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the majority of the Maori tribal chiefs in 1840.

If you click on the images and make them full screen, you should be able to read the inscriptions on the memorials.


  1. Good looking serving staff,that's odd and not terribly helpful of Hat,I guess your chaps did look terribly small when I went back to look but I didn't realise they were actually 20mm!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain....yes, I was always suspicious that the HaT figures were too small...I am quite glad I was proved right! Hopefully the supplier can sort something out for me and replace them with the correct figures! At the very least, there is a price difference between 1/72 and 28mm....I paid for the latter!

  2. Hi KIETH,
    I had a look at 'My Mini Factory' (via Google) which is all about 3D Printed Miniatures - the Programs for 3D Printing are for sale. Amazing miniatures showing what can be done with a 3D Printer. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Hi Kev...I will check the page out, thanks! Lots of STL files out there but not so many people producing the 3D figures for sale...or, if they are, it's ar exorbitant prices like $10 - 15 each!

    2. And be aware that some selling the figures show the 3D render rather than the actual figure - the former usually looks much better than the finished figure - you can't tell what quality machine/resin they are using:(
      Also - 20mm SCW? What fresh madness is this?

    3. Totally agree Andrew - I was very pleasantly surprised in the quality of the WWII Soviets I bought from France - these local ones (ex CHC on TM) not so much. although the furniture is fine.

    4. What's the story with the 20mm SCW? What side(s) are you doing?

  3. Nice work and good news on the HaT figures if you get replacements

    1. Thanks Scotty...I am pretty hopeful I will end up with the correct figures although the guy I bought them from does not have any genuine 28mm in stock, unfortunately

  4. Running out of stuff to paint? Unbelievable. Very interesting detective work on your HaT saga. I wonder if this really is a case for miss-packing? I will be watching with interest.

    1. A quick check of shows that there are, indeed, two different boxes of HaT British Heavy Dragoons. They are packed in different boxes and your box appears to be the one having the soft plastic figures. Note that the hard plastic figures are rated as 23mm. If you get replacements, the hard plastic figures ought to in a different box.

    2. Hmmmmm....curiouser and curiouser! I will keep you posted on developments Jon!

  5. Nice jugs on that last serving wench…oh wait they’re tankards.

  6. Very nice…

    I like the stroppy cook… my Grandmother was a good old fashioned stroppy cook.. I suspect she would have burned down the ‘big house’ if she had half the chance…

    It’s good to think that you might actually get some 28mm British Cavalry…
    I suppose with such a big range of figures there must be a reasonable chance of miss labelling…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly, I like the cook too! The figures appear to be made in China, which probably doesn't help a lot....I doubt the people packing them know much about Western military history or the intricacies of scale v,s size in wargaming figures! I am sure mistakes happen now and then....just hoping they sort it out without making a big drama!

  7. Nice work Keith, and hopefully the impending arrivals will provide inspiration. I have started to clean up some Medieval Spanish and have been a little underwhelmed thus far, but am hoping that painting them will prove to be a better experience. Interesting comment from Jonathan on the plastic, which you were also suspicious about alongside the scale.

    1. Sound like an interesting project Larence. I suppose one of the downsides to having pre purchased twenty plus armies many years ago is the rush if excitement engendered by the arrival of boxes of new figures from overseas is missing from the equation! Hopefully you feel a bit if a rush once you start them u is never much fun!

    2. I think there are around forty in the queue and yes, I do miss that rush. I was thinking about that only this week in fact, Keith. One of the downsides of having hoarded so much.

  8. Liking all these serving ladies! The more civvies to add to a tabletop scene, the more believable it'll be I think.

    Glad to hear there's a solution in sight for those diminutive cavalry! Fingers crossed replacements are sourced soon mate.

    1. Cheers Dai....that's what I feel about civilians etc too! My fingers are firmly crossed too!

  9. That’s a good retailer to check like that, and an interesting development.
    Good looking ladies there. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew....yes, I have been happily surprised so far....but he still has to come through with some replacements.....fingers are crossed as mentioned to Dai above. Glad you like my latest floozies!

  10. Always handy to have some civilians around. Nicely painted figures. Glad to hear there is progress on the cavalry.

    1. Thanks for dropping by and commenting Richard!

  11. Nice work on these 3D printed ladies, Keith. Ah, so those HaT figs were indeed 1/72nd. Well, your painting has them looking great in any case. I'm happy to see the memorial for the governor is preserved so well.

    1. Thanks Dean...I have not painted any more of them, as I am hoping they will be replaced with the correct figures in the near future!

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  14. Nice group of figures Keith. The last time I was down near Hobson’s grave (quite a few years ago I must admit) it was a very dodgy part of town.

    1. Hi Mark, yes, Symond Street cemetery is not the most salubrious area. We were there mid morning on a bright, sunny Sunday, and there was only one homeless person having a kip...but I wouldn't be venturing in there in the evening, that's for sure! The area where Hobson is buried did seem to be in reasonable condition though.

  15. That Stropping Cook conjures up Madame Guillotine from the Blackadder Series III Nob and Nobility episode to my eye. Fun possibilities there --and an excuse to start in on another set of figs :).

  16. Haha....yes indeed Ed....these figures have a multitude of possible uses!

  17. Wonderful stuff Keith, a great addition to the table top.

    1. Thanks Stu, who knows, one day they may even make it into a game!

  18. Great work there Keith and the wide range of printed figures etc these days is a boon but also a terrible temptation! Nice to 'know' what happened on the HaT figures front and fingers crossed you can get the 'proper' figures in due course.

    1. Thanks Steve, not sure how the HaT thing is going to end up. The supplier has offered me full refund, which is good of him but not my desired outcome...I would prefer he had the proper figures but unfortunately he doesn't .....

  19. Love the paintwork on your figures. Civilians are always a great addition to any table. Nice one.

    1. Thanks for that....not many civilians on your fantastic Pacific atoll invasion...maybe when you get to Saipan, there may be a few knocking around!

  20. Grest looking g figures Keith. The cook looks like she could really handle herself!

    1. Cheers Ray....the spitting image of Aly's grannie, apparently!
