Saturday, 23 April 2022

Skeletons, Scenics and Some Animals

 Some more completed skeletons for the Pulp Project - these have had a very minor conversion to the head wearing the Greek helmet, with the crest of feathers removed and the head of a spear added to the crown, to create an impression of a piece of ancient Chinese headgear.

This was the inspiration for the Chinese style helmets

Once again, the Chines character representing Death was added to the plain shields

The skeleton of some weird beastman!

Following are three "beasts" I picked up from a hobby shop near work - they are hard plastic by WizKids and cost $20 - $10 for the large lion like animal and $10 for the pair of dog like beasts

I put one of the Chinese fighters alongside to give an idea of scale - it is a BIG beastie!

The folds and wrinkles on these animals made them interesting to paint

Verses a French rifleman

Verses a Chinese officer

Finally, we went on a trip tp the other side of Auckland - way out west in the Waitakare Ranges, for our latest walk

A round trip of about 7km to one of five water reservoirs in this area of spectacular bush

The waterfall at the western end of the walk, which feeds water into the reservoir

There was lots of evidence of landslides and erosion, and further on, even more specific warnings about the risk of rockfalls and exhortations to limit the time you spent in the areas concerned - again, there were lots of loose rocks and boulders around to testify to the validity of the warnings!

View from the top of the dam looking eastwards towards Auckland

An old tramway that was used in construction and maintenance of the dam

This is the area with the warnings about rocks plummeting from the surrounding hillsides!

The dam from the position seen in the image eight above this one.

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!


  1. Some lovely work on the skeletons there Keith, with the head swaps and shields designs very effective. Those are terribly big beasties, but they look great with your paint job.

    Some more wonderful scenery and it looks a lot more Summery there than here at present, with it cloudy and cool and unusually dry for April. That means we're probably going to get a wet May and June again:(.

    1. Thanks a lot Steve - it may look summery but we are in fact more than half way through our Autumn - another 5-6 weeks and it will be winter!

  2. Great looking undeads, but other photos are amazing!

    1. Thank you Michal I am pleased you like both sets of photos :)

  3. Love the skeletons and a nice idea to give them the theme 👍

    1. Thanks Matt - I got a bit carried away and bought far more than I needed, so decided I would have one lot themed for Asia and the other for N Africa - so if I ever actually get around to any games, the Pulp adventures can involve uncovering ancient tombs in both parts of the world! I am now considering some Aztec themed temple guards too.....the madness never ends!

  4. You’ve got some lovely walks in your neck of the woods! Thanks for sharing the photos. Now those skeletons: fantastic!

    1. Thanks Chris I am glad you like the scenery as well as the toys!

  5. Great work on the skeletons, like the alterations to the helmets for that Chinese feel

    1. Cheers Scotty, they are nice, well defined figures and quite easy to get them looking pretty convincing!

  6. Very nice conversion work, great that you thought to make two groups for different adventure locales. The beasts are right out of a dime novel or 1930 Pulp magazine.
    You know you will need to put a game or three AAR style so we can see these baddies in action.

    1. Thanks for your continued support and motivation Joe - I will get that game on a table one day!

  7. The skeletons look great, and the beautiful work you have done on the equipment really stands out against them. The beasts look great, and I can't help thinking that if they were from Games Workshop they would be at least $30 each.

    1. Thanks Lawrence - yes, the WizKids miniatures do seem pretty reasonable cost to me, compared with many other similar fantasy ranges

  8. Excellent work! Why do skeletons need armor? Protection or identification?
    Lovely, lush landscapes. I never tire of seeing your beautiful country. Your photos of the rail line through the dense jungle reminded me of Bridge on the River Kwai.

    1. Thanks Jon...I think the helmets are mainly for identification! Mark over at Dots of Paint blog has done some fantastic work creating several ancient skeleton armies...Celt, Romans and possibly Greeks too..including a skeleton elephant and several chariots!

    2. BTW, the guy's name is Doug, not Mark.....!

    3. I played in games with Doug at Enfilade! many years ago. One game I recall him hosting was an 1859 game in 15mm.

  9. Great looking skeletons and some beautiful photos to lift the spirits.

    1. Cheers Richard, appreciate your visits and comments and I am glad you enjoy the scenery as well as the figure painting. One day, I may even play a game I can write about!

  10. See now you have me thinking about skeleton conversions:-)
    Wonderful stuff...

    1. It's relatively easy to do Stu...I recommend a visit to Dots if Paint for some inspiration...add the appropriate headwear and weapons, and they can be anything from ancient warriors to medieval Knights , seventeenth or eighteenth century or even WWI .....

  11. Liking these skellies! Adds some variation to the mix.

    The lion and hooved dog things are pretty darn cool! I’ll have to look those up

    1. Thanks Dai....the WizKids range is definitely competitively priced, when compared with other fantasy type ranges.

  12. Very nice Keith…
    The helmet conversion works really well and the beasties look like they would ruin your day if they got hold of you….

    Have you got a set of rules in mind for your Pulp games?

    And of course lovely scenery as always…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly....and no, that's part of the problem....I really need to decide what rules to use...or write some of my own!

    2. More playtest sessions of my upgraded rules in the near future, I hope:)

    3. Fingers crossed Andrew...I am in dire need of a gaming fix!

  13. Good for the soul to see such lovely scenery and good for the painting mojo to see such lovely figures. Top stuff on all fronts as usual.

    1. Cheers JBM, happy to know you enjoy all aspects of my posts!

  14. Great looking figures and terrain walk scenes. Love the helmets on the skeleton warriors.

  15. Cool job on the skeletons! A good idea on the helmets. 😀

    Have you seen Skull and Crown Miniatures Triumph of Death range? I think you would like it perhaps.

    1. Hi Stew...thanks for the tip on Skull and Crown, I will take a look!

  16. Nice skeletons and good to see you earning your retainer from the NZ tourism board!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain...I have to hit my KPI's, or they don't pay's in our SLA...😀

  17. Nice work on the skeletons Keith and love the tranquil photos too.

    1. Cheers Ray...glad you appreciate both aspects!
