Monday 24 June 2024

Another Continental Infantry Unit

 I have completed another Warlord AWI unit - this time I went with buff coloured facings, which as per the 1779 regulations, would make these boys from either New York or New Jersey!

We start off with a few shots of the unit in its entirety

Followed by close ups of each of the three stands

Musicians wore reversed colors as per the European standard of the day

I really do like the sculpting on the faces of these figures!

And finally, I have been building a few log defensive positions, primarily for an upcoming solo game based on the British attack on the American redoubt on Breeds Hill. I have about 6 lengths of these, and I think they will work well!

Thanks for dropping by - next up (if it's not an AAR on the aforementioned game), is likely to be the first of the Perry units - yes, I jumped one of them into the painting queue, just to see how they come out! So far, they are looking very nice.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Recent Arrivals - Like I Need 'Em!!

 As I mentioned in a recent post, I joined a team effort with Mark (1866 and All That) and Chris to create a £200+ order from the Perrys, thus avoiding any shipping costs. My portion arrived chez moi a couple of days ago!

Three boxes of Perry plastic AWI American infantry, several extra command sprues plus

.... a couple of boxes of additional metal figures!

I think we all realise this sort of disclaimer fools NO ONE, particularly Customs officers!

The 38 figures per box, minus 4 riflemen but plus the extra command sprues should enable me to make 6 Continental units plus a small addition of riflemen!

I bought a "Brigade Deal" - three boxes and you get a special George Washington one piece metal casting that isn't available to buy....ooooo, aaahhhh, I feel so privileged!

One pack of metal figures was three mounted American officers

And the other was 8 x 18th century civilians

Goodness knows when these will hit the painting desk - currently, I am only about halfway through the Warlord AWI set I purchased a few weeks back! 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Action At Bunker Hill, 17 June 1775

 Looking through a couple of AWI source books the other night, I realised that Monday is/was the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Having recently completed my small force of American militia, and having already conceived the idea that I could probably split the three or four main actions of this important battle down into small solo individual games, it was obvious I had to fight the first game on Monday evening, which I duly did.

I used a slightly adjusted version of our homebrew AS9 rules, activating units randomly using a deck of red and black playing cards. Could the elite British Light infantry overturn the historical result and clear Starks patriot militia from the rail fence protecting the left flank of the American positions? 

(For those not familiar with the battle, here is a brief outline of what occurred in this opening portion of the battle): " General Howe led the light infantry companies and grenadiers in the assault on the American left flank along the rail fence, expecting an easy effort against Stark's recently arrived troops. His light infantry was set along the narrow beach, in column formation, in order to turn the far-left flank of the colonial position. The colonists withheld their fire until the regulars were within at least 50 paces of their position. As the regulars closed in range, they suffered heavy casualties from colonial fire. The colonists benefited from the rail fence to steady and aim their muskets and enjoyed a modicum of cover from return fire. Under this withering fire, the light companies melted away and retreated, some as far as their boats.") 

Starks militia manning the rail fence that reached right down to the narrow beach on the shore of the Mystic River.

General Howe leads the light infantry companies forward

"Hold your fire boys and aim low!"

Not a lot happened for the first ten turns - when the British activated, they advanced, when the Americans did so, they were out of range so could not fire!

By turn 12, the British were within range and picked up one casualty from American fire. As a reminder, an infantry unit can take up to 4 hits but must then retire until at least one hit can be rallied off by rolling a 9 or better of two D6.

The light infantry charged into Starks men but lost the melee (or were shattered by close range musketry, perhaps?!), took another casualty marker and were forced to fall back! They did manage to put one marker on Starks men.

Howe managed to rally his men and they moved forwards again. The American line erupted, causing another hit on the advancing Light Bobs. but they shrugged it off and closed in with the bayonet. 

"Thats the style, my lads!" The light infantry wins the close combat and one of Starks units is forced back, can the British now execute General Howes plan and turn the rebels left flank?

NO! The American militia have a blistering round of fire, including a 12 that means a double hit (the total was 3, to add to the 3 the Brits were already carrying). The light infantry was forced back again!

On the next two British turns, the rally throw was failed, and they were forced back more or less to their starting positions.

Having recreated history in under an hour, I thought I had done sufficient to mark the anniversary and ended the game at this point.

Starks victorious militia, still in place after seeing off the British regulars!

Great to get the newly minted American militia on the table and they bucked the usual fate of newly painted troops and did what was required and expected of them! The British light infantry did slightly better than their historical counterparts, but really, that was a bit of a fluke - the Americans only really got a couple of rounds of decent firing in - with better dice rolling, the Brits would have been on four hits before they got into melee range.

A fun little game and I will be looking to do the second portion of Howes battle plan in my next solo outing....

I will leave the last word to Mark M Boatner, author of the Cassell book on the AWI mentioned in a previous post:

"In the oppressive heat of early afternoon, the British light infantry advanced quickly, in a column of fours, along the unobstructed beach toward John Starks line of nervous militiamen. The leading company (Royal Welch Fusiliers) had gotten within 50 yards and had deployed for a bayonet charge when Stark finally gave the order to fire. The head of the British column was torn apart. Without hesitation the survivors of the leading company pressed ahead and were cut down. The next two companies' 4th (Kings Own) and 10th charged, in turn, with incredible valor and with the reasonable expectation that they could get to these farmers between volleys. But Stark had organised his men in three ranks, one of which was always ready to fire; there was no lull between volleys. .....The men of the 52nd came forward but their officers could not make them attack. When the light infantrymen were ordered to the rear, they left 96 dead on the beach"

Sunday 16 June 2024

AWI Militia Completed

 Over the weekend, I finished the second batch of 20 Warlord hard plastic American Militiamen. So, I now have all forty pained, on 8 bases of five figures per base

After my previous post on the militia...

.... I took onboard the collective wisdom of the net.....

.... and painted up units of militiamen in mixed clothing

I figured a lot of officers may, like Washington, have seen previous action in British uniforms during the FIW

Hence a couple of the militia officers look like they have pulled their old regimentals out of the cupboard!

The full parade of the newest additions to the AWI collection

More continentals next time!