Thursday 6 June 2024

The Longest Day - A Small Solo D Day Game

 I have seen several posts recently of fantastic looking recreations of the D Day landings on various of the five landing beaches, with figures and scenery that would do justice to a large-scale diorama in a D Day museum - this isn't anything like those!

Its been in my mind for several months, that a D Day themed game on or around the day of the 80th Anniversary would be nice to do - and tonight when I got home from work, I decided I would do it tonight!

Nothing fancy - this is one of the British beaches with minimal fixed defensive positions and a small town immediately behind the dunes, not Omaha or Utah! The rules used were my mate Andrew's AS9, where you basically need a 9 or better to succeed in firing or combat, fire is "exchanged" ie both sides fire at each other simultaneously, and the attacker can easily come off second best!

The quiet before the storm - table set up and ready for action

Turn 1 - British - the three infantry units move up to the barbed wire obstacles

Turn 2 Germans - they open fire and score one hit, British return fire rolls a 12, causing 2 hits in return.

Turn 3 A German event - they have an artillery stonk come in - unfortunately (for them!) it causes no casualties at all.

Turns 4 & 5 British - the infantry deploy Bangalore torpedoes - two fail but the British left flank unit rolls a 12 and succeeds in clearing a path through the wire.

Turn 6 German infantry reinforcements arrive in SdKfz 251 carriers. The units on the dunes open fire again but all firing in both directions is ineffectual.

Turn 7 the British rally off one hit and again attempt to blow the two remaining wire obstacles with the torpedoes - both fail again too! The left flank unit puts in an assault on the Germans on the high ground but are repulsed.

Turn 8 - British event - they roll well and receive reinforcements in the form of three Sherman tanks - two "funnies' from 79 Armd Div plus one standard 75mm.

Turn 9 German - they rally off one hit. Firing is pretty ineffective again - one hit each on the British left flank and no hits at all in the centre or British right. The reinforcements move forwards.

Turn 10 is British - the tanks all fire but cause no loss to the enemy then turn 11 is German - their infantry fire is a bit more effective this time and the British left flank infantry unit reaches a total of 4 hits and is forced to fall back.

Turn 12 is British and they manage to rally one hit off the left flank unit, meaning it can stop in place. Firing puts a couple of hits on the German right flank unit. Assaults then go in on the German centre and right flank positions, supported by the armour. There is a 0 0 draw in the centre but on the flank, the Germans roll 12, score two hits, win the melee and destroy the Sherman - OUCH!

Turn 13 and the Brits go in again - this time the assaults are successful on the left and in the centre, but the Germans on the right flank hold firm, repelling the British infantry again.

Turn 14 British event - three more Sherman tanks arrive as reinforcements 

Turn 15 is German - they rally off one hit but it goes straight back on in the subsequent exchange of fire, with the Brits also picking up some hits. The reinforcements debus from their carriers and the front line units fall back from the dunes and occupy the partially destroyed buildings of the adjacent town.

On Turn 16 there is the third and last British event card - another three Shermans arrive, this time on the right flank of the landing beach.
Turns 17 & 18 are German - little happens, they rally off one hit but in two rounds of firing across the table, neither side causes any casualties

Turn 19 British - the tanks start to do some damage, with two double hit rolls (an 11 and 12, plus modifiers). Infantry exchange fire, the Brits roll a 9 but as the Germans are now in cover, they get a -1 modifier and avoid a casualty.

Turn 20 Germans manage to rally off one hit. They have no firing to do as being without AT weapons, they cannot engage the British armour and there is no LOS to any British infantry.

Turn 21 is the British and two of their tanks fire causing a German unit to reach 4 hits and be forced to fall back. all British units, infantry and armour, then advance.

Turn 22 German - they fail to rally any units and hit nothing in firing - the Brits again roll a 9 in return fire, but the cover of the Norman buildings saves the Germans from taking any damage1

Turn 23 British - a good round for the British armour - their firing drives a unit out of cover with four hits whilst another unit in the open, by the SdKfz carriers, is hit and pushed up to 4 hits again and forced to fall back further, whilst to add insult to injury, another Sherman brews up the platoon commanders SdKfz 251!

Turn 24 the Germans again fail to rally and firing is ineffectual.

Turn 25 is British...they cause several hits from firing, causing another German unit to abandon the building they are occupying. In movement,  the British infantry occupies three of the buildings recently vacated by the enemy 

Turn 26 was also British but their tanks and infantry were unable to hit a barn door at 10 paces! Despite that, I ended the game here, as the British had cleared the beach, forced back the defending Germans and begun to occupy the town, securing the landing site for follow up waves of infantry and tanks to carry on the advance....the longest day was under two hours, too!

I enjoyed that little thrown together at the last minute game and I was pleased the way it turned out...the Germans put up a stiff resistance in the first half of the game and pushed the Brits back more than once, until the arrival of successive waves of armored reinforcements tipped the balance in the invaders favour!

Thanks for dropping by...and thanks for any comments too!


  1. Well done Keith a fun looking little battle, I have contented myself with watching some excellent documentaries and some of the celebrations on tv at the moment 👍

    1. Thanks will need to wait another few years then do the 90th anniversary of the landings in Italy with your D Day Dodgers collection!

  2. Hi Keith a WW2 related question, have you bought any of the 1st corps 1/48th metal at guns ? also keep up with the blogging , nice to see stuff gong on

    1. Hi Bruce...certainly intend to carry on blogging...and no, I have never bought any guns or vehicles etc from 1st Corps

  3. Impressive impromptu game, Keith. Not sure how many could come home from work and throw out a game such as this on short notice. Well done! Now, 26 turns seem like quite a lot of turns to get through in an after-work game. Did you play all night?

    1. You were correct (below) Jon....for some weird "Blogger" reason, this comment was indeed in the spam folder 📂 😔
      The game took me half an hour to set up...most of that is spent trying to find the right boxes in my garage!
      Time to play was roughly 90 to 120 minutes...some turns are very quick indeed, others have a bit more going on. I was done and dusted by around 2130.

  4. In memory of all heroes of The Longest day!

  5. Great batrep Keith- would love to see the rules sometime. They seem to be really exciting. I need to get a DDay game on the table.

    1. Thanks a lot Steve...I will work out the best way to share them...they only amount to a couple of pages of A4

  6. A good looking game , an enjoyable read, a nice wee tribute Keith.

    1. Cheers Donnie I am pleased you enjoyed it 😊

  7. A fine game there Keith! I had planned a game for commemorate today, but in the end the new games room was not ready, nor myself for that matter. Hopefully soon I will be able to rectifiy this...

    1. The best laid plans of mice and men, Steve! I almost didn't bother but I am glad I did....I really need to make my mini solo games a more regular event!
      Would love to see you tackle D Day in a mini campaign mode, like your recent Market Garden games.

  8. They seem like interesting and quick rules to play Keith. A nice compact game.

    1. Thanks Lawrence...I believe they are based on ASL (Advanced Squad Leader.)..Andrew is also a board gamer, so he used that as an inspiration for his rules...they are pretty simple and don't get into the picky details of gun and armour type etc that can bedevil a lot of WWII rulesets...personally, I like them!

    2. Well, I never considered ASL as "Quick Play". I wonder if my earlier comment was gobbled up by SPAM filter?

    3. I wouldn't know Jon but I think that's where the genesis of the idea for the rules came from!
      I will have to check the spam of approx 12 hours ago, it was empty....

  9. 26 turns in two hours--the game, at least, wasn't the longest day (in a good way). Nice narrative!

    1. Thanks was a perfect length, really...glad you enjoyed my scribble!

  10. Great looking game Keith. A long day for you as well. 😊

    1. Thanks Ben....I have had a few longer...and certainly wasn't as long as June 6 1944 would have seemed at the time!

  11. An excellent sounding game Keith…
    I watched the film last night… it’s amazing how many movie stars and personalities they managed to shoehorn into every scene 😁

    All the best. Aly.

    1. Thanks Aly, I had some fun! Yes, those were the days....The Great Escapd is the same, and A Bridge Too Far.....and although it makes me sound REALLY old, I honestly don't think they make em like they used to any more.

  12. A great tribute game, Keith. Nicely done SIr!

  13. I never have my act together enough to sync up the calendar and the game like this. 😀

    1. Lol...I know what you mean Stew...I had known about the date for at least 6 months....but I had to arrange it from scratch at 7pm on the actual day!!
      Next year, June 18, will be 215 year anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo!
      As it's 2024 and a lot of your so called Best CW happened in 1864, you might have an opportunity there??

  14. What a cracking game and a perfect tribute

    1. Thanks a lot Scotty, I am pleased you liked it.

  15. The game looks like it was very entertaining for a game thrown together at the last minute.

    1. I thought so, at least, Peter....and with solo, that is all that really matters! 😉
