Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Back to the 10mm Ancients From Cromarty Forge

 Here is the latest batch to march off my painting desk:

British Light Cavalry first!

Followed by some British skirmish troops armed with slings and javelins

Next up, are the naked "fanatics"

I do wonder if this was genuine "thing" - it doesn't seem a very sensible thing to be doing bollock naked??

Last but not least, a second unit of cavalry.

And for the Romans, I finished off the last few Auxiliary archers, adding a couple of bases to both the red and green uniformed units.

And below, the last of the holiday snaps from my mate Gavins visit - he went back to the UK over a month ago, already - time flies even when you are not having that much fun, it seems!

Nothing super exciting, but for the sake of completeness, here they are.

We had a very nice lunch at a vinyard north of Auckland and then dropped into the picturesque small town of Warkworth on our way home

Next day, we dragged our guests up the local "peak"

It's the time of year when the sheep have their lambs in attendance

A visit to the nearby beach at Kariotahe on the west coast - black sand, which is used for steel production at the local Glenbrook steelworks

This guy (above and below) was using a drone to fish!

We saw several dead sharks on the beach - they were only about 18" long

Visit to a local brewery at Clevedon

They have quite a few beers available!

Gavin and Linda posing on the pier by the coast at Maraitai

And that's it - my big vacation done and dusted!

And just to prove it - this was my trip home on my first day back to work....aaarrrggghhh!


  1. Those British do look superb, great detail for only 10mm figures

    1. Cheers Scotty, yes, they are cracking little miniatures!

  2. Another batch of great looking figures, the light cavalry are my favourites. Your project is certainly coming along at a grand pace.

    1. Thanks, Donnie, glad you like them! One of many benefits of this scale is speed of execution - I did three chariots from start to finish in about two hours last night - they will appear in the next post!

  3. I am very impressed with these models and your paintwork really brings out the best of them. My brother has a place a couple of hours north of Auckland and we often stop in Warkworth so my father can put a bet on. It is much better now they have improved the road into and out of the town.

    1. Thanks a lot Lawrence! Yes, the road north of Auckland (and south for that matter) has improved exponentially in the last ten to fifteen years!

  4. The figures are painted very nicely and the detail comes out. Well done. Nice wrap up of your guests stay, bittersweet with your back to work photo.

    1. Thanks Joe, yes, my first day back was a rude awakening after three weeks relaxation!

  5. Handsome figures and stunning landscapes. Hard to believe those are 10mm figures. They look great.

    1. Thanks Jon, I think we all agree re the quality of the Cromarty Forge figures!

  6. Some fab painting and lovely scenery too.

  7. nice job with the 10mm, though 3 10mm on a base must seem smaller than small.
    I *personally* don't think fighting naked was a thing. fighting with very little on I can believe, but I doubt completely naked. just not practical. not even from an armor / stopping hit perspective but from a securing things so they don't flop around" point of view. 😁😆

    1. Thanks Stew, and re fighting naked, that's pretty much what I reckon too....the male anatomy is VERY susceptible to the odd knock, and even a light blow can induce could you charge across open ground with shield and sword, and your wedding tackle flapping around...imagine enemy eyes are watering just thinking about it 😀 😉

  8. Great job on those figures Keith. The foot sloggers look a right bunch of hoolies*, shouting at the Romans "Oi Luigi! Dj'wan some?! Eh. Come on then. Ya great toga lifter."
    * minus the beer bellies of course.

    1. Thanks Chris, the distant ancestors of the ICF, perhaps? Are they still called that?

  9. Great looking figures Keith. I guess Briton was warmer back then 😂

    Great photos as well. I bet your friends are missing the sunny weather they got in NZ.

    1. Thanks Ben, could well be, re the ancient British weather...and 100% certain on my friends....have you SEEN the sh1t weather they are having in the UK recently??!! 😀

  10. Great work there Keith! You really are making good progress on these. As always great to see more tourist brochure snaps, but I don't fancy your commute, which is why I used to cycle to work way back when.

    1. Thanks Steve, I am having fun working my way through these figures, be time to get another batch soon!
      Yes, the drive to (or from) work can be a bit of a pain!

  11. Amazing casts and even more amazing paint work.

    1. Thanks Richard, they certainly are amazingly detailed figures, but you may be being overly generous regarding the painting!

  12. Excellent additions to this collection Keith…
    I suspect that there may have been one or two nutters who got naked…
    But I think the vast bulk of warriors very wisely kept their kit on…
    It always amuses me when you see miniatures sculpted naked except for a helmet… like you would be worried about a head injury 😳
    Fine holiday snaps… as always.😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly and I agree with you re wearing a helmet
      whilst naked!
      I suspect it's one of those things that either happened once, and was over reported by the Classical historians, and became accepted as standard behavior...or, the Roman's just made it up, to make the Barbarians seem even more barbarous !
