Sunday 17 January 2021

The Girls fae the Big Hoose.....

And, no, I don't mean female prison officers (or inmates)! These are the second incarnation of the Fenryll maids/villagers sets that I accidentally received due to freight issues caused by Covid. Rather than just painting them up as another batch of "peasants" I decided to give them all a bit of uniformity, using black and white only for their clothing. Owing to the conservative nature of servants uniforms, I think these ladies would not look out of place between the Renaissance period and our own time, in the right setting. They can also be Quaker/Puritan/Dutch women from the 16th or 17th centuries - so will be able to add a little je ne sais quoi to many games!

I have played around with some of these images and not sure if they are enhanced or not, but they look ok to me. Following the figures are a few more "real life" pictures, as these seemed to be quite popular last time I included them...

Scrubbing m'lords floors...

Fetching in water for the kitchen...or m'ladies bath

Fresh bed linen

Polishing m'lords favourite boots....

Demonstration of my theory the maids fit into a number of eras - 1- Medieval/Renaissance

2 - the 1920's

3 - modern or post modern era

Bringing supplies from the butcher

Following are a couple of images from our 21 year old daughters joint Christmas present to my wife and me, a six course degustation lunch. The restaurant was about 90 minutes drive from rural south Auckland to rural north Auckland, but well worth the trip. The menu claimed the meal would take two hours, at which we rolled our eyes, but in fact, we were there the best part of that time. As my wife was taking a picture of each course, I felt me doing so too would be overkill, so I only have a picture of the "tasting paddle" of local wines (the restaurant is based around a vinyard) $20 for four wines v's one 500ml beer for $17 - I chose the wine option (I am a real connoisseur you see!)

I went with four different reds - they came with an explanation of the after notes of blueberry and hint of cocoa etc - but they all tasted like fermented red grapes to me! (note the cutlery, one course had already been eaten by this time)

View from our table - the place was about half full as it was reasonably late in the day for lunch in NZ - we kicked off at 1245 and finished up just after 1430

Today (Sunday) we went for a short walk with the dog at a local "reserve" - Alexandra Redoubt, Tuakau (pronounced Two - ah - cow). I have blogged about this local military site previously here, but at the time, I only had a couple of people making comments, so most of todays readers will not have seen it..

Bydand: April 2019 (

(I think there may have been a second post a week later too...)

Here are some images of todays outing

Hope all of this was of interest. Do you ever trawl back through bloggers posts from three, four or even five years ago? Often, when I find a new blog that appeals to me I will look through their previous posts from years ago, which can be very interesting.


  1. Nice work on the maids and making many in the USA envious that diners can still take meals in restaurants.

    I remember your earlier redoubt hike very well. I look at old posts every week when I update my “5 Years Ago” recollection.

    To answer your last question, yes I always find your posts interesting.

    1. Thanks Jonathan - first to comment - AGAIN - I reckon you would win that competition hands down, if I ran it! I do recall you were one of my earliest readers - I checked the link to the April 2019 post and I think it had 8 comments, 4 of which were my replies!

    2. Keith, your publication times often find me at my desk pounding out something on the keyboard. Either that, or I rarely sleep.

    3. LOL - it just seems odd to me that regardless of the time I post here - first thing in the morning, mid afternoon or late evening - you seem to be first to respond! Maybe you really dont sleep a lot....!

  2. Nice work on tbe maids. Rather envious you can go out for meals

    1. Cheers Neil...perhaps I should stop posting about how normal life is here...I may be tempting fate!

  3. The idea of a long lunch in a restaurant seems alien to me here in blighted Blighty.

    The maids do look versatile as you say. Will they play a part in a scenario or are they just for decoration?

    1. Not too sure what the various civilians I have painted up will be used for...I would like to work them into a skirmish level game, if we ever actually get to the point if having a game!

  4. Nice job on the maids and the simple black and white attire works well, given them good flexibility on periods in which to use them.

    I think by the time we can safely go out for a meal here in the UK, we will have forgotten what it's like:(. Watching some tv series recently it seems weird seeing people being close together all the time, as again it's hard to remember what that was like. I think we're all in for a steep learning curve post lockdown and vaccine roll out.

    I always enjoy your posts and love the local trips and scenery bits too, so keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Steve, encouraging feedback! Happy to conyinue adding the odd bit if non wargaming content now and then.

    2. Steve, I agree completely with how perceptions of normalcy and safety have changed in radical ways. When I see a TV commercial and people are very close to one another, talking, laughing, sharing food, etc., I cringe and wonder, “WHAT ARE THEY DOING?”

    3. And from my perspective here, it's the opposite... I don't see anything odd about "normal" crowd scenes in TV programmes....because that's what it's like here and has been more or less since Sept

  5. Have a glass for me.... :-)
    Lovely looking household staff... I am expecting shiny armour on the next post based on all their good work....
    Previous posts and favourites are interesting... right now my blog is showing Uncharted Seas and War of Insurgency a rule review, uncharted seas fell out of popularity years ago and the rules were not that popular....

    1. Thanks Stu, all our battlefields should be spic and span from now on! I will have to pop over to your blog and check those two out.

  6. A rather buxom collection of maids you have there Keith! I'd love to be able to go to a restaurant for some fine food and wine. Last time I went was last October. Gawd knows when the next time will be?
    When I've got the time I do look at other blogs old posts. There's always something great you've missed!

    1. Thanks Ray, yes, as noted many time, we are very lucky here in New Zealand to have avoided the worst of things...but we did have a four plus week full lockdown right back at the end of March, so we have not simply breezed through with no effort! I think the main issue in the UK and US is dumb politicians in charge....

    2. Oh God!... if only we had dumb politicians... it would be a step up...

  7. Nice work on the figures Keith. I think I have been to that restaurant a couple of years ago; is it Plume in Matakana? One of my brothers has a weekend place overlooking the Kaipara Harbour so we often stop in at Matakana, and your photos look very familiar.

    1. Cheers Lawrence...Yes! That's it...lovely spot. We went to a wedding reception there about sixteen months ago.

  8. Good looking staff,I thought they were nuns at first! Glad your getting out,no chance here! Yes,I often disappear down a rabbit hole of a new blog until I end up at the start!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, nice to know quite a few others do the same re old blog posts...sometimes I even comment although I doubt the blogger goes back to 2015 posts very often to see if there are new comments! I just read a BBC story today about a succession of dummies being fined by Welsh police forces for unnecessary travel Eg from Scotland to Anglsea to "visit friends"! That's the way to stop the spread of Covid....NOT!

  9. Nice figures. A thanks for your comments on our blog. Us Scots get around...NZ. wow.

    1. More than welcome - those 3D printed vehicles are great, and all the converted USMC were lovely too - not to mention the Stalingrad terrain from a couple of years back!

  10. I really like these! Nice job. Is it me or are some poses slightly suggestive?? A little bit o Downtown Abbey After Dark.... could just be me. 😀

    If a blog has labels set up then I will go ahead and select one that is also an interest of mine (like ACW), but otherwise I’ll not go backwards too much.

    1. Thanks for dropping by again Stew - you are probably right about the figures as they are designed in France! Appreciate your comments re "labels"....maybe I need to try to figure out how to do that on here!

  11. Splendid stuff Keith...
    You have reminded me that I really should feed the servants sometime this week or none of the cleaning will get done...
    Meal out... nope!... you’ve got me there... is this some kind of New Zealand or hipster thing?

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, yes treat them mean and keep them keen doesn't really work on Les Domestiques! Eating out has been quite popular here in NZ for a few years now - its a new thing we are trying to get the rest of the world interested in - a bit like bungy jumping or having an effective response to a pandemic - maybe it will catch on in the UK one day?

  12. Keith I am getting worried about you and your women...

    1. Don't be too concerned mentioned, I have about 120 War of 1812 Americans to paint up, courtesy of Julian, although not sure how long they will take me to get through!

    2. That's spooky, I have just received 1812 Americans from my Hutt Valley patron!
      And Mark should see what I have in the deepest darkest reaches of my collection...... or maybe he shouldn't, maybe no-one should....

    3. Hey Andrew - sorry I missed your comment here. Are they Brigade Games figures or...?

    4. No, North Star Muskets & Tomahawks figures. Similar style to Brigade.

    5. OK Cool - will look forward to taking a gander at them sometime....

  13. Awesome looking lady figures, Keith! Their poses and lovely and sultry faces are superb. Love the scenery and fancy spread too.

    1. Thanks Dean. I should be painting something more conventional for a while now, but not at the same pace as your good self!

  14. Very nice brushwork on these girls and pretty playful poses:) They will decorate your games for sure!

    1. Thanks Dmitry...I like to have decorative ladies in my life!
