Thursday 7 January 2021

Beneath The Lilly Banners Game - Part II

This really just an excuse to post some more images of the game that Nick sent to me, plus some images he has shared over the last few months as he worked his way through painting a shed load of figures for this era.

Ok for some reason, probably related to the naming convention, Blogger has placed the figure painting images first - not really a problem. As I (and Mark at 1866) have stated, Nick is probably the best painter we know - he puts a great deal of effort into getting things just right. His painting was outstanding ten years ago, but, not satisfied with perfection, when the new Army Painter type washes came on the scene, Nick experimented with this new technique until he actually DID improve on perfection - some of the results are below...

Following are the images of yesterdays game that Nick sent me after I had already posted my AAR. I didnt use them all but have selected mainly the ones that give a view of the game from his perspective

Nicks end of the table including the river

The collection of supply wagons to be shipped across the river

Long distance view down the table

Initial deployment of my troops as they entered the combat zone

The farm held by one of Nicks units

The view down the road from the farm to the river 

My cavalry heads off towards the river as the first infantry brigade moves towards the farm

Another view of the farm and its defenders

Cavalry advance continues

The first brigade deploys (slowly) to begin the assault on the farm 

The cavalry scatter a herd of cows, then the Jacobites appear in the trees to their right

Around the river crossing, the rest of Nicks force is revealed

Including the cavalry that would do all the actual fighting

View of my end of the table

The cavalry sweeps past the admiring Jacobite civilians clustered around the supply wagons

Above and below, a couple more general views from Nicks perspective

A long column of Williamite infantry plodding towards the sound of battle

My three squadrons of Raw cavalry can be seen in a line in the middle distance

The first brigade almost in position to start attacking the farm

First cavalry clash

Two squadrons of elite v's one raw - the result was not a surprise....

A couple of turns later

The next cavalry clash, as both sides send in reinforcements

The Jacobite cavalry pursue and destroy the two raw squadrons.


  1. Lovely figures and shows how colourful a period it is 👍

  2. Thanks for the eye candy pics Keith, which are a joy to behold. Your friend is an extremely talented painter! Something nice to kick start my gaming day as we are under Lockdown 3.0 here, so no chance of any FtF gaming until the Summer I fear:(

    1. Thanks Steve - yes, Nick is a talented man for sure! I am sorry Covid is such a serious issue in the UK, we see it in the news here of course but its a bit like watching famines in Africa or wars in the Middle East - its not happening here. Hopefully, the six week lockdown plus vaccination will help you start to get on top of things

  3. A fine table with some lovely textures, those opening shots of figures are superb.

    1. Thank you Norm, I have planned to share some images of Nicks work for a while and thus seemed the perfect opportunity...hopefully we can get a few more games in and I will have the chance to showcase his figures again!

  4. Great report, I do like this gorgeous period, splendid armies rross!!

    1. Thanks PHIL, it is indeed a very colourful period and Nick has a large collection of French units, as well as Russians for the Great Northern War.

  5. All lovely stuff, and some great painting there. I haven't tried the Army Painter ranges and have always been happy with Foundry paints, but might give them a look.

    1. Cheers Lawrence - I am not sure if Nick uses Army Painter per se, its more the new (ish) dip and wash technique I was referring to - I cant bring myself to try it, I just paint the same way I have for the last ten or fifteen years

  6. Excellent brushwork and lovely pictures! Making posts with pictures is always a bit challenging now. It requires several iterations and editions to achieve right result. I use a preview option to check a post.

  7. Thanks Dmitry...I have not been having too much trouble with Blogger recently... I think the issue this time was simply the way the images were named in the original devices that took pone uses date then time, whereas Nicks camera just adds rage next sequential number mine might be 202102061734 and the one from the camera 457 or the latter number is displayed first.

  8. Beautiful painting indeed Keith...
    I particularly like Nick’s use of strong colours... I may have to revisit my WSS collection in the coming months... well it’s not like I will be heading to the pub 😂

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes agreed Aly, Nicks figures certainly "pop", as the saying goes.i remember a time when your posts were a succession (no pun intended) of Front Rank WSS figures, and very nice they were too. A return to that completion would be very welcome ... Its a wonderfully colourful period.

    2. I am assuming "completion" should read collection.....

  9. Nick's figures do look very tasty. As does the game. Let's have more BLB games please.

    1. Thanks Ray - I will pass on you approbation - and I am sure Nick will be more than happy to oblige with BLB games!
