Sunday 31 January 2021

Border Reivers "Garrison Men"

 Over the last couple of days, I have finished off a few more of the TAG Border Militia figures. I am still struggling with exactly how to paint them, but I have settled on the idea of putting most of them in "uniform" coats - as that is how the two packs of firing figures are described, albeit English, 

I am not sure how accurate it is, but there are a few images of Scots troops at Flodden, which is roughly the right era, and they are shown wearing a Saltire cross of St Andrew on their padded jacks. I noticed Aly Morrison had replicated this in his experimental Scots pike man for the period, so I have followed suit.

The figures I am using are intended as English Border Militia and the firing figures are wearing a coat with obvious trim around the "skirt" and sleeves, so I have painted them dark blue with a white trim, and a mixture of colours for the rest of the clothing. The various forms of caps are all blue, with the exception of those wearing a steel helmet.

I am reasonably happy with the results and I really wanted some level of uniformity to differentiate these figures from the genuine Reivers

I wont bother with individual descriptions - the first three are fully based, the remainder are not. Images 4 5 & 6 are from one of the two firing packs I got to augment the four packs that came in the unit builder deal. Its the firing figures who sport the "uniform" coats and gave me the idea for how I will paint this group (the first three predate my inspiration but I will leave them as is to add some variety)

Following are a few images from a recent walk. Just to prove you dont have to go to the back of beyond, this is a coastal walkway in Mangere, Auckland, only about 15km from the city centre and 10km or so from the Auckland International Airport.

Above, Google Earth showing the area where we walked, Ambury Regional Park. Note the top left, the suburb of Lynfield, which is where our friend Barry lives and where all out Sunday group games take place

This is a Pukaki, not to be confused with a Pukeko. The former are very numerous and dead ones are often seen on roads and the Auckland motorway, whilst the latter are endangered and a protected species...they look pretty similar though!

View looking north towards Auckland

Close up of the previous picture showing the famous One Tree Hill, minus the tree which was chopped down by a Maori Activist a few years ago. The hill was made famous internationally by a U2 song that was named after it

View across the water of the Waitemata Harbour towards Barry's place

View out towards the Manukau Heads

One of two large horses kept at the farm park - I took this image as the horse looks like the type of animal the Border Reivers would have ridden

A couple more views of the scenery. 

And it would not be New Zealand without a few sheep!


  1. Great looking figures Keith and the scenery around Auckland looks beautiful.

    1. Cheers Ray, it's amazing what you can find ..The suburb of Mangere is not the most salubrious yet at Ambury Park, you could be a thousand miles away from the city!

  2. Nice work on the figures Keith and the blue to tie them together works well. Lovely views as well to cheer us up as it is sleet inghere in Bristol.

    1. Thanks Steve, I felt they needed something to make them a unit, particularly as they will be individually based and won't be tied together in the usual way a unit would be...

  3. Good looking figures and lovely scenery, Keith!

    1. Cheers Jon appreciate your comments as always

  4. Great looking figures and wonderful scenes as well, Keith!

    1. Thank you Dean, I think I painted these dozen or so figures while you were doing your 240 Napoleonic Russians!

  5. Splendid mix of landscapes and figures...Excellent!

  6. They work well Keith...
    Having the uniform colour ties them together nicely...
    As ever, your local scenery looks lovely.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, and thanks for the inspiration of your Flodden pike man to help me decide how to paint them!

  7. Nice work on the figures. Your colour scheme really seems to fit well, especially when put up against the terrain you made last year.

    1. Cheers Lawrence....the dry stone cottage DOES look pretty good in these pics!

  8. Lovely looking militia men and the building looks really good next to them!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, I saw you encouraging someone to get into early pike and shot era, Aly I think, so looking forward to seeing your Tudor era armies sometime soon.....

  9. Plenty of eye-candy in both parts of the post. Lovely.

    1. Thanks for your positive comments, I am concious I could be overdoing the non toy soldier content.....

  10. Don't know where you got that bit about "pukaki" - never heard of them - photo is definitely a pukeko (not endangered) -are you thinking of Takehe which have a bigger beak & are endangered?

    1. Yeah probably Andrew...I am not much of an ornithologist! I just know there are two that look very similar but we are supposed to be concerned about the low numbers of one of them!

  11. Nice figures....Border Reivers is a genre/period I have often looked at and then thought another day, not sure I have the capacity at the moment. Lovely scenery hard to describe what it feels like at the moment here where we aren’t really supposed to leave the house. There is a glimmer of hope and we must use our hobby to help us through ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks Matt. I think I have probably gone a bit far with my Reivers collection...three of us agreed to get a "family" each...the other two guys have bought eight or ten figures, I have getting in for a hundred, and I am still looking at sites where I could get more!

  12. Nicely done Keith. I agree about Ambury Park. Since it is relatively close to me at work I have been there several times as escape when things get too intense - a haven you might say!

    1. Cheers Mark. I had been to Ambury Park once previously but it was Ruth's first visit. We only walked about 8 or 10 km....was a bit if a slog on the Watercare path to be honest ...might try it again another time from the other end!

  13. Great looking militia Keith and lovely pics, a touch of blue sky would not go amiss in blighty :-)

    1. Cheers Stu - a girl I work with here spent a few years living in Fife and has just been commenting on how lovely Scotland is in every season, (because winter scenes DO look very picturesque) I mentioned a few residents of the UK I am in contact with would be happy to swap with us at the moment! Take care and stay safe.

  14. The miniatures look good to me and I know nothing of the period!
    And I have it on good authority that going outside that much is bad for your health. Which is why I am out of shape blob who just gets tired looking at your outdoors pics. Lol. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks Stew - I think its true that in many parts of the world, the healthiest option is to stay home for the next 6-9 months - hopefully, though, we can continue in our aberrant ways here in New Zealand!

  15. Nicely looking Border Militiamen. I like your approach with semi uniform attires. It seems pretty natural.

    The pictures with NZ landscapes are great too :)

    1. A bit late responding but thanks Dmitry!
