Sunday, 28 April 2019

Various 28mm Figures finished in the last few days

First up, a Bolshevik Lewis gunner for the Russian Civil War

Next are the command figures that came with the Hinterland Sailors. Their headdress made them impractical to use in the RCW, so I will have to find a use for them in the colonial/pulp collection...

Four 1920's ladies by Eureka - not sure what they can be used for but I just liked the look of the figures....

A lastly five left over "Elite" Bolshevik infantry by Brigade Games. I have painted them as per the troops shown on Trotsky's armoured train in the Netflix Russian TV serial "Trotsky"


  1. Nice! I especially like the prone Lewis gunner but the Hinterland sailors are neat too.

  2. Thanks Jonathan. The Lewis gunner has been sitting on the painting table for over twelve months, waiting to be based. He has finally joined his Comrades in a storage box!

  3. Love those black elite Bolsheviks.

    1. Thanks Mate - in one of the Osprey books, it shows them in a full RED leather uniform - but I could not bring myself to paint them that way! When I saw this uniform in the Netflix series, I thought it looked a lot better!

  4. A great collection of figures Keith, and the Hinterland sailors are my favourite.

  5. Cheers Lawrence - I like them as well - I would like to get some of Hinterlands other ranges too - Askaris for WW1 East Africa would be good.....

  6. Elegant and splednid Ladies...and this Lewis gunner is awesome, well done!

  7. Coming from a Frenchman, your comments about the ladies are praise indeed, Phil!

  8. I like the pulp 20s ladies and I agree the outfit for the armoured train guards is better off not being entirely red! Lovely work all over!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain - the reviews I have seen of the TV series generally slated it for historical inaccuracy, so its quite likely the all red leather uniform in the Osprey book is what they actually wore - but really, red leather, I cant take it seriously, unless it was in a fantasy game and worn by buxom females!

  9. Very nice Kieth....
    Certainly an eclectic mix of toys...;-)

    1. Eclectic is a very nice way of putting it Aly - completely lacking structure would be nearer the truth! I do like a bit of variety though....
