Tuesday, 2 April 2019

War of 1812 - Canadian Militia

I decided to paint my last nine Perry figures as this unit but as it will be some time before I get my hands on some more of these figures, I decided to post the three bases I have completed now...

I especially like this vignette (below) that you are able to build with one particular set of arms - an infantryman in the rear rank passing a ball to his colleague in the front rank!


  1. Nice work! Always good to see militia units and of course there were a lot of varying grades on both sides in this conflict!
    Best Iain

  2. Thanks Iain - yes, I thought this was a good compromise - half the Canadian militia look exactly like regulars, and a lot of the rest are in civilian clothes - not so keen on the latter and the former add no variety! The other option is a unit in "round" hats - which I may get around too as well.

  3. Nice! I like the vignette you composed.

    1. Thanks Jonathan - cant take too much credit as the Peery's obviously designed it that way - but its a nice change to the run of the mill!

  4. Yes, that vignette is really well done, as are all nine figures.

  5. Thanks Lawrence - not the best or clearest pictures I have ever blogged but they are quite nice in their green jackets and blue/grey trousers!

  6. Outstanding work rross, painting and basing!

  7. Nicely done Kieth...
    I have always thought that this is an attractive variation of the standard British uniform.

    All the best. Aly

  8. Cheers Aly - I have just noticed I did the shako wrong - it should have a black badge rather than a shiny brass plate - oh well.....
