Sunday, 4 July 2021

Independence Day Games - The Battle of Monmouth (Courthouse)

 It being the 4th of July, we all agreed an AWI game should be played, and Barry arranged a scenario based on the opening phase of the Battle of Monmouth, where the American advance guard under Lee encounter Clintons rearguard, as shown in the map below ( I believe this is the actual map Barry used to set up his game)

The 42nd Foot (Black Watch) at the battle of Monmouth, 28 June 1778

With seven players, Rick, Chris and I took the Brits in game one, whilst opposite us were John, Paul, Nick and Mark. We had one less infantry units but slightly more guns (mainly small battalion guns but with a couple of RA light batteries) and we had a small cavalry force on each flank whilst the Yankee Doodles only had one such

The initial layout, Brits to the left. We basically had four commands of two battalions each plus a gun or two - as we only had three on our side, Rick took two command, comprising our entire centre and left wing (the far distance in the image)

A view from the other end of the table - Nick was on the left and Rick on the right

One of Nicks beautifully painted Militia units - Perry and Foundry figures I believe

A British regiment from Marks collection of Perry plastics

The first clash - Mark charges the US Dragoons against the British cavalry commanded by Chris, who counter charged. The Brits destroyed their opponents and broke through onto the rear of a retiring Continental infantry regiment, who as a result also quit the field!

In the centre, Rick backed the superior training and morale of his British regulars against a greater number of Rebels, commanded by both John and Paul

A view of the American left flank - where are they?? Chris's cavalry can be seen heading for the rear of the Rebels position, as his infantry advance in their wake

A few moves later and Chris had caught up with Marks retiring Americans and overran this small gun that was trying to cover Marks retreat

In the centre, the Brits were coming off a distant second in the close range musketry duel

The Americans charged from the woods and hit one of Ricks units in the flank, destroying it

Paul's Americans overrun one of Ricks battalion guns.

And on the flank, Ricks Light Infantry battalion was pummeled from three sides by Nick!

One of my battalions catches Paul's retiring unit in the rear - and destroys it!

Chris chases the final unit of Marks command from the field of battle. 

At this point, John, Paul and Nick had basically wiped out Ricks two commands, but not without loss, whereas Chris and I had destroyed Mark and roughly handled Paul. The Americans had held their right flank (Nick) and broken through in the centre, but Chris and I had turned their left flank and were rolling up their line.  The game was pretty evenly balanced really but as it was lunch time and three of seven players now had no troops to play with, Umpire Barry called it as a narrow British victory - to much wailing and gnashing of wooden false teeth from the Rebel side - and we broke for lunch and to reset and replay the game in the afternoon.

Just a quick interlude here - I have taken this view from Barry's place previously but I do love to show my erstwhile countrymen in the UK what mid winter here in Auckland looks like - pretty cool at 3 or 4 deg C - but its still pretty nice weather!

On to the second version of the battle!

This time, we swapped Marks Perry plastic Brits for my much older metal Front Rank and Old Glory figures, and swapped sides, with Chris now taking two American commands on the left while I took the third and Rick took the right flank with two militia units and a gun.

Chris was so quick off the mark that I am not quite sure what happened here - he charged Nicks command with the sole American cavalry unit - and although they were wiped out, one of Nicks battalions quit the field too - so it was a fair exchange!

My 23rd Welch Fuzileers deputising for the Guards battalion - Front Rank figures

Old Glory 42nd Highland Regiment of Foot - The Black Watch

Chris pours fire into one of Marks units

Having driven back the Black Watch, my two American units advance to take the Guards in the flank

And Chris is blasting the advancing redcoats too - hence the gap!

The British cavalry detachment commanded by John - Old Glory figures

With most of the troops in Chris, Mark AND Nicks commands near breaking point, bad activation throws were likely to decide the outcome - This is the view of half the table after Mark and Nick both rolled low and their entire commands dispersed. Chris was down to one battalion I think, as was Paul. John retained his entire command on the British side, while both Rick and I were more or less unscathed from our efforts - an overwhelming American victory in game two!

It was quite fun to play a scenario where we had very limited forces and a decision could be got in a couple of hours play, allowing us to swap sides and play through again from the opposite side of the table - of course being on the winning side in both games undoubtedly increased my level of enjoyment - even though game one was more of a draw than a British win, to be honest.

So, happy Independence Day to all my American readers, I hope we did your national day justice with our small tribute!


  1. A nice Independance Day game, wonderful figures, two beautiful replays with a stunning interlude!

    1. Thank you very much indeed Phil, your visits and comments are always most welcome!

  2. Lovely looking pair of themed games!
    Best Iain

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Michal...a great way to mark American Independence Day!

  4. Fitting way to celebrate the day! Having time to play the battle twice and switch sides is perfect. Always envious of the view from Barry’s deck. Excellent battle report. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Jon, we had a good day and I for one preferred the smaller scale of the action, with two games an added bonus !

  5. Wonderful AWI gaming with beautiful figures, Keith! Lovely view from your buddy's place - great weather too!

    1. Thanks respect of the weather, I have tempted fate, as the forecast for most of he coming week is rain!

  6. A lovely couple of games Kieth…

    I do think that the British army of this period is one of the prettiest…

    As to our weather… Thunder and rain on and off all day… a perfect British summer.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, yes I agree, I have always liked the eighteenth lace and tricorn uniforms.....we discussed it yesterday at one point actually...Mark thinks the Victorian Crimean war era are the best looking British military fashions! As to weather, the last (and only) time I visited Nottingham, almost exactly six years ago, the day time high was 34 deg C....although I accept this was a very rare event!

  7. Congrats on having double game and double victory, Keith! An interesting scenario and lovely looking pictures at your excellent AAR makes it reading is a truly pleasure. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Dmitry I am glad you enjoyed reading about our two games, it was a good day with the guys.

  8. Great looking games and a horrifying vision of the terrible winter conditions you are having to endure!

    1. Thank JBM - yes, its a hard job living in NZ, but someone has to do it!

  9. One of my favourite battles of the AWI, great looking game and looks like everybody had loads of fun.

    1. Cheers Stu - Rick didnt enjoy game one much but I think he was happier in the afternoon!

  10. That is a lovely collection of photographs to 'slideshow' through. Looks like a great meet-up and being able to play back-to-back morning and afternoon is just quality gaming.

    Barry sets a good table. I have only ever played the battle as a boardgame, but thought it gave both sides a good game - I recently picked up a set of miniatures rules called Red Feathers & Delaware Blues by Simon William Hall, which look quite interesting for this size of battle.

    1. Thanks Norm, yes as I said earlier, quite nice to have a limited number of troops on a large table - gave us some room to manoeuvre and none of the usual traffic jams! Plus we come to a conclusion in a couple of hours and can get a second game in - win/win!

  11. Good to see an AWI game. Lovely looking figures. We also had a game although more modest and I will post up tomorrow 😀

    1. Cheers Matt - your may be on a smaller scale but I am sure it will involve beautiful scenery and figures....I hope you let Jon win, seeing it was his special day!

    2. The game wasn’t with me!

    3. Whoops...that will tech me to jump to conclusions...hoe embarrassing ! Lol😬

    4. And my spelling/typing is atrocious!

    5. No worries. Matt and I have a game on the schedule to refight another chunk of the Battle of Long Island soon.

  12. Lovely stuff, and those older Front Rank figures still more than hold their own.

    1. Thanks Lawrence - I have always liked Front Rank and still think they are amongst the nicest figures to paint - hopefully they dont disappear now the owner is retiring and trying to sell the business.....

  13. Outstanding battle (s). Great looking terrain with wonderful figures and two fun games. A great way to spend the 4th!

    And I love the view of the area out the window!

    1. Thank you Mark, glad you approve of our efforts

  14. I think we’re going to have to start an appeal. How can people live with such senseless beauty 😉

    Great to be able to play the scenario twice. Appropriate day to do it.

    1. LOL - thanks for your comments as always. We dont have the history in evidence on your walks around London - but the scenery is pretty decent, as is the weather - mostly! They were good games and as you say, appropriate to the date!

  15. This American approves! Nice games! 😀
    For the roads, is that really just sand poured on the table? Seems to work.

  16. Thanks Stew - we managed to win one for General Lee and reverse history!

    Yes, the roads are just coarse sand - we store it in 2l plastic milk bottles, pour it out on the table as required, then sweep it into a dustpan afterwards and return most of it to the milk bottle till required again - it is a good system!

  17. Replies
    1. You are most welcome and thanks for dropping by my blog!
