Thursday, 15 September 2022

A Few More Bolsheviks

 Another batch of Brigade Games RCW Bolshevik infantry match off he painting desk, with another six nearly completed

The great thing about RCW/BoB is the ability to have some "speculative" details. Uniform Regulations in a revolutionary Socialist state are pretty fluid, so I challenge anyone to prove no Bolshevik infantry had red piping on their caps!

The fourth base is a bit different, the male heads having been lopped off and replaced with a female version from one of a number of sources

I had always intended to convert most, if not all of the Brigade Games figures to females, but the original miniatures are so nice, I have left most of them in their original state so far

I think the heads work pretty well with the bodies....

..... and with each other!

The next six figures awaiting completion have also had the head swap treatment and should be ready for a post in a few days. Until then, stay safe and well, and enjoy life. God Save The King! :)


  1. Lovely work there Keith and rather like my approach to the A Very British Civil War, I paint figures in uniforms that I like but are broadly historically accurate. So your approach to the RCW works for me:).

    1. Thanks, Steve - to be fair, VBCW didn't ACTUALLY happen, so the Fascist uniforms or Anglican League etc - you can do what you think looks best anyway! The Regular army (if they appear) are obviously a bit different!

  2. Nicely done Keith, we all need more Bolsheviks. And I agree you can have red piping if you want 👍 your unit obviously hasn’t been ordered to rip off their shoulder boards yet 😀

    1. Indeed Matt! Both Brigade and Copplestone seem to do the Bolsheviks avec shoulder boards, so I have left them as sculpted!

    2. Out of interest I am just listening to Anthony Beevor’s lastest Russia book, excellent and very detailed👍

    3. Keith can I also check how the scale compares in your view between copplestone and Brigade games ?

    4. Hi Matt...very similar in my opinion. Brigade are a bit slimmer all over but I think they work fine together. If you go back to my post on 19 August, the last pic shows a comparison of the two brands

  3. Nice work, surely somewhere there was piping. That is our story and we are sticking to it.

    1. Thanks Joe - I am sure we are both right on that!

  4. Nice work Keith, no idea on the red cap piping or not, but it sure looks good!

    1. Somewhere, sometime, I am sure someone on the Bolshevik side had red piping on their caps, Ray - and as you rightly say, it looks good!

  5. Very nice work, the red piping looks sharp!

    1. Thanks Bill - they should get a chance to show their mettle tomorrow night - AAR over the weekend I expect!

  6. Looking good, Keith! The Brigade Games’ figures were worth the long, long transit wait.

  7. Nice looking reinforcements, well done!

    1. Thanks Phil, nice to see you again, it has been a while since your last visit.

  8. They look great Keith, and if the Bolsheviks didn't have red piping then they certainly should have. It just looks like it belongs.

    1. Cheers Lawrence, we are definitely on the same page re the piping!

  9. Looks good. The head swaps look natural to me. Historical plausible uniforms are A OK in my eyes. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, seems like most comments are in a similar vein re uniform details 😉

  10. Great painting and conversion work! I agree with everyone else, the red piping is fine.

    1. Thank you Ben, nothing less than I woukd expect from our mutually supportive on line community! ( pass me the bucket, someone....🚽)!!

  11. Cracking stuff Keith…
    With the chaos that ensued during the civil war, soldiers wore what they could… and if it looked cool…even better.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Exactly my hypothesis Aly...glad to have such learned support!

  12. Superbly done and totally agree on your views on uniforms in this period

    1. Cheers Scotty, and we do all seem to be of one mind on the question of the uniforms!

  13. Nice work Keith. You must be bidding up a few of these now.

    1. Thanks Mark, and as it turns out, I think I actually have far too many RCW troops nowadays! The collection has been built up in dribs and drabs over about 5 years, but I now have 5 A4 box files of them, and most of the games we have played recently have involved the contents of a single box at the very most. Last night, I only needed 2 guns, 16 infantry bases, 4 HMG's and 4 cavalry bases!
