Wednesday 17 January 2024

First Restock of 2024

 I have to admit it - I have been on a bit of a spending spree in the last week to ten days. Most of the new toys have yet to reach me, but I do have the locally sourced order, plus a small package that arrived from Brigade Games in the US today. This was pretty impressive, as it was only dispatched on 9 Jan (or 10 Jan here in NZ) - so that's a week!

First up are a few figures I have been considering for quite some time now. 

M'Lady de Winter and Cardinal Richelieu

I have the rules all ready for these figures - in pdf format, anyway!

M'Lady and her household servants.

Les Mousquetaires

Les Gardes du Cardinal

Moving right along, the second tranche of Brigade figures are to add to my Pulp collection - why do I need more Pulp stuff - cos they are fun!

Gun Molls sets one and two - can be used as heroines or femmes fatales!

Civilian bystanders above - again, can be used for anything really.

Four helpless captives that I should be able to work into some kind of scenario at some point!

And finally from Brigade, a couple of ACTUAL Pulp packs - American adventurers above and an oriental bad (or good) guy with a couple of martial artists below.

Then we move on to three purchases I made using a gift card I was given by my work as a Christmas present - very nice of them it was, too!

Blitzkrieg German senior officers/headquarters group

Perry Napoleonic Light Dragoons

And a slightly more effective AT gun than the little 37mm PAK 36! A second FLAK 36/37 88mm gun is en route via a purchase on a local online auction site, too!

And just to round things off for tonight, I maliciously copied the forecasted weather for this week on Sunday - just for you chaps in the US or Europe where it is just a tad cooler at the moment :)

As it turned out, we got the rain on Monday - and it was pretty heavy for most of the day too - but as I type this at 2150 on Thursday evening, the temp is a balmy (and it is balmy!) 21 deg c.

I can almost hear the gnashing of teeth and cursing from here! If it's any compensation, it's quite hard to sleep when the overnight low is 20c......


  1. Tomorrow here is forecasted to reach a high of 19 degrees, Fahrenheit. Trade the 3 blanket for the mosquito net. Great buys you have made, looking forward to the tales of ' derring do ' as they become painted. EN GARDE! Is a good set to reflect the 3 Musketeers era.

    1. Thanks a lot Joe! Yes, we do not have a lot to complain about weather wise in this part of the world - although last year we did have some pretty severe flooding!
      I think I may have given En Garde a run through once previously - or, it may have been another set!

    2. Similar to Joe on the other side of the country, temperatures have been brutally cold in the PNW. It finally warmed up enough to snow. We expect a foot of new snow today. Today’s high expected to be 18F (-8C).

    3. Yes it certainly seems to be a particularly wintery winter gorgeous you guys this year Jon!

  2. Nice addition to the character collection. I like the German headquarters set.

    1. Thanks Norm - yes, I rather like the HQ set too!

  3. Ah, the smell of fresh lead and plastic in the morning…

  4. A nice mix of figures there Keith, with the En Garde type figures being my favourites. Not played the rules but always been tempted by Donnybrook, but never get around to playing skirmish level games these days, other than the odd foray into the 'Rampant' series by Dan Mersey.

    Today the weather is expected to be +2C, so it would be cheaper to turn the fridge of and leave the food outside;)! Tonight about -4C but up in bonnie Scotland -14C or thereabouts. The only upside is it's much easier to sleep at night!

    1. Thanks Steve. I have been thinking about Three Musketeers type games for quite a while, on fact, i already have a few Brigade figures.
      I saw a weather map of the UK in a news story the other day where the entire country was colored blue and Temps ranged from 0 to -4.....

  5. That is a good many varied purchases Kieth- lots of painting ahead of you. I was hesitant to buy from the UK- however I couldn't resist and bought a Doctor WHO figure of Jack Harkness- now the waiting game has started- hope it won't be 31 days postage like last time. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Cheers Kev....yes, overseas purchasing has been a stressful experience these last few years...I would say a month from the UK has been about average since 2020....hope you get a pleasant surprise like I did!

  6. That's a mixed bag of goodies. Enjoy.

    1. Variety is the spice of life Richard! I am sure I will have fun painting them, and they are all production lines of 15 battalions all uniformed the same way!

  7. Oh my! What a great minis! Love to see some En Garde sabers clashes :))

    1. Thanks Michal, we will have to work on that one!

  8. I only have a handful of Brigade Games figures but have been very impressed by what I have seen. These look great and full of character. It will be great to see them painted up.

    1. Yeah the Brigade figures are excellent...I think Paul Hicks may do a lot of them Lawrence. They are a bit pricey though and US freight charges don't help...but Lon at Brigade has got a deal on international shipping again that makes it less painful!

  9. Looking forward to seeing these painted up. And least said about the weather the better. -5c here today

    1. That's temperate compared with Jon and Joe, Scotty! Certainly looks to be quite a severe winter in the UK currently, nonetheless.

  10. A great haul, Keith! Surprising about the package arrival, too. It took a week for a greeting card i sent to travel 40 miles to the next county. We're getting snow again on Friday.
    Looking forward to seeing the German HQs painted up!

    1. Thanks Steve - yes, that was a record-breaking trip, for sure! Hope you have plenty of firewood put by!

  11. A good batch to kick off the new year. Good to see that Brigade Games has come through for you (if I recall, you had a bad experience with them before...or am I mixing up bloggists?). Recent snowstorm(s) and now temps dropping to single digits, Fahrenheit--not counting wind chills--in these parts. But we're entering the deep freeze time of year in these parts, so not unexpected. Given a choice, I'll take a cold snap over a heat wave, but I was brought up in one of the northern US states; if I hailed from the Southern US, it would probably be different.

    1. Thanks Ed, and you are not mistaken, back in 2020, I had an order from Brigade that tok a year to arrive!
      I lived the first 25 years of my life in NE Scotland, where we had snow every winter, although not on the scale of the northern US or Canada. Apart from the beautiful sights of snow covered countryside, I don't really miss it!

  12. brigade miniatures breaks it's odd record. nice of you to order from them again. It's fun to get new miniatures until you realize you have to paint them. 😁

    1. Lol, thanks Stew...and MOST sensible gamers realize painting is 75% of the hobby and enjoy it!

  13. Of course- the early year restock is part of the festive season- my first expenditure on the 1st is always some figures ..or flags...or terrain!

    1. Haha - thanks john - a man after my own heart! Sorry for the delay, only just checked the Spam folder and released your comment a couple of minutes ago!

  14. Excellent butterflying Keith…
    The Musketeers are rather tempting… Will you be building the treacherous streets of 19th Century Paris next ? 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. 19th century Aly....shome mishtake shurely?! But yes, my mind has turned several times to scratch building some 17th century timber framed houses etc!

  15. Spend spend spend Keith nice new figures….as to the weather I much prefer it cold and wet 😉

    1. Haha - thanks Matt - as to the weather, said like a true Brit! (My wife might agree with you, and she is a born and bred Kiwi - it is STINKING hot today!
