Friday 24 May 2024

First Warlord Continental Infantry Unit Done!

 Had these finished last weekend but I needed to get all the Sydney trip pics out of the way first before posting these.

I think they have turned out nicely and already have a second batch assembled and under coated - plus four bases of militia done - not sure if that is two units of ten figures each - probably, I will just paint up all 40 militia figures and just assemble units as required for the scenario - small units can be two bases each, standard three and large four. The Continental regulars will all have three bases.

We were lucky when we got back from Sydney that we seemed to bring the "Indian Summer" weather with us - two images below of the Saturday and Sunday prior to my return to work!

Just in case you think I have it too good, here are a couple of images from my 2 hr. and 15-minute drive home from work a couple of nights ago - normally, in rush hour, it should take about an hour and outside peak hours, maybe 40 minutes!

Very topically, considering what I am currently painting, I am off to Barrys place on Sunday for an AWI game - don't know anything about it but I will be taking along my AWI Brits, most of which were painted about 20 years ago I guess - a full AAR shall appear here, most likely on Sunday evening NZ time - see you then!


  1. These fellas look great, Keith! Sorry to see your unpleasant jolt back into the commuting man’s world.

    1. Haha...jolt is right Jon! Thanks for the comment on the Continentals. 👍

  2. Fab looking troops Keith, I don't envy you that drive!

  3. Great work on those Keith and nicely posed for the photos too:)! Our late Spring/Summer is struggling to get going, despite repeatedly hearing that we are going to have another heatwave Summer. I don't envy you that drive, which is why I used to cycle to work as even if I got a puncture, it was only an hours walk home.

    1. Thanks Steve, hopefully you get some decent weather soon. I travel about 50km/30 miles between work and home, and the motorway is the only practicable route...and walking definitely isn't an option!

  4. A lovely unit of Continentals, they have turned out really well and should look great on the table.

  5. I like the look of those Continentals

    1. Thanks Scotty, the blue with red facings came up nicely I think.

  6. Excellent work on the Continentals Keith.

  7. Great work Keith, and glad to see that the assembly was not as daunting as first thought. I'll look forward to a few pictures of the AWI game at Barry's.

    1. The militia were a bit more of a challenge Lawrence, but I got there in the end!

  8. Great job. Those look great.
    Nothing like rush hour to bring you back to reality. 😝

    1. Thanks Stew and you are right about being back to reality!

  9. Keith, the continental stands are nicely done. Sure to be the first of many more. Your ride home is a lesson. Stay on vacation or home!

    1. Thanks Joe....I would love to take your advice but I would soon starve, and there would definitely be no money for toy soldiers!

  10. Great looking figures Keith.
    Revolutionary soldiers these days just don't have any fashion sense do they? 😂

    1. Thanks Ben....yes , standards have slipped, in so many areas of life, haven't they?!

  11. Needed my sunnies with all those d@mned tail lights! We are getting more traffic in our little town nowadays (popn ~ 3 500). I sometimes have to stop before I can turn down a side street...
    Figures look beaut. I hope that you did some reading before the game, but look forward to your write-up regardless!
    Regards, James

    1. Haha....yes, we all envy you your traffic flow James, but I am sure there are also a few draw backs!
      Just back from the game and will do the AAR later this evening.

  12. A very nice looking unit Keith…
    I envy your sunshine…. Apart from a couple of days it’s been mostly grey here…
    The two hour fifteen minute commute…. I think I will give that one a miss 🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly - weather ain't so good today - 120kph winds, thunder, lightning and torrential rain!
