Saturday 11 May 2024

One Job Finished.....and Another Just Begun

Since my last post, I have finished off the Warlord 5th Dragoon Guards......

The second batch of six figures

And here is the entire unit

....... and I also made a small start on the recently purchased Warlord AWI American infantry .......

Some of the poses available. Several have already been under coated too .....


Standard Bearer



Making Ready

Giving Fire


I am pretty happy with how the AWI figures have turned out and I was mistaken in thinking they have excessive parts a la Victrix - there are just LOTS of spare muskets on the sprue - not sure why, as all the poses above are created using arms where the musket is moulded in the correct place already - like the Perrys do - rather than with open handed arms you then have to attach the weapon to separately.

We are off for a short four-day break to Sydney this coming Monday, so not much progress will be made on the AWI stuff for the next few days - hopefully, I will be able to get some painting done by next weekend for another post.

Thanks for your visit and as always, all comments are very much appreciated :)


  1. Those AWI are very nicely proportioned, possibly ‘slim’ by most figure standards, but they look like they will take the paint rather nicely. Will you dry brush the figure white before proceeding or do you paint direct to black primer?

    1. Yes I was pleasantly surprised by how well sculpted the figures are, Norm. I will definitely dry brush white to pick out the detail before starting on the paint work!

  2. Nice work on the dragoons, the whole unit will look great on the table. The AWI figures look good and as Norm says very nicely proportioned, would work well with Fife and Drum by the look of them.

    1. Thanks Donnie. I hope to get an example or two painted this weekend

  3. Dragoons look fab, Keith. Good job sticking the AWI figures together too.

    1. Thanks Jon, that's 16 AWI infantry assembled...only 144 more to go...!! 😀

  4. Great seeing the Dragoons complete and on the charge!

  5. Great looking figures Keith.

  6. Excellent job in the dragoons Keith, and an indispensable unit to any Napoleonic British Army! I have them in 10mm myself but they are nowhere near as nice as yours!
    Also I love the Warlord American figures. They have such great character. Can't wait to see them with their uniforms!

    1. Thanks Steve, I am pleased you like 'em! I will be starting on the American infantry tomorrow.

  7. The Dragoon unit is spiffy. Your Spanish Peninsula forces get a plus with them. Like the hats, often think of a brigade of cavalry that sport Tarleton and bicorne.
    I will watch your AWI project for inspiration on my own.

    1. Cheers Joe, I hope I have some inspiration for you soon

  8. Really like the AWI figures. I will have to pick up some to add to my armies. Looking forward to how they come out.
    Hope you have a nice time on your break!

    1. Thanks you have room for any more AWI figures?! My wife is currently packing her bag for our trip tomorrow.

  9. Great to see the AWI figures weren't too difficult to put together. I thought that a lot of the sprue would be options, but there still looked like a lot of fiddly bits like sword etc. to attach. Nice work on the dragoons Keith.

    1. Thanks Lawrence! Yes, when I opened the first box, my heart sank - axes, swords and muskets galore - however, as mentioned, you are not obliged to use many of those parts at all - you have to add sword scabbard to the standard bearer and (a different one) to the two musicians, but that's about it - even the actual officer figure already has his sword scabbard moulded into the figure - mostly, it is a body, two arms and the head - pretty simple really!

  10. The cavalry unit looks good with a lot of animation in the figures. Echo the comments above on the nicely proportioned AWI figures.

    1. Thanks a lot Peter, the first batch of AWI figures are painted - I might manage to base and post them today, before taking off to Australia for 4 days/3 night!

  11. Dragoons look the bizness! Nice job.
    No time wasted with the AWI huh? Don’t you know that projects have to sit around for a long while before being properly started? 😀

    1. Thankee kind sir! my projects get started - it's our local and national government that take 10+years to complete a two-year project in this neck of the woods!

  12. Hurrah for the Dragoons 😁
    They have indeed turned out well… Red coats and green facings… one of my favourite combinations.
    A good start to the AWI…Will you be going for a classic Continental Infantry look or one of the more unusual colour combinations that the Americans used ?

    All the best. Aly

  13. Thanks Aly, I was pleased with how the dragoons turned out.
    I started the AWI project with a traditional Continental uniform as per the 1779 regulations, but I am sure I will do some of the earlier multi coloured ones too!

  14. Cracking work on those Dragoons keith!
