Sunday, 28 July 2024

A Sunday Napoleonic Game at Barry's ......NOT!

 Up until Saturday morning, I was expecting to be at Barrys place on Sunday, partaking in a game put on by gaming mate Mark and featuring his Napoleon in Egypt collection - Brits v Ottomans I believe.

 However, despite prior notification of the event, my dear wife suddenly announced midway through Saturday that she had made a bit of a booboo, and had forgotten I had a game arranged, and had booked us a night away in a nice hotel in central Auckland .... sigh!

So instead of 50-70 images of a large-scale wargame, here are a lesser number of our night out - which was enjoyable, I have to admit - but honestly, I would have rather stayed home and been able to go to the game!

The hotel we stayed in, very close to the Viaduct Harbour in the centre of town.

A very nice room, and in the en suite a bonus - an actual bath - had to have one of those later in the evening!

View from our "balcony" - it was literally 12" wide step outside our sliding French door type windows!

View from the bar of the hotel

The next several images are our walk from the hotel to find a place to eat.

Auckland CBD in the not too distant distance!

Sunset over the North Shore and Auckland Harbour Bridge.

About half an hour later and much closer to the CBD

The old main Post Office in Queen Elizabeth II Square, now a railway station

Old Edwardian era (built 1909-12) Auckland Ferry Building.

The restaurant we eventually ended up eating in - a well-known Auckland Asian fusion establishment

Both images are courtesy of their website!

On the walk back to the hotel, looking back over Viaduct Harbour 

This was inside the hotel lobby/reception area

We walked back into Viaduct Harbour on Sunday morning for breakfast (Note the mid-winter weather!)

We went to Giraffe - this image and the one below are also from the web

And one final image below - the only "Ottoman" I saw this weekend!

The good news is, my next AWI unit is virtually completed, so should make an appearance here in a day or so.


  1. A shame on missing the game but it looks like it was a nice time away,some lovely sights too.

  2. Oh well Ottomans next time 😀

    1. I will be interested to read Marks AAR - perhaps I had a lucky escape?!

  3. I am just trying to imagine the trouble I would be in with Mrs. Awdry if I ever wrote that second paragraph! 🤣 Love the Ottoman gag too.

    1. Well, Mrs. Ross won't be reading it, Michael, otherwise I expect I would be in even more trouble than I usually am!

    2. Yeah, my wife never reads my blog either. I doubt she even knows what it is called. It’s almost like a man’s club. 😀

    3. I am not even sure my wife knows I have a blog Stew....although, who, you have got me thinking 🤔

    4. Beware Keith and's not that hard to find this sort of thing with a Google search...

    5. I honestly don't think my wife would care that much, Mark!

    6. My wife has occasionally browsed my blog, watch out!
      Best Iain

    7. Hmmm - maybe I am being to blase about things?!

  4. Well there are worse places, I am sure the Ottomans will be complete and ready for a second game soon enough. Seriously the trip looked like fun, you did get some sights photographed. Back home in one piece and ready to show more AWI.

    1. A very pragmatic view on life there, Joe! The trip was fine - just badly timed!

  5. A shame on missing the game, but I trust you didn't tell your wife you would rather have been gaming

    1. Lol....I am not that stupid, or brave, Scotty!

  6. Peace on the home front is always desirable to carry on campaigning elsewhere. :-)
    At first glance I thought "Wait, even I haven't made it to Maine for a game with Barry yet, even though he has been good enough to make the trip several times since he moved..."

    1. Wise words Peter! More than one wargamer named Barry....who would have thought?! Hopefully you are able to make the trip sometime soon.

  7. Well, at least there was a fine consolation prize for the scheduling conflict (it's not as if she made you stay home and mow the lawn or clear out the garage to keep you from the game...I hope).

    1. Very true Ed...although....I WAS instructed to cut the grass after we returned home on Sunday...can't complain too much though, as I also got in a few hours at the painting desk!

  8. Too bad about the game but marital bliss does take priority 🤔
    Looking forward to someday seeing the Ottoman's and British. Should be an excellent looking game. And looking forward to more AWI figures from you. They look great and I have been going through my unpainted piles thinking its time for me to paint some more.

    1. Discretion is the better part of valour, as they say, Mark!
      I look forward to seeing you add more painted units to your impressive AWI collection 😀

  9. Auckland looks like a beautiful place, especially with your missus. Always can get games in, so a win for you and your wife.

    1. Thanks Dean, it is a very pleasant part of the city and we had an enjoyable little break from the usual routine.

  10. lol. Wives happen. In my case children happen too. I’m sure Mark will eventually show some pics and we can all be envious together. 😀

    1. I had an update on the game from one of the participants earlier, Stew....very one sided by the sound of things, so I may have avoided a distressing experience!!

  11. I have learned yesterday that I will have to opt out of two Saturday sessions in the next couple of months, one for a baby shower and the other for one of our friend's 60th birthday brunch, so I feel your pain. I can't complain though as it is rare I have to do that. I'll look forward to Mark's AAR.

    1. Yes, pretty much in the same boat Lawrence, now my kids are adults....I did go through many years of virtually no Sunday games, but things are better these days!

  12. Looks like it was a lovely little adventure Keith.
    Life is going pretty well if you are having weekends away with your wife and games a plenty. Pity about the conflict in dates though.

    1. Thanks Ben, 👍 it wasn't the worst weekend ever, to he fair!

  13. Well that was a bit of a bugger Keith, but glad you had a good time. The Ottoman last photo made me chuckle!

    1. Just a bit Steve, although, I may have been spared an absolute spanking by the other Ottomans....depending on which side I might have been on in the game...hopefully Mark does a post on it soon!

  14. It looks like you had a nice if unexpected break Keith…
    You never know you may have avoided an embarrassing and total defeat if you had wargamed…
    You also have the now have the ability to say…” ah things would have been different if I had been there” 🤣
    All the best. Aly

    1. Absolutely right Aly....when you put it that way, missing the game is a win/win/win for me!

  15. Sometimes you just gotta take it on the chin!

    1. Yes Ray, sometimes...but my chin was nowhere near that particular game! (Unless you are referring to missing the game in the first place?!)

  16. Doesn't look too bad a replacement for a game, I'm sure you'll get another go at Barry's!
    Best Iain

    1. Well, look at you Iain, with your mature, grown-up outlook on life! As it happens, old mate Julian has FINALLY returned from a 14+ week trip to the UK and Europe - so it's his place on Friday - hurrah!

  17. At least you should have earned some serious Brownie points Keith. Did your wife actually say it was her mistake? Double points value ;-)
    and there's worse ways to spend the night.

    1. Thanks Chris....not sure about Brownie points as my wife will not see or classify this as anything that I should earn points for!
      She did say she had made a mistake, but I wonder.....
      Re your third point, true, and hence the reason for my wifes attitude towards granting Brownie points!!
