Tuesday 9 July 2024

Some Scenery Creation

 I have been assembling and painting since my last post, but somehow, production seems to have dropped off considerably - not sure why, perhaps it is because, with my plan to play the next "part" of the Battle of Bunker Hill, I decided I needed to make a whole lot of extra scenic "bits"

Nothing up to buddy Marks standards of professionalism I am afraid, but I am happy enough with the results!

The Americans on Bunker Hill need a redoubt to defend, including accommodation for some artillery, so that was what I did first!

Next up, I decided to make a few lengths of drystone wall

And finally, I added a couple of lengths of hedge to that I already created a few weeks ago

And now, from the "real life" file....

It's been a tad cold here recently (by our soft standards!), with a few early morning frosts...

But here is a mid-winter sky from last weekend!

First daffodil has made an appearance in our garden

And citrus fruit is ripening too....

Oranges above and lemons below

Thats my lot for today - I will try to get that Bunker Hill game played this week, now I have all the scenery I need to create a relatively convincing table!


  1. Great work! Simply and very useful.
    Best regards

  2. The scenic items look great Kieth- well done!

  3. Useful and good looking, terrain is always a treat. Never too many hedges and fences.

  4. The scenery looks great and you can never have enough of it

    1. Cheers Scotty, we all seem to agree on that point

  5. Redoubt, wall, and hedges all look terrific, Keith. Daffodils and citrus growing mid-winter are not something seen in my corner of the world. Well, citrus trees are NEVER seen here.

    1. Thanks Jon! Even after thirty plus years, I am still surprised that the lemons are basically ripe all year round! Coming from NE Scotland, our citrus fruit all came from the likes of Spain, and I always imagined they ripened in the summer heat...but our lemons are ripe now, at the coldest part of the year!

  6. Some good scenic “bits’ there Kieth. Should add a lot to a bunker hill table. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, I certainly hope so 😊

  7. Some cracking bits of scenery for the Rebs to defend, nice work. Nice to see your citrus trees, a novelty for me, all soft fruits in my garden.

    1. Thanks Donnie! It would be hard yard's to be growing lemons or oranges in your climes!

  8. A nice assortment of linear obstacles there Keith. I'll look forward to the forthcoming game.

    1. Cheers Lawrence, hopefully in the next day or two!

  9. Your AWI stuff is coming along nicely Keith. I like those defences. Simple and effective.
    As for that fruit in winter....simply jealous!

    1. Cheers Chris.....to be fair, the oranges won't be fit to eat till October or later, but they do LOOK good!

  10. Excellent job on the fortifications. Now that you've got them, they'll serve you well in any number of scenarios after the upcoming Bunker Hill. Bit of a nonsecutor to see "winter" combined with anything growing, let alone citrus fruits. I'm guessing that snow blowers are not part of the standard household kit.

    1. Thanks a lot Ed and yes, the new bits n bobs can be used in multiple eras!
      No snow this far north (which in itself seems counter intuitive to those of us who originate from the northern hemisphere!) , nor even many frosts, so lots of things still growing!
      Never see gritters or snow ploughs (plows!) on our roads, either!

  11. Great work on those rebel defenses Keith. And very well tended hedgerows.
    My lemons have ripened as well just in the last month. First crop we have got on our tree as it is only a few years old. Great to have the fruit on tap.

    1. Thanks Ben, I am hopeful they will come in handy on many occasions!
      Our lemon tree must be 15 years old now, I guess.....first few years, it wasn't much cop, but it's been a great producer for a decade at least!

  12. Useful and beautiful terrain, well done!

  13. Darn it, I forgot you are in winter right now. We are near 95F today, with 85 % humidity, nary a lemon tree in sight. Truly a magical place is where you live

    1. Thanks Joe, I think you are probably right about New Zealand!

  14. I always find that the terrain pieces take me longer than I expect which I way I keep putting them off, sand dunes and palms trees at the moment. That said they make such an impact just like these will I am sure.

    1. Thanks Michael, I know what you mean about the time taken, but equally, nice looking terrain adds immeasurably to any game, I think!

  15. Effective looking pieces Keith.

  16. Excellent work on those terrain pieces Keith:). Summer has gone awol for sometime now, so nice to see some sun and blue skies in your photos. A rare sunny and warm day here thought before it's due to change again:(.

    1. Thanks Steve...yes, I have seen reports on the BBC website of poor summer weather...it's even snowing in the Scottish mountains!

  17. Good work Keith I remember making entrenchments for our bunker hill game a while ago , hopefully useful in future scenarios as well

    1. I am off to search your site now fir that Bunker Hill game, Matt!
