Monday 2 September 2024

Back to the American Revolution - 4th New York Regiment

 When last we left the painting desk, I still had two battalions' worth of the Warlord plastic figures to paint - but no longer!

Here is the first of them, the 4th New York Regiment, picked for their rather unusual uniform:

The Continental Congress authorized the creation of the 4th New York Regiment in November 1776.
That winter it was posted in the Albany-Lake George region to protect American supply lines.

The regiment fought as part of Brig. Gen. Enoch Poor’s New Hampshire brigade at Saratoga, coming to the aid of Colonel Daniel Morgan’s riflemen at Freeman’s Farm on September 19 during the Battle of Saratoga.

Afterwards, the regiment continued to serve in Poor’s brigade, which was absorbed into the main Continental Army under General George Washington. It again fought with distinction in the main line of defense at the Battle of Monmouth on June 28, 1778. The regiment remained in service until January 1781, when it was disbanded.

And here is my version - not my best work I don't think, and some of the figure poses I was forced to use are not the best (as I came to the end of the sprues, the poses available dictated what I could do - in a perfect world, I would not have used the "jogging forwards at the trail" figures, but beggars can't be choosers!)

These are the "at the trail" figures I do not really like much  - I wasn't able to get any of them to appear "natural", for some reason - which is odd, given most of the other poses in this box set looked really nice.

The last Warlord unit has also been recently completed, so they will be posted here in a few days - stay tuned!


  1. Well they look great Keith and love their very distinctive uniforms, which must have got pretty mucky on campaign! Whilst the at trail poses look good, to my mind my clumsy hands would always be knocking into them and possibly damaging them!

    1. Thanks Steve, and I know what you mean about the uniform, but when you think about it, no worse than Ancien Regime French, or the Austrians from WSS to the mid 19th century!

  2. Great looking French, I mean Americans, I think they look fine and your being overly critical!
    Best Iain

  3. This is really a smart looking uniform. As Lawrence says, easily mistaken for French with a change of hat. If I ever add another unit to my 15mm AWI collection, this should be high on the list. Add me to the list of the those not liking "at the trail" poses. The pose just does not look very martial.

    1. Thanks lot Jon, praise indeed....imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
      The issue I have with the "at trail" pose is, it looks unnatural AND it does not match with ALL the other poses, which are basically various parts of what might be described as Firing they are all standing why is ths one figure advancing? Ot just looks weird!

  4. Outstanding! You look like you are getting the very best out if the Perry figures. An excellent looking regiment!

    1. Thank you Mark although for accuracy, I should mention these are actually the Warlod figures!

  5. They look fine to me and once on the table those at trail poses will not be visable

    1. Thanks Scotty and your point about the so called 3 foot rule is well made!

  6. Lovely uniform, very different form the usual in the AWI. I see what you mean about the at the trail poses and have seen others work using this pose and no one seems to make anything of them, other than that, and they will get lost on the table and look fine, great work, nice addition.

    1. Thanks Donnie....if I was not so mean, I could have just left that figure out......!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Michal.....looking forward to seeing more of your AWI figures, too!

  8. Definitely a unique uniform and one I'll be coming back to when I make a start on my Continentals. One thing I found in putting together Perry plastics was that a couple of millimeters with an arm position can make all the difference between a 'natural' looking pose and something more awkward. I think it is more in the mind of the person putting them together though than the casual observer, and these look great.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, the main issue I had with this pose was the head position.....placed looking straight ahead, they actually seemed to be staring at the ground 3 feet in front if them...that is why I did a couple looking left and right, but they still look odd to me!

  9. Oh those are really good - and I can't recall seeing this regiment before. It takes guts to paint this sort of uniform, and you've really pulled it off.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence Giles, and for your first time comment, I appreciate both!

  10. Superb work Keith. I would agree about the awkward looking pose, certainly compared to the others.

    1. Thanks a lot others have said, once on the table, the pose will likely be invisible!

  11. Wonderful work on the uniform for the unit. Technique should
    Be useful if you do the French.

    1. Thanks Joe, it is very doubtful that I will include any French troops in this collection!

  12. Individual poses can be vexing, I know. However, the collective look of this unit is very appealing: animated. The off white uniform choice puts the lie to the myth of the uninformed public that the reason the Americans prevailed was because the British were easy targets in their "redcoats."

    1. Thanks Ed....I have been slightly surprised by the variety of uniforms worn by the American troops!
      There are lots of myths about the AWI, most of them pejorative about the British and "Heeshuns" and generally all nonsense!

  13. nice job. I would not of thought anything was amiss with the poses till I read that they were. Now I'm brainwashed. 😁

    1. I have always said, you are easily led, Stew 😀

  14. Nicely done Keith, not my favourite sculpts but you made a good job of them and I’m sure they will fight hard !

    1. Thanks Matt...apart from that one particular pose, I quite like the rest of the Warlord figures.

  15. Well I think they all look excellent, and having done AWI in 10 mm I was also astounded at the variety of uniforms on the American side.

    1. Thanks's nice to see all the different uniforms! On the 10mm this space .....

  16. Great looking figures Keith.
    The trail figures' head position are a bit odd. Looks a bit like the one on the left just found a gold sovereign on the ground and the one on the right is looking over😁

    1. Thanks for the positive comments, Ben - I agree about the head positions - they were about the best I could do, but they are still pretty crap!
