Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Last of the Warlord Plastic AWI Figures

 This is the final unit created from the Warlord Army Starter Box Set I purchased a few months back - still two more Perry units under action plus another two or three on order from the UK - once they are all done, that might be it for my AWI efforts!

I chose to use the uncocked or brimmed hat heads for this unit, and consulting the handy - dandy Perry uniform guide, I settled on the Second New York Regiment:

The 2nd New York Regiment was authorized on May 25, 1775, and formed at Albany from June 28 to August 4 for service with the Continental Army under the command of Colonel Goose Van Schaick. The enlistments of the first establishment ended on December 31, 1775.

The second establishment of the regiment was authorized on January 19, 1776

The regiment saw action in the Invasion of Canada, Battle of Valcour Island, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth, the Sullivan Expedition and the Battle of Yorktown. The regiment was furloughed, June 2, 1783, at Newburgh, New York and disbanded November 15, 1783.

And here they are:

Blue, faced dark green, coats, with buckskin waistcoats and breeches.

Back to the firing line figures for this unit, thankfully!

As in the previous unit, a lack of parts precluded a musician or standard bearer (I realised, too late, that I could probably have used a spare flagpole and arms from the Perry leftovers - never mind!) I did use a spare NCO right arm on the figure to the left of the officer, above.

I have enjoyed painting up these Warlord figures and think they look pretty good, as well as matching up quite well with their Perry colleagues - I hope you like this last hurrah, I doubt I will be doing any more of them, although never say never, as all wargamers know!

Thanks for dropping by - I am off to a game on Friday and then another on Sunday, all things going to plan, so AAR's should be the order of the day for my next two posts - see you again then!


  1. Excellent work! Are you sure these figures are wearing breeches? Looks like they could be overalls on some of the figures. If breeches, would the gaiters be same color?

    1. Thanks Jon! I have probably used inaccurate terminology in describing their attire....but they look similar to the illustration I was working from!

  2. Fine work there Keith and much nicer poses than those at trail type chaps!

  3. Another great choice of regiment Keith, nice uniform, the blue and green is a nice change from blue and red faced regiments.The hats too make that wee bit different from the norm and make them stand out. The firing line figure really are streets ahead of the at trail figures. Super addition to your Continental army.

    1. Thanks Donnie, I am pleased you like them!

  4. Nicely done Keith. As mentioned on previous posts they are not my favorite figures I much prefer the Perry/Perry Foundry figures ๐Ÿค”

    1. Cheers Matt, and I probably agree that the Perry figures are nicer, although I do wish they were a bit more dynamic and not just in a variety of marching poses (I am referring to the plastic figures, obviously!).

  5. A very nicely painted unit there Kieth- you certainly do very well with the brush. Yes, Perry Figures are excellent- great choice. Cheers. KEV.

  6. Great work again Keith. There is certainly enough variety in the Continental army to keep the interest levels up.

    1. Cheers Lawrence and absolutely right re uniforms!

  7. Great figures. And, as others said, good choice with the uniform. Nice touch with the clumps of wild flowers too Keith.

    1. Thanks a lot Chris, I do find a few flowers help the unit to pop!

  8. Great work again Keith. Will we get a full army parade at some time?

    1. Thanks Ben, and yes, I will do a full muster.....once I think the collection is complete!

  9. You have done a great job on your new units, and I am looking forward to more posts on these fellows in action.

    1. Thanks make a valid point....I am still to play part three of the Bunker Hill battle I was doing back in July!

  10. can't wait for MORE miniatures for the AWI. lol.
    but you did a nice job. and you just cranked out the miniatures from that starter box. I don't know many folks who actually finish all the miniatures from a starter box. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    1. Thanks Stew....glad you are looking forward to seeing more AWI units!
      I think my completion of all the starter box figures is really just a manifestation of my inate meaness...having paid for them, I don't want to waste any of them!

  11. Fabulous work Keith, looking forward to see more of this colourful period if history.

    1. Thanks a lot Ray....I am certainly feeling the pressure to stop painting and start fighting!

  12. Phenomenal work - and as a life-long resident of New York, looking forward to seeing them on the table!

    1. Lol....thanks Bill.....keep watching, and one day, they will be in action, for sure!

  13. Splendid work Keith. You are working your through these nicely.

    1. Thank you Richard, progress has slowed again recently but I need to get on with it, as I have an old school friend and his wife coming to visit us for three weeks soon, and there will be no progress during the three weeks they are here!
