Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Wargame Wednesday - 10mm Crossing the Medway, Part II - OHW Scenario 5

 Well, I have managed to stick to the schedule so far - that is another Wednesday solo game under my belt! 

I had scanned through the OHW scenarios and found that number 5 - Bridgehead - would be a suitable follow up from last week's game. Thinking about it afterwards, I could have changed it a bit and re used the curving river set up to link the games together better - but we will just have to assume this game is a separate but related action from the previous one, at a different point along the Medway's length!

Initial layout - the Romans have one unit on the British side of the Medway. Romans (blue) and Britons (red) will arrive on turns 1-5 as shown in the OHW scenario notes below.

But first, you may have noticed a somewhat nicer looking gaming "mat" - this is a 6' x 4' double sided neoprene mat from Battlefront/Flames of War. It cost me $NZ 125 - about £60 - 120 of which was a "Prezzy Card" I got as a Christmas gift from my employer - so thanks, New Zealand Couriers!

Despite the size, the mat is thin enough (1-2mm I would say) to use folded over so it becomes a 4' x 3' mat for my 29" square table.

Now, here are the details of the game I played this evening:

I had actually used a hand drawn map and I see I did not position the woods exactly where they should have been - oh, well!

I decided to randomise which units came on, as well as where they arrived, so the units were numbered 1-6 on each side as follows:

Romans 1 - Archers 2 Cavalry 3 Veteran HI 1 4 Veteran HI 2 5 Veteran HI 3 and 6 Auxiliary Infantry (who were already on the table, north of the river crossing.)

The Britons were 1 Chariots, 2 Skirmisher 1, 3 Skirmisher 2, 4 Fanatics 1, 5 HI 1, 6 HI 2

The make-up of the two forces was rolled for, using the OHW table in the Ancient rules.

The end of turn 2, the fanatics and HI 1 came on at point C and the Roman cavalry arrived on the road at point D.

Turn 3, the cavalry had used the extra speed granted by the road to reach the far side of the Medway, and a unit of VHI had arrived at point D, whilst the Britons had the chariot unit, and one unit of skirmishers arrive at point B. The infantry, in the meantime, advanced on the flank of the auxiliaries.

On the following turn, another Roman VHI unit arrived on the road, but no extra British troops this time (as per the scenario)

Turn 5 saw the last of the Britons arrive on the other flank, at point A, whilst the first clash took place between the chariots and the Roman cavalry. I have given the chariots a D3 +1 for their first round of combat, dropping back to the D3 of the cavalry, thereafter. The chariots came out slightly ahead 4-3 on the casualty count, but both units passed their morale test. Meanwhile, the fanatics charged into the auxiliaries, again with a D3+1 - but minus 1 because the auxiliaries are armoured (I thought after, perhaps Roman cavalry should get that amour bonus as well?)

The chariots and cavalry clash

Naked British fanatics charge in against the Auxiliary infantry.

On turn 6, the final Roman VHI unit entered at point D. Meanwhile, the other units were in position to expand and defend the bridgehead, as the defending Britons moved up to attempt to drive the invaders back across the Medway. In continued melees, both the infantry and mounted troops of both sides caused additional loss to their opponents, but no one faltered, and the combats continued. (the fanatics, like the VHI, do not have to test for receiving casualties)

Turn 7 was a bad one for the Romans, as the chariots won the melee, with the Roman cavalry failing their morale roll and recoiling over the Medway. Worse still, the British heavy infantry caught the auxiliaries in the flank whilst the latter were still engaged by the fanatics to their front, and the shock of this second attack from an unexpected direction broke the will of the infantry completely (they reached the total of 9 casualties and were removed from play)

In turn 8, the British skirmishers on the Roman left scored one hit from firing, whilst the victorious chariots charged forwards into a fresh unit of Veteran Heavy Infantry, causing two casualties on them. In reply, however, the VHI and the adjacent archers combined to take the chariots in both the flank and their front simultaneously, scoring sufficient hits to drive this unit from the field.

In turn 9, the fanatics had managed to get into a position to attack a Roman VHI unit in the flank, causing the maximum possible damage of 4 hits - but being veterans, the Romans were not required to do a morale test. The skirmishers charged into the Roman archers and got a hit on them, but the archers passed their test and stood their ground. The last fresh unit of VHI crossed the Medway into the bridgehead, and the recovered cavalry moved up to the hold the ford from the south bank of the river. The Roman VHI that had survived the ferocious flank attack by the fanatics, now turned to face their assailants, and put two more hits on them, whilst the British skirmishers fighting the archers were hit in the flank by a fresh VHI unit and took 5 casualties - but passed their morale test! 

In turn 10, the second unit of skirmishers got another hit on the VHI from shooting. The supporting British HI unit charged into the Roman infantry but caused minimal loss. The other unit of skirmishers fell back from the melee with the archers, to get out of the flank attack and the fanatics got one hit on their opponents. When the Romans responded, the fanatics were wiped out, the HI by the road took two hits from the VHI, and the HI unit on the Roman left flank took 3 hits and were forced to fall back.

Turn 11 was inconclusive, as the British HI on the flank advanced again, putting a couple of hits on the Roman veterans, who chose to pull back to prevent a flank attack from the skirmishers. The second skirmish unit had re engaged with the Roman archers, and the other British HI exchanged blows with the Roman VHI, with neither side giving any ground. The Romans, however, now had an extra unit of VHI maneuvering on their right flank

Turn 11 melees in progress

In turn 12, both British HI units caused a single hit on the opposing VHI, whilst the skirmishers got one on the archers - who again passed their morale test. All the Roman VHI units were now carrying 5 hits, however. 
In the Roman phase, the "spare" VHI unit crashed into the flank of the already battered Britons by the road, getting four hits and causing the unit to evaporate. The archers got a hit on the skirmishers, with the latter standing firm, and the last remaining British HI unit took three hits from the Roman veterans, but again, the Britons proved equal to the challenge.

Given the situation at the end of turn 12, and the fact that the victory conditions only required at least one Roman unit to be north of the river on turn 15, I nearly called the game there - but I decided to play one more turn! In the light infantry melee, the Roman archers nerve finally cracked, and they were driven back to the river. The Britons joy was short-lived, however, as a unit of Roman veterans crashed into their flank and destroyed them as a fighting unit. To the Roman left, the last British HI unit also passed its break point, and the British army effectively ceased to exist, with only a solitary unit of light infantry skirmishers still on the field.

The Roman army had again been victorious, and the conquest of Britain can continue next Wednesday!

The Butchers Bill - solitary Auxiliary infantry unit to the left - and five British units to the right.

The victorious Roman general - perhaps Gnaeus Hosidius Geta, who is mentioned as being pivotal to the Roman victory in the account of the battle by Cassius Dio?

Well, I enjoyed that once again, and the results so far work in well with the idea of the campaign by Aulus Plautius to conquer Britain - not sure if I need to do one more for the Battle of Medway, seeing it was quite a titanic struggle, according to Dio, and lasted two full days - I will see what suggests itself from the OHW scenarios. Thereafter, it should be on to another river crossing - the Thames this time - before the final battle before the British capital of Camulodunum.

Very pleased with the new gaming mat, I can see it getting a lot of use, now I have finally got around to buying one!

Thanks for your visit and i hope you found the latest AAR entertaining 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Recent Output from the Painting Desk

 Although I have not posted any painted units for a while, that does not mean my brushes have been idle - far from it! In fact, most of the new batch of Cromarty Forge 10mm figures I received from Australia around Christmas time have now been painted and based - just some Roman Auxiliary slingers and a unit of Auxiliary infantry still to do now.

As there are about twenty bases of newly painted figures for todays "show and tell", I have dispensed with my usual practice of close ups of every single base and just taken images of the three-base units, plus some additional odds and sods I have done, including some more command bases for the Britons.

Warrior Unit One

Warrior Unit Two

Warrior Unit Three

Warrior Unit Four

Command stands using a spare strip of Cromarty warriors, with the experimental 3D prints I got from a local NZ supplier a few weeks back - I think they work well enough together.

One unit of javelin armed Cromarty skirmishers

Three command groups on foot

Mounted command

All four units of warriors - an impressive sight!

Two units of warriors in line, above, and fronted by the skirmishers below

Well, that's what I have been doing with my time so far in January, when I have not been playing solo games or getting out for a 28mm game at Barry or Julians place! Currently I have a smallish order of 10mm Romans on the way from Gripping Beast in the UK - they are metal figures, and I am hoping they match up well with the 3D prints when they arrive.

Hopefully, I will manage to play the next solo Wednesday Wargame in a couple of days' time and post an AAR on Thursday - until then, thanks for you visit and for your ever welcome comments.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

First Friday Night Game of 2025 - RCW using Perfect Captain "Red Actions" Rules

 Basically, the title says it all! I took the Bolshevik defenders (my own figures) Julian and John took the attacking Whites, who had a slight advantage in manpower but a significant advantage in support weapons - which seemed reasonable, given they had to attack.

On to the images and report

Initial layout with the Whites attacking from the top of the table

Red infantry occupied the village in the centre and prepared to hold it against superior numbers of white troops

On the Bolshevik left, infantry, sailors and two HMG's occupied a wooded area.

The Reds were supported by two vehicles, a twin turreted armoured car and an armoured truck with a brace of Lewis guns

The Unit Cards that made up my command.

Julian commanded four units of White Cossacks, supported by a Tchanka, on the White right flank

John had four companies of White infantry, all supported by an HMG, plus an armoured car, a Model T sporting an HMG and a towed field gun on their left.

The White infantry step off

As Julian quipped - "The most dangerous thing on the battlefield......."

".........An officer with a map!" 😂

On the other flank, after suffering some initial hits from the Red infantry in the woods, the Cossacks dispersed into the adjacent trees and dismounted. 

The Tchanka crew spun around and opened fire with their HMG, silencing one of the Red gun teams.

Early in the game, John advanced boldly with his twin turreted armoured car -

 which was immediately knocked out of action by its Red counterpart

Unfortunately, it did not take long for the White field gun to return the favour!

Staunch Red infantry hold the centre of the field

But the Whites are coming.....

White infantry make slow but steady progress in a flanking march. With limited numbers of troops, I could not defend the line everywhere.

White infantry closing in on the defended village, as both armoured cars burn in the background. The Cossacks had been contained in the woods - whenever they ventured to the edge to engage the Red infantry and sailors opposite, they got a bloody nose and had to pull back again. Their Tchanka was knocked out by my HMG fire early in the game.

The HMG carrying armoured truck did some sterling work containing Julians command to the woods....

....... until the bloody field gun got involved again!

This gun team helped keep the Cossacks at bay too

This was my final picture of the game. In truth, I am not sure how close to calling it a day this was taken - we had quite a long break for an al fresco BBQ dinner and didn't finish the game until about 1045pm. No decision had been reached, but by that time, John had his four HMG's in position and lined up to blaze away at my infantry in the village and it felt like it would only be a matter of time before he got two or three good rolls in one turn and either forced them back or wiped them out!

A few final close ups, courtesy of John

Some of my Bolshevik figures - mainly Copplestone and Brigade Games

Some of Julians Whites - again, these are all Copplestone, I believe

A pleasant social evening indeed, but the game suffered from the fact we had a break of 90 minutes for dinner and general conviviality, meaning we ran out of time to reach a result, although, just quietly, that was not too unwelcome from my perspective - I suspect I was about to be overwhelmed!

They are quirky rules with some unique mechanisms (particularly resolving close combat) but give a reasonable game and have a lot of little nuances to keep the players engaged. 

Thanks for visiting my small corner of the blogosphere, I hope you enjoyed the pictures, if nothing else!