Monday, 27 January 2025

Recent Output from the Painting Desk

 Although I have not posted any painted units for a while, that does not mean my brushes have been idle - far from it! In fact, most of the new batch of Cromarty Forge 10mm figures I received from Australia around Christmas time have now been painted and based - just some Roman Auxiliary slingers and a unit of Auxiliary infantry still to do now.

As there are about twenty bases of newly painted figures for todays "show and tell", I have dispensed with my usual practice of close ups of every single base and just taken images of the three-base units, plus some additional odds and sods I have done, including some more command bases for the Britons.

Warrior Unit One

Warrior Unit Two

Warrior Unit Three

Warrior Unit Four

Command stands using a spare strip of Cromarty warriors, with the experimental 3D prints I got from a local NZ supplier a few weeks back - I think they work well enough together.

One unit of javelin armed Cromarty skirmishers

Three command groups on foot

Mounted command

All four units of warriors - an impressive sight!

Two units of warriors in line, above, and fronted by the skirmishers below

Well, that's what I have been doing with my time so far in January, when I have not been playing solo games or getting out for a 28mm game at Barry or Julians place! Currently I have a smallish order of 10mm Romans on the way from Gripping Beast in the UK - they are metal figures, and I am hoping they match up well with the 3D prints when they arrive.

Hopefully, I will manage to play the next solo Wednesday Wargame in a couple of days' time and post an AAR on Thursday - until then, thanks for you visit and for your ever welcome comments.


  1. Some more beautiful painting Keith.

  2. Nice work, Keith! You remain productively engaged on a number of fronts.

  3. Great additions to your collection, the command stands are very nice and the 3D figures work well with the CF ones. Your 10mm armies are growing very nicely indeed.

    1. Cheers Donnie - might be just about time for an Ancient British parade, methinks!

  4. You have been a busy boy. The troops look pretty cool!

    1. Thank you, Ray - hoping to get them into action soon!
