A bumper end to the week, with FtF games at Andrews on Thursday evening and at Julians on Friday!
Chris and I played two games of a Frostgrave-type fantasy game, using Andrews own rules, which have quite a lot of similarities with his WWII rules.
As always, a very nicely "dressed" playing area provided by Andrew
I brought along my own figures (above), Chris played with some of Andrews (below) We each had - a magic user (adds 3 to 2D6 dice roll) a Hero (adds 2) 7 "grunts" (add 1) and three "minions" add 0
Andrew was game master and ran the "beasts" who would appear if a double was rolled by him OR when a "Club" came up in the deck of activation cards.
The first beasts appeared quite early in the game; a group of Orcs I think - they were off to my left rear - great!
Next up were three skeletons - they were on Chris's side of the table, which was poetic justice as Chris, in his usual "disruptor" mind set, was deliberately "running" everywhere (rolling 3 D6 for movement rather than 2) because doing so would possibly cause the arrival of more beasts, every time he did it!
Chris's band ran forwards again .....
... and this apparition appeared on our flank!
The point of this particular exercise was to a) fight each other and cause maximum casualties on the enemy and b) exit the board. Chris adopted a strategy of running hell for leather across the table, to exit as soon as possible, while hoping to generate beasts that would appear nearer my figures than his, thereby forcing me to fight them!
I, on the other hand, stuck together in one big group as I proceeded at a more measured rate.
"Run away, run away!" - Chris is pursued by the banshee or whatever it is!
Another of his groups was surrounded by the skeletons and wiped out!
My Hero(ine) dispatched an enemy figure with her trusty rapier
Another batch of baddies arrive - four Chaos Warriors
Most of my group moving across the table together
The Banshee catches up with another of Chris's groups
Four Orcs versus my Magic User - she smashed 'em, bro!
Final pic of game one - my group has to exit the board on the edge that's in view - they all did so successfully - and it turned out I had lost fewer team members than Chris, so won the game!
Game Two - I changed my squad around - might as well use as many of my figures as I can!
The Lady in Green is my Magic User this time and the blonde with the rapier is the heroine.
First beasts to appear were these three - closest to my group - again!
Once again, I decided there was safety in numbers!
Chris positioned his Magic User in over watch on some higher terrain, but I managed to keep out of her LoS for quite a while.
Zombies attack! Unfortunately, the two comely wenches were my "minions" and were both killed off rather easily.
This time, Chris piled in as well! In a series of sword fights, these four characters killed each other off!
What remained of my warband carried on across the table.
A bunch of goblins joined the fray
Magic use +3 versus Chaos warrior +2 - the heart indicates a wound. She prevailed nonetheless!
Mass skirmish between my warband and a combination of Goblins and Chaos Warriors - it was chaotic!
The remaining goblins got stuck into Chris!
The final combats, above, one goblin won, one lost and below, not much of a contest between a single goblin and the Lady in Green!
This was all that remained of the two warbands - the ladies decided to call it quits, make friends and go for a cocktail!
Great fun, Andrews simple rules provide an entertaining game that doesn't take all night to play through!
On Friday, John, Chris and I joined Julian for a game of his latest "big thing" - a boardgame called Rise of Morloch. As usual, Julian has enhanced the basic game by painting all the figures using the speed/contrast paints he now favours. Here is some blurb on the game from the net:
In Rise of Moloch, players assume the roles of different members of the legendary Unicorn Club, sworn to protect the Queen from her enemies. It is a one-against-many campaign, with one player becoming the Nemesis, the head of an underground cult with nefarious plans on their mind. Rise of Moloch is played over six Chapters with an intermission between each where players can upgrade their characters and prepare for the next round. Will the Gentlemen of the Unicorn Club be able to stop the evil plot, or will the Nemesis succeed in bringing Moloch to London?
The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch is a Victorian adventure board game, for 2 to 5 players, set in an alternate England, where magic and technology have taken an extraordinary turn. Playable as a campaign or individual adventures, Rise of Moloch puts one player in the position of the Nemesis, against the intrepid Gentlemen controlled by the other players trying to save the Crown. Secretly activate the order of your characters through different scenarios, enjoy your steam power weapons, and save your special actions for the most opportune moments - you surely don't want to make your opponent stronger!
Rise of Moloch is a campaign driven adventure, played over a series of missions, each telling part of the overall story of Moloch's rise to power (or defeat at the hands of the fearless Gentlemen!). Each mission features a unique board setup and goals for both the Nemesis player and Gentlemen players to complete. More so, subsequent missions will be impacted by the outcome of the one before it, weaving the overall story and game-play together to make each campaign unique.
Players will each control one or more of the intrepid Gentlemen or, in the case of the Nemesis player, cunning Agents and Minions, all with unique powers and upgrades they will utilize to complete the various goals of each mission.
Now - on to the game!
Painted figures above and below - none of these were used in our particular game.
Needless to say, this was my "Gentlemen" character! Julian has done a very nice job painting Emma Swanson (below)
The gaming "table" - John, Chris and I were the "goodies" (on the right) Julian ran the "baddies"
Julian had four "agents" as well as a bunch of "minions" who started deployed on the board
The rules
We had one "ally" in this game - I can't recall his actual name but we referred to him as Cap'n Birdseye - unfortunately, he didn't last that long!
The basic premise was: the baddies had a fragment of the Stone of Morloch and the goodies wanted it. The baddies had to get it across the table and exit the far side. Any of three agents might have the fragment, the goodies did not know which one it was. If the baddies got the fragment off the table - they won. Additionally, the fourth agent was conducting a foul incantation at the far end of the board. At the end of each turn, she produced a partial zombie, and if she managed to produce a total of five - the game ended, and the baddies won! The baddies were also more resilient and took a lot more damage to kill - AND they had a Chaos card each round that let Julian wreak all sorts of mayhem on the goodies - the only advantage we had was, we could recover from wounds by spending an action doing nothing - the baddies could not.
Emma and Johns character "Electroman" confront two minion "killer clowns"
Above one and a half of Julians "agents" move down the right flank, heading for the exit at the goodies end of the table
The other agent. As an aside, the token in the room could be investigated by goodies only, each time they did so, the partial zombies on the alter of Morloch were reduced by one, thus extending the game playing time by one turn.
The fourth agent, the evil sorceress whose only role in this game was to chant over the alter, summoning zombies! Another great contrast paint job by Julian!
When asked to choose an additional weapon upgrade for a female figure, I naturally selected a whip! The two symbols mean that if an enemy suffers a hit from this weapon, they are knocked down, and when the weapon is used, Emma gets to reroll any misses - quite a handy tool!
She used the whip to great effect on the first agent. He made the mistake of doing a return fire on her with a flame thrower, singeing her silk and taffeta Dior gown - that just pissed her off! In subsequent turns , he struggled to his feet a couple of times, just to be knocked down again - eventually, he was whipped to death!
Meanwhile, this big girl (it was sort of Siamese twins, actually) confronted one of Emma's colleagues - the exit doors can be seen to his rear
Three of the four "gentlemen" headed towards the exits to try and provide a defence in depth
Meanwhile, Chris's figure, a werewolf, went from room to room, "discovering" the blue tokens and keeping the zombie count on the alter under control.
By this stage, we were pretty certain the fragment we were searching for was in the possession of the "woman" in pink. Annoyingly, she had a special ability to convert a "hit" on one of our side into hypnotic possession. Once a hit was achieved, she could take control of our character, move it, then get it to fire at or melee with another one of our team! She did this about three times, and every time, targeted Emma!
The end of the game - we were unable to prevent "mop head" (as I christened her) from escaping through the exit doors - damn it!
The evil sorceress had only managed to accumulate three zombies, even though we had played six or seven turns - that's thanks to the efforts of Chris.
This game is superficially similar to Zombicide - but it is A LOT harder for the goodies! In Zombicide, it feels like its deliberately designed to make it relatively easy for the characters to defeat the zombies, almost every time. That is definitely NOT the case in Rise of Moloch - it's pretty hard to win against the enemy - even the minions ignore the first damage, so if you roll three hits, they only need to roll two saves - and obviously, if you get one hit, they don't even have to roll! The dice used are the same concept as Commands and Colours - there are symbols on each face, rather than numbers, and certain symbols indicate a hit if rolling as the attacker, or a save if rolling as the defender. Good fun for a beer and pretzels type of experience - I would not want to play it all the time (its designed for a campaign of linked games but I don't think we will be doing that!)
Finally in this post, some more work for the New Zealand Tourism Board
The trip from Pukekohe (top of map) to Sanctuary Mountain took about an hour and forty minutes this morning
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is a mainland ecological island surrounded by the world's longest pest-proof fence. It's located between Matamata and Waitomo in the North Island of New Zealand. At Sanctuary Mountain you can experience New Zealand the way it used to be - an ancient, vibrant pest-free forest alive with native wildlife such as birds, skinks, geckos, frogs, bats and insects. Step through the pest-proof gate into another world where ancient New Zealand forest towers majestically above well-maintained walking tracks and the air is filled with birdsong.
Our friend Casey told me to "suck it in", so God knows how bad it looked in the unsucked version!
As soon as I saw this fence, it reminded me of the Iron Curtain borders between Warsaw pact countries and the West!
Great day out, the birdlife was very impressive - the birds had little to no fear of humans and would be happy to sit within 4- 6 feet of us while we took pictures etc. - and the birdsong was amazing, too.
Thanks, as always for dropping by my blog and I hope you feel inclined to leave a comment!