Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Some Long (ish) Awaited New Arrivals

 Whilst still on Christmas and New Year leave, back on 4 Jan, I put in a small order of 5 packs of 10mm EIR metal figures from Gripping Beast, to augment my Cromarty Forge collection. These took quite some time to be dispatched, and then they took a while to get here. The actual air trip from one side of the world to the other took about three days, but from payment to arrival in house took a month!

And were they worth the wait? Well, on balance, yes, I think they probably were. I have enough figures in hand - 90 legionaries plus 10 lots of 3 figure command groups - to make around 8 x 14 figure elements, plus some leftovers. 

The downside is that, like most metal ranges in this scale, poses are pretty limited, but I have considered mixing them in with the 3D prints - having the former in the front line, with the second line made up of the metal figures.....although then again I don't want to end up with far too many Romans in comparison to their "barbarian" enemies - first world problems, and no mistake! 

Meanwhile, the last of the Cromarty Forge figures are finished, so they will appear in my next post, and possibly the first examples of painted Gripping Beast figures will join them, too. Until then, thanks for your continued interest and support!


  1. Nice figures which seem to match pretty well…the answer Keith may be get more Barbarians ?

    1. Yes, more Barbarians is the only reasonable answer to your dilemma.

    2. No, no, no - you are both giving me entirely the wrong advice - thank you!
