Tuesday, 11 February 2025

A Few More Painted Figures - AND A Message From Our Sponsors!

 Here is the second unit of Auxiliary infantry from Cromarty Forge - supplied by Adam at Adrah Labs 3D Printing in Geelong, Victoria.

I did this batch in blue, in contrast to the green of the previous unit

And secondly, the first stand of metal Gripping Beast legionaries make an appearance

This is a command stand comprising the centurion, the cornicern and the signifer from the command pack, plus 11 legionaries advancing with gladius.

Pretty happy with how these have come out, to be honest - although the shield designs are not as nice as they could be - I might have to see how I go with LBM transfers - something I am not keen on using really, but if I can get them right, they will certainly improve the look of the figures.....

I had a call from my sponsors at the NZ Tourist Board the other day, threatening to cut off funds if I didn't include some promotional material in my blog, so here we go.

A short notice, overnight break away arranged by my dear wife - we spent half of Saturday at the small country town of Paeroa, for their annual Scottish Highland Games (I didn't bother taking any pics there - pipe bands, small girls dancing and caber tossing are not particularly photogenic, or interesting, in my book!)

After my wife had had enough Caledoniafication, we popped up to the local war memorial that dominates the whole town from atop a small hill

A short twenty-minute drive through the countryside later, we arrived at our Air BnB farm stay accommodation for the night and were greeted by the reception committee...

The location

Quite a cool little set up, a couple of km up a steep farm track, with fields in front and native bush behind the purpose-built units. The one on the left has a double bed, the middle one is toilet/shower and on the right are two single beds - its obviously set up for the modern standard sized family unit - but the nice thing is, the owners don't mix n match if only one cabin is in use - if you only need the double bed, they don't try and rent out the other room separately, which means you always have the place to yourself!

Bucolic views from the front gate of the paddock the accommodation was located in.

Inside, the unit is certainly compact - but really, all you need for an overnight stay

Spent a few hours on the deck in a beanbag, alternately reading and sleeping in the afternoon sun.

A short walk down the road and we got the view in the opposite direction 

Saturday evening we headed into the nearby historic gold mining town of Waihi for dinner - and did the same Sunday morning for breakfast!

Your intrepid reporter, in a selfie with some of the local herd! We did get up close and personal with them, and our host Neil, when the latter came down to introduce himself and hand feed the beasts!

View from the gate as we departed Sunday morning. After the aforementioned breakfast in Waihi, it was a leisurely trip back over to Pukekohe, arriving home late morning, with time to chill out for the rest of the day before the unwelcome return to the "reality" of work on Monday morning!

Thanks for dropping in - hopefully another solo game will be on the table tomorrow and reported on shortly thereafter.


  1. Great looking figures Keith.

    A New Zealand farm with no sheep! Is this legal?

    1. Haha Ben - it's more of a hobby farm anyway - the owner is a retired businessman from Ponsonby, Central Auckland! In truth, however, we have far less sheep here than used to be the case back in the hey days

  2. Great looking figures and photos

  3. Nice work on both sets of figures Keith:). I certainly wouldn't want to put on waterslide transfers in this scale and doubt my eyes would even notice the difference once the toys were on the table!

    Great to see the NZTB sponsorship has continued;)! Lovely photos as always and the accomodation looks perfect to me. Nice to see some 'sunny weather' as it's been unremmitingly grey here for a week or so now:(.

    1. Thanks Steve - your pragmatism is probably appropriate - I can imagine a lot of frustration and bad language being involved, if i try and follow the transfer route!
      Glad to provide a reminder of what sunshine looks like to you poor, benighted inhabitants of Britannia.

  4. The Auxiliary and command stand look good and will be useful additions to your armies.

    1. Thanks, Peter, yes, I think they will be.

  5. Nice photos of figures and your outing.

  6. Your latest Romans look fab, Keith! These fellas are definitely traveling through some rough terrain. Your work at the Tourism Board is tireless. Keep up the good work! Now, if NZ would lower its immigration requirements, your country would be packed.

    1. Thanks Jon, and re the immigration, watch this space. The current government seems to want to encourage more of it!

  7. Lovely additions to your Roman army, both sets of manufacturers have produced some lovely little soldiers and you have done a fine job on them. Talking of a fine job, your work for the New Zealand Tourist Board is always interesting, some cracking photos, hopefully they will pay you handsomely :-) I know what you mean about pipe band etc, I have had my fill of them over the years that's for sure.

    1. Cheers Donnie, I agree that the GB figures stand up well alongside the Cromarty Forge ones! As to pipe bands...I was Drum Major (non playing, just out front with the "mace") of our local band in Pukekohe for about a decade...had enough and resigned after ANZAC Day 2014. I don't dislike them or anything...just don't get super excited about them either!

  8. Great stuff Keith and nice to see the Gripping Beast 10mm figures completed. The shields look great, although being metal they obviously don't have the same detail as the 3D prints. The LBMS decals are lovely and quite easy to apply, although I have never tried doing them in 10mm.

    1. Thanks Lawrence....GB sell the LBMS transfers so I might get one sheet of 40 and see how I get on.....

  9. Once again, very impressed with these 10mm sculpts. Excellent additions. Love the tiny houses - being from Hawaii, with nature so beautiful, it's location, location, location, which counts.

    1. Thanks on both counts Dean....yes, location, location, location....do you have that TV show franchise in the US? It started in the UK (I think) and has been copied in NZ and Australia...I don't watch it but it is ubiquitous...along with talent and cooking shows!

  10. More lovely additions to your collection of 10mm ancients Keith….
    I continue to be impressed by the detail on these little people…As I am with New Zealand’s stunning scenery.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks a lot Aly.....we aim to please here on the Bydand blog!

  11. The figures are excellent, but I must say, that Air BnB--what a location!

    1. Thanks a lot Ed....it was a cracking location and I think we may well pay a return visit!

  12. Sponsors can be SO demanding. πŸ˜€
    I do appreciate the selfie. I like being reminded that bloggers are real life people. I know it’s strange.

    1. Thanks Stew...you are welcome re the selfish....although I struggle with being reminded how old and ugly I am getting!

    2. Bstrd phone changed selfie to selfish....grrr!

    3. well, when I place images on myself on y blog, I tend to choose ones that I look awful in, many because I find it funny.

      Just like you did here.... so same-same. πŸ˜πŸ˜†

  13. Those romans are coming along really well, love the blue shields πŸ‘

    1. Cheers Matt - just found this comment lurking in the Spam folder!

  14. p.s. a a fellow scot I thought you enjoy wee dram or two at the games LOL

    1. Thanks GW.....like the pipes, I can take or leave our national drink too! Herecy, I know πŸ˜€
