Monday 16 August 2021

Change of Pace - Some Pulp Characters

 As a bit of a break (a change is as good as a rest, they say!) over the last couple of days I have done some work on a few individual figures I had in my modest lead pile (yes, I do now have one - it must be akin to middle aged spread!)

Two of the figures were recently acquired from Hasslefree Miniatures, the others I have had for a couple of months and are Bob Murch Pulp Figures by way of Caliver. In an attempt to justify (if only to myself) the purchasing and painting of these figures, I have downloaded Bobs Pulp Era rules and also watched an Indiana Jones film on Netflix (although not the Last Crusade, which inspired one of the following figures) Seized by this new plan, I have just put in an order for Perry plastic 28mm Desert Rats and Afrika Korps, in the belief I can base them individually and come up with some kind of Pulp 30's adventure scenario to justify my painting the following......

This character was the inspiration for my first figure, below

Nasty Nazi Elsa Schneider, on the trail of who knows what to aid Hitlers dastardly plans...

Next up a couple of plucky British "Gels", whose aim is to stymy Elsa's evil schemes

An Upper Class Lady Archaeologist...

.... and a determined looking RAF "type"

The sculpting on all three of these Pulp figures is outstanding and makes them very easy to paint well, in my opinion.

The next two are both from Hasslefree and are the same figure - Winter Katerina I think she is called - I have done a blonde and a black haired version and have a vague notion I can involve then in RCW scenarios somehow - but mainly I just wanted to see how well I could paint up her coat!

Side by side from the rear

Tonight I have under coated the first six of the last GNW Cavalry regiment, so probably the next post will feature those figures, in a few days time.


  1. Your brushwork on the coats really caught my eye!

    1. Thanks Jon - I have been wanting to try my hand on this figure for a couple of years - I would really like to do a couple more for different fur types but that does seem a bit OCD/obsessive! The excellent sculpting certainly made is easier to get a good look on both these ladies.

  2. Very nicely done. Always good to have a change of projects for a while

    1. Cheers Neil - this is not so much a project as a diversion - but maybe I can find some gainful employment for all the female figures I have painted over the last few years....

  3. Hi KIETH,
    Good Project- I've thought about Bob Murch's 'Pulp Fiction'- he is a great Sculptor for sure and his concept for 1930s Fiction is great. All power to you Kieth if you get into this genre- you'l have a lot of fun! Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev...getting them into action is going to be the real challenge!

  4. Spiffing looking young ladies…
    I look forward to reading about their topping adventures…

    All the best Aly

    1. Thanks Aly....I am thinking I might have a "gang" from all the main powers...Britain, France Germany, Russia, Ameriica, China and Jaoan....with the possibility of adding Spain, Italy, Poland etc...they can have a couple of characters each and a group of ten or twelve regular troops fir cannon fodder....

  5. Outstanding work, Keith! In every sense of the word:) Very stylish and gorgeous women characters.

    1. Thank you Dmitry....after your recent female figures, that is great praise for sure!

  6. Fur nice, skin tones good. Definitely need a good scenario for the set in Afrika forces. Ancient burial sites with ongoing digs?

    1. Thanks Joe...I might have to watch a few pulp era movies on You Tube for inspiration! Africa has already entered my thought pattern (obviously, given the Perry figures I have just ordered) with thr Foreign Legion and Perry Zulus potential next purchases.....

  7. A nice little diversion there Keith. the figures and painting are great and look forward to seeing what you do with the Perry figures.

    1. Thanks Steve. The two boxes of Perry figures have been sourced locally so should be here tomorrow hopefully - unlike one of my recent purchases of resin heads that took a month to get here from Utah of all places - I actually expected them to come from Australia, as its an Australian manufactuer!

  8. Wonderful brush work, the ladies certainly look the part.

    1. Thanks a lot Stu - the lovely sculpting certainly helps a lot - I remember when wargame female figures basically looked like men with T....err ..breasts!

  9. Great paintwork on these lovely ladies; you really captured the feminine facial details.

    1. Thank you dean - I refer you to my previous comment above!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment Mark - hopefully I can come up with a way to use them in a game!

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal - I would love to see how they would come out from your talented brush!

  12. Nice work. Not too sure about the "winter" figures though. I'm sure the coats will keep them warm around the shoulders, but they are running a serious risk of getting a chill.

    1. Yes I know - I think the furs are more for show than utility - maybe I can do a scenario involving PETA protesters! BTW in breaking news, NZ is back in full L4 lockdown for minimum of 3 days from later this evening - we found a Covid case in the community - probably Delta but not yet confirmed.

    2. Yes, I saw that. It is a bit of a revolving door at the moment. At least in Queensland we had a short sharp three-day lockdown a few weeks ago, so hopefully you'll be the same. Australia and NZ were really on top there for a while, but now we look like we're lagging unfortunately.

    3. Australia yes, possibly, but I think NZ is still up there...we only have about thirty per cent of the population who have had the first vaccine but then others had a much greater need so we have been at the back of the queue for delivery, plus we are using the Pfizer one exclusively. Despite the politically motivated Nay Sayers, I think we have done about as well as we could have in keeping the virus out of our country and enabling ninety per cent if our society to operate more or less as usual....fingers crossed we have caught this latest case in time to stop it dead with a short sharp lockdown!
