Thursday 19 August 2021

Some More Pulp Fiction

 Oh Dear...... instead of knuckling down and getting the last twelve GNW cavalry painted, I have allowed myself to be diverted by the instant gratification of painting a few more Pulp Era figures! And to make things worse, I now have a PLAN....involving MORE Pulp figures, in contingents of ten or twelve figures, and representing six or eight nations - UK, US, Germany, Russia, France, Japan and China - and possibly a couple more as well! To this end, I have purchased two boxes of Perry plastic WW2 figures - Afrika Korps and Eighth Army (other nations will follow but probably in metal - it should not be too costly as I only need a handful of each nation....)

The idea is to have skirmish games for four to six players, each on some kind of mission, and colliding with each other on the table top - it may all come to nothing, it just seems like a cool idea at the moment - I think Neil at Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles is to blame, with his recent posts about his fictional Great Game gone Hot Russo/British War of 1900 ish - and a related Grab the Mad Guru scenario.....

This is the whole group of recently painted Bob Murch figures

First of the latest three completed - an American aviatrix

Not sure on this one - could be French...or a second American

The third has been painted up as a second Nazi explorer - given her girth, I am thinking of making her a relation of Reichmarshall Goering - his cousin perhaps!

The three new characters together

The German characters

British Characters

Russian characters (painted a few weeks ago for the RCW collection)

The new arrivals - about a dozen Perry Afrika Korps undercoated - most are wearing the old style cork helmets, as they are intended for pre war use

Size comparison - I think they will work fine together

A few examples of the inspiration for this kind of gaming....

Lets hope I manage to complete this idea as I think it would provide a lot of fun and entertainment! (I will get those Swedes back in the painting queue soon though...honest!)


  1. And down a new rabbit-ho;e.....
    I will agree, Pulp is so much fun, and painting 'just a few' can't hurt. You are showing remarkable restraint, my usual Murch order is 13-15 packs.
    Great job on all those ladies so far, eespecially the colors on Ilsa.

    1. rabbit hole...stupid keyboard!

    2. Thanks Joe - my restraint is a consequence of the dictatorship of macro economics and not any self control on my part! That, in part, is why the "minions" are Perry plastics...although they are actually a lot nicer than I had expected them to be - wish they did the other nations I want too!

    3. And Murch has a special offer on now!

    4. Really - I had a look Jon and could not see anything - anyway, I think its better for me to buy them from, Caliver and pay no freight if I get three packs or more! (based on the GBP30 value)

  2. Ah, lovely looking minis! Love the Pulp games atmosphere!

    1. Thanks Michal - I have always been attracted to the figure rages but have never used them in a game so far!

  3. More Pulpy goodness, Keith. I enjoy seeing this distraction.

    1. As I enjoy being distracted Jon - but it has to stop - those Swedes are glaring at me and they wont paint themselves!

  4. Hi Kieth,
    Well done on the painting of the Women Characters. It will be interesting how far you go with this Pulp Fiction project - it is all very interesting- it is exciting to get a new project underway. Stay well there in NZ. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev - I should take inspiration form your speedy work on your dwarf project! Re staying well, unfortunately it sounds like they now have confirmed Covid cases in Wellington too so we may be in a fill L4 lock down for a while....

  5. Well this project is developing a nice momentum and look forward seeing how this unfolds, what rules you plan to use etc.

    1. Thanks Steve - dont hold your breath though! I have whole armies of historical forces that have never graced a battlefield - my troops are more like real ones than I would like - almost constantly hanging around the barracks, waiting for a conflict they can get involved in...!

  6. Nice characters and good to have a diversion in painting every now and then. At least with characters, each paint job is complete in itself.

    1. Thanks Norm - that is exactly it - single figures can be painted from start to finish in one evening session and you have the instant gratification of an aim achieved - thats why I could never contemplate sitting down to do 36 or 48 figures in one go - it would drive me mad!

  7. Great looking and characterful figures

    1. Cheers Scotty - I am looking forward to seeing how you go when you add the Militia Ladies to your SCW collection!

  8. Lovely looking pulp fiction characters! Completely understand why you switched to them :)

    1. Thanks Dmitry I think we all know why these are more attractive to paint than Swedish horses....!

  9. Great looking pulp characters, Keith. Fun stuff!

  10. Marvellous stuff Keith…

    I love the magazine covers…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly - I just went on Google and selected a random sample of what came up in images - I guess everyone already knows what type of thing you are talking about when you say "Pulp Era".....

  11. Thanks for introducing me to Mr Murch. I’ve just spent a good 20 mins on his website having a jolly good browse. If only my current bank balance was a bit bigger!

    1. Hahaha...I know that feeling all too well JBM! I have a list and it would be three or four hundred quids worth if I just got it all in one fell swoop - but I am thinking two or three ten quid packs at a time, order each month, free postage from caliver....I will get there in the end - even though I will then probably have far too many figures for any one game :)

  12. Beautiful painted figures and they look like fun to paint.

    1. Thanks Mark - yes, they are both great sculpts and fun/easy to paint. In a way, its a shame the bigger historical ranges were not of the same calibre, but it might make them more expensive I guess...the closest I have found are Copplestone, which are great, but really only cover parts of a few minor conflicts such as Back of Beyond/RCW (not a minor war in scale but minor in terms of wargaming interest!)

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Nate - and welcome back to the blogosphere - where have you been mate? I have checked your blog intermittently over the last few months but the last post was ages ago - unless you have just started again recently??

  14. If there's gaps you think you might want to fill in this "period", let me know. I could well have something....... we can have a short trial game - when we can come out to play again:(

    1. Of course my Darkest Africa figures will fit right in!

    2. Cheers Andrew - I may very well take you up on that! Trialing the Pulp Rules I downloaded would be good too - but as you say, will be a few week before we can do so I imagine!

  15. Always good to have a break it helps the motivation and the pulp game sounds an interesting sideline 👍

    1. Cheers Matt - its really all just about how attractive the figures are - but I really will try to use these in an occasional game, honest!

  16. The wargames butterfly in full effect.... Those look fantastic.
    I was looking at some of the pic's of the forthcoming Perry's Italians and thought that would be a good little project. You are really not helping ;-)

    1. Thanks Stu - are the Perrys doing plastic Italians....?? I already had a look at their metal range (and the French ) ... I would only need a couple of packs for each nation, and now you mention "new" Italians - you are not helping me either!

  17. They really are full of character Keith, and you have done a great job on them. Lovely stuff.

    1. Thank you Lawrence - yes, they are beautiful clean and simple sculpts that are so easy to paint. They are obviously popular too - I have very rarely got to the vicinity of 40 comments on a single post - my average is mid 20's I think!

  18. I bough some of Bob Murch’s work for the East African WWI game we did at Tarawera a few years ago - the were the crew of the gunboat. Lots of character. Looking at your comic titles, is that Madonna in the third one down?

    1. Yes I remember that Mark - he may have suppled some deck guns too? Could well be Madonnas granny! I also noticed the first two ladies look very similar, although the titles of the comics are different - same artist perhaps?

  19. This Pulp genre seems to be taking off- no need for huge armies- an interesting diversion from the 'big battle' stuff.

    1. Thanks John - they are certainly fun to paint and give an instant gratification for one evening's effort, as you can paint one or two from woe to go in a few hours! I am back on GNW Swedes now, after a slight deviation into plastic Afrika Korps!
