Friday, 22 July 2022

Another "Look It, I painted Something" Post!

 I think we have established, thanks to Stew at A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth, that this is the type of post most of us do, do most often and to top it all, its the kind of post we most like reading and reacting to as well!

So, give the public what they want, I say - here is what I have painted since the last post a couple of nights ago!

Five more of the Requetes Militia

An LMG gunner and loader

And three more infantrymen

I think this one (below) is my favourite pose in this bunch

Brief Interlude 

Nice to come home to a real blazing log fire...

...and a cold Hazy APA straight from the fridge .....Life is Good!

Now, on with the "Show and Tell"!!

The first five of the Moroccan Regulares - the backbone of the Nationalist victory - which is somewhat ironic, given they were certainly NOT staunch Catholics, and probably didnt give a toss about the maintenance of the Spanish Royal family or aristocracy either!

European officers - of course!

Annoyingly, the flagpole was sculpted a bit too short to accommodate the 20mm flag that was supplied with the box set

An NCO I would presume, pointing the way

Tossing a grenade - the troops come in a mixture of Fez or Turban headgear

Finally, this is one of a pair of Republican dispatch riders, photographed from several different angles.

The rider comes separate from the bike, which is a nice, crisp little model - as are all the Minairons range, to be fair/

Thats your small burst of wargaming dopamine for tonight - I will be back, probably on Sunday evening, with an AAR on our first ENORMOUS game at Barry's place in A VERY LONG TIME - and its ACW, which should please Stew (and some others) no end! 

Thanks for dropping by and please, leave as many comments as possible - now Stew has breached 60 or 80 or whatever his current score is, I am feeling lonely and unpopular! :)


  1. They look great Keith, and I am always a big fan of any motorcycle troops. As to blog content, I always enjoy seeing people's projects come to life.

  2. Cheers Lawrence! I think that despite Stews slightly provocative wording, he came to the same conclusion ...... Most of us are happy with half a dozen pics of the latest newly painted figures, and in depth posts that run to hundreds, or even thousands, of words, don't attract as many viewers.

    1. Yes. That was the point. We’re all PB&J bloggers (or whatever the international equivalent is) most of the time but it’s fun and satisfying.

  3. Very nice indeed Keith…
    Another 20th century military uniform that looks rather colourful…

    All the best. Aly

  4. Like those Moroccan bods a lot. I wonder why they were so keen on the nationalist cause given, as you say, their religious affiliation.

    1. I suppose a mixture of professional pride* and presumably a greater hatred of the irreligious than of Christians. Perhaps it was also a bit like Indian soldiers fighting for the British Empire - the regular pay came in handy for their families.

      * or being young men paid to unleash mayhem!

    2. Hi JBM, what Chris said, I would guess! Maybe having been bossed around and disciplined by white officers for years, they were quite happy to smash an army of other white Spaniards and wreck their towns and villages?

  5. Looks like you picked up a few new followers in Stew’s wake too. Perhaps a rising tide lifts all boats? Moor (sic) fine additions to your SCW project.

    1. Well, if I can get to 80 comments, I will be amazed Jon! Continuing the oceaniic analogy, it looked like the tide had gone out on your comments....everyone was in such a rush to get over to Stews and comment, they didn't have time to leave a comment on your blog!

    2. Indeed. Readers saw my post and quickly abandoned ship.

    3. A rising tide lifts all boats and we’ll all go down together. 😀

  6. More nicely painted Nationalists. Looking forward to the AAR on your ACW game.

    1. Thanks Chris, another 36 hours or so to wait!

  7. Lovely, and a reminder to me that my own SCW forces are waiting patiently for attention.

    1. Thanks Greg...not sure if you have been here before ... Thanks for commenting. The SCW is a nice mix of different troop types and uniforms, give them a try, you won't regret it!

    2. Yes sir, my first comment. All of this hullabaloo about sandwiches convinced me to stop by, and I am glad that I did!

  8. Very nice SCW squad members. Glad to see you are still having fun posting...about Stew. Will keep watch for the 'big post' although I may not read it all. ;-)

    1. Very funny, Joe! Being a PB&J aficionado, digesting a large battle report may prove too much to swallow.

    2. Haha, I hope I don't disappoint guys! Even my so called "big" reports are more like three or four PB&J sandwiches for Sunday lunch, rather than a "proper" big meal!

    3. As the saying goes; “look at me just going on and on about myself. Let’s talk about You and what you think about me.” 😀

  9. They look superb. Also noce to see some progress on the Morrocans

    1. Thanks a lot Neil, yes, the Moors are next cab off the rank! I have most factions represented now, although I would like some Assault Guards and Civil Guards to the horde, if I could track them down in 20mm.....I have tried contacting Rolf at Liberation Models a couple of times, but had no reply so far.....

  10. Good God, not more gratuitous photos of painted figures! Really? Can we change channels and have some more photos of your lovely New Zealand scenery? The Tourist Board are getting worried as you haven't posted anything of late;).

    But seriously, lovely work again Keith. I really do like the Requetes and although I don't need anymore for my SCW/AVBCW forces, the red berets are too tempting really!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the AAR from your planned game on Sunday. Hope you all have fun and all that. Lastly rather strange to see the close up of the fire, even though I do like love them, given the weather we've had of late.

    1. On the fire in the fireplace, my thoughts exactly, Steve! With near 100F temperatures here, our only fires are in the surrounding forest and brush.

    2. Thanks Steve (and Jon!). We have had more or less incessant rain for several weeks and when we do stumble across a nice sunny day at the weekend, it's too cold to tempt my wife out to the bush, so the tourist board will just have to do the heavy lifting themselves for a while!
      I think the addition of a unit of red berets to your own collection would give you a nice boost...go on, DO IT, you know you want to!

  11. Looking mighty fine Sir, as is that Hazy IPA!

    1. Cheers Ray, yes, that one is a nice drop!

  12. I used to think berets on minis were a bit....dorky? I've sorta come to appreciate them lately with my recent (renewed) interest in AK47 by peter pig. There's an new and active group of facebook with lots of eye candy (historical photos and some lovely paint jobs).

    1. Thanks Dave, glad you like them! And thanks for the comment, I don't think I have seen you here on my blog before?

    2. No sir. My first visit (and comment).

    3. Well you are most welcome!

  13. Excellent work as always. The bloke on the motor bike reminds me of Steve McQueen - no movement penalty when crossing barbwire :)

    1. Cheers Ben, the pose is just a little "stiff" but I have akways liked motorcycle troops too!

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, appreciate your comments.

  15. Nice work Keith keep up the progress 👍

  16. Nicely done Kieth. The forces are taking shape and you have a nice painting style. The flag pole is a little short but not that it matters really. And guys on motorcycles are always cool or so says one of ex girl friends. 😀
    I see that the ACW post is already up because I’m behind. Responding to so many comments makes one lag a little…😝😝

    1. Well, you were not as far behind commenting as I am in replying Stew, and you had a pretty good excuse given the volume of comment you got on your PB&J post!
