Thursday 28 July 2022

Caballería Republicana Española

A few less images on this post than the previous one - 7 compared to 89 I think! 

These are the eight 20mm Republican cavalry figures recently arrived from the UK courtesy of Irregular Miniatures

The whole unit - I removed a sabre from one figure to create the standard bearer

Four figures are the same pose, so are grouped together

I converted this one into an officer before I realised, the one after the standard bearer is probably supposed to be an officer!

The flag is just one of three generic "Spanish Republican" flags I pulled off the net via Google

Possibly an officer, although he has a rifle, so maybe not??

Comparison with one of the Minairons cavalry - I think they work pretty well together.
Off for a game of Iron Cross 20mm WWII at Julian's again tomorrow, so an AAR will follow over the weekend.


  1. Bea looking cavalry sir!
    Best regards

  2. Very nice Keith. One of the attractions of this period is the use of cavalry. Do you have dismounted versions of these chaps?

    1. Thanks Steve - we will have to see how much use they are against a T26 or PzKfw II (depending on which side they are fighting for!) I guess they would mostly be used as mounted infantry, unless they happened to collide with other on some plain in Spain....
      As to dismounted, no, not as yet. I don't think they are actually manufactured; however, as the only real difference between cavalry and infantry uniforms is the piping on their caps - red for infantry and artillery, light blue for cavalry, it would be pretty simple to repurpose some infantry figures as dismounted cavalry. Interestingly, the Minairons Nationalist Cavalry set does include one dismounted horse holder!

  3. Lovely as always - I bet the postage costs are ruddy horrendous mind you.

    1. Actually, he wasn't too bad - although they might seem high to a UK based buyer - you might get a bit of a feel for our pain, once you are domiciled back "En la belle France"! I think postage was about £5, mind you it was a small order < £30 I think, so as a % the postage was probably 15 or 20% of total cost......that's just how it unfortunately! I have several times backed out of a shopping cart when adding postage had literally doubled the cost of the order - this is particularly the case now with some US sellers - nice figures $15 for 5, so quite pricey yes, 4 packs would be $60 - then add postage and its $130 or something crazy - sorry, not happening!

    2. International postage has become a real deterrent for me although I recently shelled out BP70 to post a medium sized box of Wargaming books from the UK. Yes, the books were a terrific bargain.

    3. Yes it's odd....some companies will still absorb it, if you buy enough product...which makes me suspect that on the lower levels, they are making a fair bit of profit on the postage. One guy in the UK quoted me something ridiculous for postage on 3D printed vehicles...but it was for up to 1kg weight and he estimated that could give me 20+ of what I wanted. But I only wanted 2 or 3 and checking Royal Mail website, there were small package rates for 300g etc for a few it feels like some sellers just ignore some of the cheaper possible options....

    4. I think what Keith is saying JBM, is fill your boots before you emmigrate.

    5. PS I thought the whole point of 3D printing is you don't have to post anything anymore!

    6. Lol...yes that might be good advise to follow JBM. On the second point Chris, one would have to posses a 3D printer, and understand how to use it, neither of which conditions one meets, hence, one pays some Johnny who understands the technology to do it instead!

  4. Nice work on the cavalry! Did cavalry carry banners I go battle?

    1. Hi Jon, thanks fr the complimentary comments! As to cavalry standards, I don't know the answer but the Minairons cavalry come with a Flags of War flag and a cavalryman carrying a pole to stick it on, plus, sword armed cavalry in the 1930's was a bit of an anachronism any way, so I think it is probable they went the whole hog, and had buglers and standard bearers.....even in action!

  5. Nice looking cavalry and look a decent match to the Minarions ones you already have

    1. Cheers Scotty, yes, I think they match up pretty well too.

  6. Lovely work Keith. I always like cavalry in this era, although they do tend to suffer against tanks as you point out. The variation in postage between suppliers always amazes me. There is a US rules company where the postage on their books always exceeds the value of the books themselves in a linear fashion, so no matter how many supplements you purchase you're always paying more than the value of what is being ordered. I know postage is expensive but other US suppliers seem to be able to send far heavier orders for a fraction of the cost.

    1. Postage is one of the crosses we have to bare, living in this art of the world I guess Lawrence.

  7. Really nice looking cavalry Keith!
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks Jason, nice to see you pop up in the comments section again! 😊

  8. 8 figures that are cav actually count as 16! So double productive. Nice job.
    After reading some comments above I SOOO wanna see a cav vs tank battle. 😀

    1. You are a psychopath Stew, I just played a WWI version of Iron Cross with Julian last night and mg's ruled the field. Imagine what they would do to cavalry, mounted inside an armoured turret? Doesn't bare thinking about !! Maybe I will give it a try to see what happens🙄😆

  9. Great looking Cavalry a useful addition to your collection Keith.

    1. Thanks Stu! The 1914 version of Iron Cross includes cavalry rules, so might get a chance to use them in a game one day!

  10. Lovely toys Keith…
    One of the nice things about the Spanish Civil War is that you still get to wave some flags…

    All the best. Aly.

    1. A very good point Aly - thanks for dropping by and commenting!
