Tuesday 21 February 2023

War of 1812 Parade - US Forces

 At the request of Dai over at The Lost and the Damned and the Stunted (lostdamnedstunted.blogspot.com) here is a small parade of my War of 1812 collection. Apart from a few Knuckle Duster figures to make up the numbers on a couple of units, this collection is entirely based on the Old Glory 25mm range, including some of their "exuberant" poses! (Mainly officers...)

This is one of the many uniform resources I used when creating the collection,

Here is another. 

Now, without further ado, on to the parade!

1st US Infantry Regiment

Rear detail showing one version of the "US" on their knapsacks.

5th US Infantry Regiment

8th US Infantry Regiment

A different rendition of "US" on the knapsacks

14th US Infantry Regiment

15th US Infantry Regiment

18th US Infantry Regiment

22nd US Infantry Regiment

1st US Rifle Regiment - I know, its a VERY bright green - it matches the uniform card I found, honest!

2nd US Rifle Regiment

4th Maryland Militia Regiment

Rear detail

5th Maryland Militia Regiment

US Light Dragoons (these guys probably have the most "animated" leader of all!)

7th New York Light Dragoons

Artillerymen in various uniforms worn at different points in the war.

Finally, a mounted officer......

.....who is NOT mine! I believe he belongs to my gaming mate Mark from 1866 and All That and he must have been MIA for quite some time - helpfully packed away into the wrong box at the conclusion of an 1812 game by a player other than Mark or me!

Does anyone want to see the 1812 Brits - they are, for the most part, just late Napoleonic era infantry in Belgic style shakos - let me know, and if you are interested, I will drag them all out of their boxes for a photo shoot in a day or two. 


  1. Lovely work. Definitely want to see the Brits since I might want to have a go at the whole 1812 thing in the future (in 10mm mind you).

    1. OK JBM - I don't take much convincing - one affirmative response will do it! Having just been painting a bit of 15mm again for the first time in a number of years, 10mm actually sounds quite attractive, but I am not starting YET ANOTHER scale!

  2. Splendid Collection Kieth- you must have a very good storage system as you have so many troops...well done on all accounts. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev. My storage system is a couple of Formica cupboards in our garage and unfortunately, it's pretty much at capacity .....

  3. Terrific collection to put out on parade. Old Glory figures are so distinctive, they were immediately recognizable. British next? Why not?

    1. Thanks Jon, I have a soft spot for OG, as they make up the bulk of a couple of my collections. Sometimes, they are not the best sculpts around, but most of their ranges are the equal of more fashionable brands.

  4. Yum, that's quite a collection you have there!!!

    1. Cheers Ray. Another collection that has only rarely made it to the table...two or three times since 2017, I guess!

  5. A magnificent collection Keith and one to be proud of. My first thought was how painting all those 'US' symbols on the backpacks would have severely tried my patience.

    1. Thanks Lawrence...yes it tried my patience too..and stained my eyesight....some were better than others!

  6. Hurrah! For a parade Keith…
    And hurrah! hurrah! for a War of 1812 one…
    That’s a fine looking collection…

    Okay get your Brits out 🤣

    All the best. Aly

  7. Nice parade. How about a model of the White House Keith 😉

    1. What.....before or after the Australians burnt it, Chris.....??! 😀

  8. Now that was what I was hoping for. Lots of cool interesting uniforms and units. Yes please on the Brits! (I'm off to check out that Old Glory range.)

    1. Glad to be of service Dai...OG certainly did it for me, with an Army card knocking 40% off....would be even better if US based like your good self...affordable postage too!

    2. We’ll now, that certainly sounds like something I will be contacting you about later in the year. (I have projects aplenty right now, but have a pdf of Sharpe Practice2 and a hankering for painting something not browns, greys or khaki green!)

    3. Sounds good....look forward to seeing you do that! Sharpe Practice is a fun game too.

  9. Great looking collection. Always a joy to see a parade.

    1. Thank you Richard, glad you liked the parade...Brits to follow in a day or two.

  10. Pretty awesome set of colours. I really dig the sky blue backpacks.

    1. Thanks Dave - yes, I think the US uniforms were pretty attractive in this era - they did seem to change about every six months - at least three different uniforms in the two years the war lasted - although how many soldiers actually got issued the official uniforms is probably a moot point!

  11. Beautiful collection Keith 👍

  12. Lovely looking US parade, not sure about the war of 1812, bad enough painting a British army but then having to do another in blue? No thanks, plus no French!
    Best Iain

    1. If you already have Brits to fight the French, they could easily be used to take on the Yanks too, Iain!

  13. A fine parade indeed Keith and the War of 1812 has been gaining traction these past few years. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing our brave boys en parade too:).

    1. Thanks Steve...the Brits will get their turn very soon!

  14. A fine collection and grand parade. 😁
