Tuesday 28 February 2023

How Much Is Enough .....Storage Wars

The topic of storage is touched upon by most bloggers at some point or other and as it was mentioned peripherally in a recent reply to comments on my blog, I took a few pix and did some counting over the weekend.

I am not particularly surprised to discover I have 131 boxes of figures plus several large plastic storage bins of terrain in my garage, primarily but not exclusively A4 box files of various vintages and colours.

Here they all are!

The interior of my "main" figure storage area - a double door approx 800mm x 400mm x 1800mm cupboard, packed, as you can see, with around 50 boxes of figures and vehicles.

On the top of this cupboard, I have added recently painted stuff like the GNW collection (in Swedish blue and yellow boxes) plus the SCW and Pulp collections I have been working on the last couple of years. Add 12 boxes.

The overflow storage, bottom shelves of a 1200mm x 400mm x 2000mm cupboard that also holds my depleted book collection. Thats about another 30 boxes there!

And atop this large cupboard, another few boxes of rarely used stuff!

Steel frame shelving unit is around 1600mm in height - a lot of "random" boxes on the top shelf of this one. Hopefully, they are not as precarious as they appear in this image........

15mm WWII Japanese and 20mm WWII collections on top of a third cupboard that holds family shoes!

The final location was temporary about six years ago! This is our old "beer" and overflow fridge that sits next to my painting desk in the garage.

Now, I started a bit of a trend with my "reveal" of my painting desk and issuing a challenge to others to follow suit - so how about it - let's see some images of your beautifully organised storage facilities, gents!


  1. Blimey Keith, my storage problems pale into insignificance to yours. I think if I had that much stuff my marriage would be in jeopardy! Even with 10mm and most of it still in bags unbased and unpainted, I have issues as to where I can keep it all. Maybe a post is due from my perspective then...

    1. Lol....this IS a lifetimes (45 years) worth of collecting, Steve....honestly, Mark at 1866 for a start, will have A LOT more than me! But yes, it's an issue...I want more but don't want to get rid of anything....

  2. Shouldn’t be a problem, I sold nearly everything before moving! There’s bugger all left!

  3. I can still see some spaces for some new stuff :-)

    I find that storage is the thing that bothers me most. My boargames are jealous of the space that the figures have and vice - versa! My most recent boardgame purchase hasn’t got a home without some reorganising!

    1. Yes it seems to be a perennial challenge Norm! Let's see some pix of your competing collections...!

  4. It was due to storage issues that my wife made me buy a shed and move my figures out. It's so full I have to empty just to get to the figures I need

    1. Haha....I think my wife would like that solution too Scotty but we already have one small metal shed for lawn mower, garden tools etc....and I would want something better than that if I had to store my figures in it!

  5. Impressive box count Keith! Just counted mine: 158 plastic trays (you know the ones I mean) plus 15 storage boxes. They are now stacked in four places around the house. I real terms that is 15,312 foot and 2,264 mounted figures, plus 307 guns and 196 pieces of equipment, ant this doesn’t even take the scenery into account…I really DO need to stop!

    I like the idea of the beer fridge next to the painting desk!

    1. I knew you would have more than me Mark! Yes, the beer fridge us in a handy location, for sure!

    2. Mark, that is truly a great many boxes, bins and baggage. Keith, you are an instigator and you're about to give me something to do during today's snowstorm.

    3. Glad to be of service, Joe, and looking forward to the results of your research!

  6. Wow Keith! That is a lot of figures! But as Norm says, there is still spare space for new stuff! 😁
    And obviously the family will need to find somewhere else to keep their shoes!
    Terrain takes up most of my space as 10mm figures are a bit easier to store.

    1. Thanks Ben....yes, it's a lot....sometimes, I even think my wife may gave a point when she says I will have to stop buying more....only for a second or two, though! If our two grown up children would bugger off, we would have two spare rooms....or at least, I would have one spare shoe cupboard!

  7. Excellent post Keith and yes storage is a real issue, I know I have lots of stuff and a reasonable space but still envy those with more space. A lot of the people I know suffer the same challenge as you with stuff stored in several locations. One thing I am particularly aware of is if I move something out of the dungeon it is unlikely to resurface. Terrain is the killer especially in 28 mm, hence my recent attempts to double up as much terrain as possible. I should point out the shelves in the first photos are beginning to sag worryingly 🤞

    1. Ps I think we can all agree that wives are wrong when they think we have enough !

    2. Sagging shelves. I noticed that too!

    3. Glad you thought this is a topic worth posting about Matt! I have had a structural engineer inspect the sagging shelves....they should be good for another twenty years! 😀

  8. Wow - you certainly have a lot of boxes in storage- I've managed to store my current projects in six boxes...admittedly I've previously sold off a lot of collections to make room. At present I only have two Projects.

    1. Since starting following your blog, Kev, I have noticed a certain ruthless realism in your collecting pattern...one collection disappears to make room for/finance a new one. It's probably a sensible way to do things but I couldn't do it'

  9. Boxes of figures eat nothing and complain little. Mine are stored in the basement in the game room (with terrain in a nearby closet) so there is no chance of structural collapse from the heavy weight on sagging beams. Sometimes my wife will ask if the stacks are growing.

    1. Large basements seem to be a relatively common feature of American homes Jon....they woukd be a very practical option but I don't know anyone who has one here in NZ, and likewise, very few usable attics. My wife comments on every arriving box!

  10. I think I did a survey of my storage, etc, when I reported on my big sort out--but I might do an update just to be among the smart set :). My latest project has once again brought to light the very practical end of our hobby: where to put all the stuff? Always good to see how others mange things.

    1. I think another photo review is order Ed, particularly, as you say, if you want to be in with trend setters!

  11. Just had a quick count of mine, mostly Weston A4 boxes and box files. Granted, some would have unpainted figures or terrain but still... worked out at about 270 boxes...

    1. Given the recent images of your industrial level home production facilities, Rob, I am not in the least surprised! Let's see some pix.....

    2. Go onto my Eastern Garrison blog and search 'review'. The 2020 Persian Review also includes a picture of some of my boxes on the back wall! Worth remembering I've had over 50 years to build my collections!

    3. I will have a look Rob - my own collection includes a few figures from 45 years ago (when I was 15) but I had a 10–15-year hiatus and didn't start again until about 30 years ago, so I am a bit behind your good self.

    4. Yes, that's a few boxes Rob - for anyone else interested. go here.... https://easterngarrison.blogspot.com/2020/05/garrison-2020-persian-army-review.html

  12. Wow. I won't try to compete. When we bought a house with a cellar I thought I was set for life. My lovely wife had other ideas about how to use the space... heavy sigh!

    1. Your wife does know, she isn't supposed to keep the kids down there, doesn't she Richard? I think the Labour govt changed that law in 1946 😀

  13. I keep saying I am going to reorganise my storage, but know it will take the best part of a day and would prefer to spend the time painting. Your solution looks quite neat Keith, but I think we could all do with more hobby space.

    1. I could manage if I had one or possibly two more of those white cupboards along the garage wall...there is room....but my wife has prohibited it!

  14. That’s an impressive collection Keith… imagine what it would look like if it was all out on display shelves…😁
    At the moment my toys are all in safe places while the builders hit my house with big hammers and make lots of dust…

    All the best. Aly

    1. It would look really cool Aly but it will never happen! Also, that's a bit impractical for a gamer whose troops ALWAYS travel to away games....I would just add two more irritating time wasting processes...packing from the shelves into boxes for transport and reversing the procedure when I brought them home again! I guess if you have a dedicated gaming room and normally host games, that sort of storage would work ok....

  15. Holy heck mate, that's quite the set up. Makes mine pale in comparison... think I'll remind myself to keep schtum from now on when I "think" I have a minis "problem". LOL

    1. My main claim to fame Dai, is that at any one time, I generally have minimal unpainted figures....I buy, paint, then buy again...it stems from never having enough disposable income for most of the last thirty years! My unpainted lead pile is pretty small 😀

  16. I have my collections upstairs in rooms, cupboards and the loft it evens the weight out too.

    1. LOL - let's see some pics, Phil! The loft storage reminds me of a line from Achtung Schweinhund, something about the rafters creaking under the strain of half a ton of lead!

  17. fun tour. These are all painted figures? It actually doesn't all that crazy for someone whose been doing his hobby for a long time.

    All my painted miniatures and terrain and what nots are stored in the back corner of my garage. I will not be going back there to take pictures. too dark and too many spiders. 😀

    1. Yes, all painted Stew. I basically "rediscovered" the hobby around 1995, so not quite my whole life, but coming up to thirty years soon!
      I am extremely disappointed you are not getting with the programme, the back of your garage isn't even outdoors, although I guess with all those spiders, it seems almost as dangerous to you.....
