Tuesday, 31 December 2024

2024 - Year in Review - Part One - Painting

 As with many gamers, the end of a calendar year brings on a desire to review progress made in the past twelve months, as well as record games played.

In this post, I review all the figures I have enjoyed painting over the last year. A review of games played will come in a second post.

I won't be presenting any numbers - I am not motivated enough to go back through my blog and make a head count - this is simply a pictorial record and a few descriptive comments.

It seems a long time ago now, but in Jan 2024, I was still working on my 28mm Blitzkrieg Germans!

I had a bit of a splurge on new figures early in the year, and the above Three Musketeers miniatures were some of the new arrivals painted

A Blitzkrieg Command Group

Some more of the idiosyncratic mix of purchases - these may appear in a Pulp game one day.....

Fallschirmjaegers were also added to the Blitzkrieg roster!

It would not be my blog without some ladies - Three Musketeer-esque above, and Pulp below!

Another Pulp lady...

And some 3D printed scenic items I purchased for use in skirmish games.

Fallschirmjaeger command group

And a "Pulp" Command Group!

Some very nice 3D printed 28mm Blitzkrieg vehicles were obtained from JJG in France

A group of Fallschirmjaeger riflemen

Another 3D printed soft skin transport vehicle

More Fallshirmjaegers!

From a local web auction site, I obtained these now out of production Plastic Soldier Company 28mm hard plastic infantry at a bargain price

How they arrived on the left and with my enhancements on the right!

More of the lovely 3D printed vehicles, plus passengers!

Superb little SdKfz 222

Kubelwagon and "Chaindog" or Feldgendarmerie, to give them their official title!

I then moved on to painting some of new arrivals from my earlier buying spree - SCW Assaltos above, and some 1930/40's Pulp civilians below

And some rather nice "Gun Molls"!

And a female "Indiana Jones" type adventurer!

Plus, her long-suffering side kick!

Slight change of pace, with Crusader Miniatures FIW native warriors!

Then M'Lady de Winters servants for the Three Musketeers!

Back to the injuns!

Another online auction bargain - four rather rough 3D printed Opel Blitz trucks

They will do for me, though - cheap transport for the Wehrmacht - TICK!

Some hedgerows etc were created next.

Can be used with either 28mm, 20mm or 15mm!

Lots more FIW First Nation warriors

A quick burst of Pulp figures....

Then something quite a bit different - British Napoleonic Hussars for the Peninsula!

And then, some British Dragoons for the same theatre!

Now, I moved on to a new project that had not been anticipated, and was jump started by a bargain Warlord starter army box being available from a local retailer - AWI Americans!

The following pictures cover two to three months of steady assembly and painting production

After about a month, some Perry plastic figures were added to the mix!

The Man himself - Genl. Geo. Washington.

I must have felt like a break from the Yanks, because this is a unit of British Light Dragoons, again for the Peninsula era!

Then it was back to a production line of Perry AWI unit!

Withe several boxes of Perry plastic AWI troops assembled but yet to be painted, not to mention quite a few figures from the start of the year purchases still patiently awaiting attention, what did I do now - why, start a completely different and unexpected project, of course!

10mm 3D printed Early Imperial Romans from Cromarty Forge!

These arrived with the AWI infantry, and I obviously had an urge to paint them at this point!

Then, it was back to the 10mm Romans....

... and later, their Ancient Briton enemies!


........ Britons!

From there, it's just alternated between the two sides for the last two or three months of 2024,

 And I already have more Britons on the desk to usher in the start of the 2025 painting season!

Have a very happy New Year (which is just over nine hours away for us, as I type this on Tuesday afternoon) to all my readers and I will be posting a review of my games played in a few days' time!