Saturday, 14 December 2024

10mm Early Imperial Roman Auxiliary Cavalry

 The last batch of my 10mm Cromarty Forge stuff has been completed - and some more should be en route shortly from Australia! In the meantime, I am painting up some 28mm Confederate infantry for gaming buddy Rick, who has lost his mojo for units, but can't bring himself to start work on some interesting little vignettes he has, until outstanding work has been completed - that's where I come in!

Anyways, here are the tiny cavalry - two different units

These are the "Caeruleum
 Equites Auxiliares" - thanks Google Translate, English to Latin!

The "Rhoncus Equites Auxiliares"

Very happy with both these units, but as I now have four such, and I think the "Barbarians" will need to outnumber the Romans to have any chance against them, four is probably enough for now!

My next reinforcement from Adam at Adrahlabs is:

4 x Ancient Briton Warrior Packs
1 x Ancient Briton Fanatics
1 x Ancient Briton Skirmishers
1 x EIR Slingers
1 x EIR Auxiliary Century with the FLO shield design

Should be plenty there to keep me busy over my relatively short Christmas break (finish 24 Dec, back at work 6 Jan) - that's only four working days of annual leave used up, for twelve days at home 👌👍🎅


  1. Lovely work on them Keith, cracking little figures and a nice bundle of reinforcements on their way too! I knock off on Tuesday night, 17th, and back on the 3rd, not a bad wee break and should get a bit done in that time, fingers crossed!

    1. Cheers Donnie - that's quite a break for Scotland - from my recollection, most people just took the public holidays, given its winter and the weather is generally cold and wet/windy!
      Here, Christmas coincides with summer, so kids are off school 6-8 weeks, and a LOT of people have 2–3-week holidays, taking in most of January.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Michal, always appreciate your visits and supportive comments!

  3. Very nice indeed Keith. I have forgotten what ruleset you are planning to use. Do they have a points system? Either way, you will definitely need lots many more barbarians than Romans to give the former a chance. In DBMM each element of warband costs only three points as opposed to the Roman's usual five, so the Romans tend to get run over a lot.

    1. I meant seven for the Romans. So you get a ration of just over 2:1.

    2. Thanks Lawrence - haven't decided on a ruleset as yet - might even try and cobble together something of my own! The Romans will undoubtedly fight at some advantage (as they should), so will have to be outnumbered to give their opponents a chance of victory!

    3. I read once that many of the dice unearthed from Roman forts are loaded, which explains why they won so many battles. 😂

    4. Haha...that could explain a lot, Ben!

  4. Really nice work there Keith, the impressed shield detail works very well doesn’t it!

    1. Thanks JBM - yes, the raised detail on the shields is excellent and its pretty easy to paint, using a fine brush!

  5. So, you're helping out a mate by painting up a batch of his figs, have I got that right? What a nice gamer's Xmas gesture. Might be on to something there.

    1. Hi Ed - yes, you have understood the situation precisely!

  6. amazing painting on 10mm minis!

    1. Thanks Phil....that is quite a compliment, having just quickly looked at the beautiful armies you have painted!

  7. Your foces continue to grow and be very good looking. Christmas plans sound good. Looking forward to your AAR'S and decision on rules to use.

    1. Thanks Joe, the collection is nearing critical mass, where a small game should be possible!

  8. These horsemen look great, Keith! Your production line is in full swing.

    1. Thanks Jon, a slight pause now, until the reinforcements arrive!

  9. Great looking cavalry and plenty to keep you busy over the festive break

    1. Cheers Scotty and yes, should have lots to do in the next few weeks!

  10. Fantastic work on those Keith! Especially the horses which are something I never enjoy painting.
    I hope the new figures arrive safely.

    1. Thanks Ben, I don't normally enjoy painting horses either, but in this scale, they aren't so bad!

  11. I am starting to see the wonder of 10mm- lovely Keith!

  12. They really are impressive Keith.

    1. Thanks OB, they are very nice figures. 👍

  13. I'm continually impressed with these figures and your excellent painting at this scale, Keith.

    1. Thank you Dean, they are fantastic figures and I have been happy with my ability to paint the, too!

  14. Nice work on those cavalry, which have come up a treat like the others:). Looking forward to seeing what you do for you chum, if you are able to take pics of them. No chance of a White Xmas here, but maybe at least it might be sunny, which is better than the rain of recent years...

    1. Thanks Steve and yes, I should take some pics of the Rebs before handing them back to Rick!
