Saturday, 28 December 2024

Last Arrivals for 2024

 Another batch of the Cromarty Forge 10mm figures, produced for me by Adam at Adrahlabs in Victoria, Australia (fun fact, the designer based in Aberdeen now only supplies within the UK for some reason)

As mentioned, (I think) in a previous post, the bulk of this order is more Britons, but I did add one pack of Auxiliary infantry to the Roman roster

Nice, robust packaging and plenty of internal cushioning ensured the figures arrived undamaged and in tip top condition!

Here they are, 5 lots of Britons, including one of naked fanatics (!) plus, the skirmishers at the rear (half armed with javelins, the other half with slings). The Romans are third in from the left. 

All the figures have now been separated from each other and the supports removed, without suffering any significant damage.

For rules, I am going to give the deceptively simple looking ones from One Hour Wargames, which I have a digital copy of, a try out, and I will try using his scenarios too - which will have many advantages, including the fact the author states they are designed to be played on a 3' by 3' table - which is what I have available!

I will also probably try playing the scenario over a second time, using our home-brew ASN rules, which I have made a couple of tweaks to, to transform them from mid 20th century to 1st century AD!

Assuming one or other of these work out well, I am even thinking of playing every OHW scenario, in order, as a campaign - with the games representing the progression of the Roman invasion of Britian circa AD 40-70.

I have also been watching this quite old British TV series recently via our TV On Demand service 

Not particularly accurate or realistic - it's basically about a "war" between adherents of two older religious system, represented by Aulus Plautius (the real-life leader of the Roman invasion force) and his high priestess wife; the Druids; and Plautius' erstwhile best mate and right-hand man, who happens to have been the Centurian who ran a spear through the heart of a local Messiah who was being crucified at Golgotha when they were both serving there about ten years earlier.... you can see where this is all heading! Done with lots of tongue in cheek by a very appealing cast - I am thoroughly enjoying it, although because it was cancelled after series three, I am not sure if it will come to a satisfying conclusion or not!

Might get in one more post before the end of the year - possibly even an AAR of my first 10mm ancient battle!


  1. Nice additions to your growing collection, looking forward to seeing them painted up and based, should be impressive. Britannia is good fun and well worth a watch, pity it got cancelled as there are a lot of loose ends to tie up in my opinion.

    1. Cheers Donnie! Yes, I have enjoyed Britannia (watching episode 8 series 3 now) but it does seem unlikely they can wind it all up satisfactorily in the next 75 minutes or so....

    2. Bloody hell - that was the LAST episode - the ending made very little sense - they obviously intended there to be a series 4 and more!

  2. They are lovely castings Keith. It seems an odd decision to only make them available in the UK.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence, they sure are - sorry, I was not very clear - the actual creator is only selling within the UK - but they are available worldwide through a couple of media - the most straightforward for most people is via Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) here
      In Australia (and NZ!) they can be sourced here

  3. More additions to your growing armies. Looking forward to eventually seeing them in action

    1. Keep watching, Neil, an AAR of my first trial game is imminent!

  4. Nice to see more toys land to keep you occupied! As for selling outside the UK, now we are not in the EU companies and businesses have to have a rep in each country to handle any problems, which is causing massive headaches all round, meaning many small ones have given up selling to Europe. This maybe the reaons he is only selling within the UK now.

    I've not seen Britannia as I think it was on Sky here, but I remember it getting favouralbe reviews, even if the history was a bit suspect. still anything that fires the imagination is a good thing:).

    1. Hi Steve - what, you are not suggesting there was a downside to Brexit, surely??!
      Yes, you are correct, it was created by Sky - and as you will see in my second response to Donnie above, it has just reached a very unsatisfactory ending on my TV this evening! Rather annoying, as it obviously still had a long way to go....

    2. IIRC there was a recent poll that the Brexit referendum would have a very different outcome now, given what people have learnt and wished they'd known about at the time! Series being cut short without a proper ending does my head in!!!

    3. LOL - that's one of the problems with democracy - sometimes the people you are voting for DONT TELL THE TRUTH - and at least half the population don't figure that out till a long time afterwards (if at all, in some cases!)

  5. Nice looking final troop additions, if only in the wip pile. The hordes you shall paint should certainly make better stories than truncated series onTV.

    1. Thanks Joe, as mentioned above, some of the 10mm figures have been in action today!

  6. Excellent additions. I look forward to seeing your great paint job on them.

    1. Cheers Richard - the first batch are underway now.

  7. Excellent additions. I suspect the naked fanatics will either be the fastest paint job of the year, or end up the slowest due to trying to paint tattoos!

    1. Thanks Bill! I stupidly have given tattoos a try, with an idea to maybe use them as Picts an Mon Graupias sometime in the future.....!

  8. These latest recruits look great even in their unpainted state!

    1. I know Jon, I still can't get over the fantastic detail on these tiny figures!

  9. Outstanding additions. Looking forward to seeing them on the table. Enmass these look the nuts!

    1. Thanks Mark. the basic Roman packs represent a century, so 56 figures represent's pretty much one to one...but I have reduced this somewhat, otherwise, a single Legion would be about 5000 figures!

  10. It’ll be cool to see this lot in action!

    1. Thanks JBM, a few of them have already had a bit of a run out...details to follow soon.

  11. Great that they made it across the Tasman to you Keith.
    I hope you don't run out of flesh paint 😂

    1. Thanks Ben! I have managed to get the fanatics painted and still have a fair bit of flesh paint left!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Michal - I think we are all agreed, they are exceptional figures for 10mm scale!
