Monday, 7 February 2022

Queen Elizabeth II of New Zealand - Platinum Jubilee

I have to admit I only thought of doing this after seeing a couple of other posts about it - but as Her Majesty is also Queen of New Zealand, I thought I would find a few "war" related images of her to mark the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee - I think she has now surpassed Queen Victoria as longest reining British monarch


  1. She broke Vickie’s record 6 years ago. 70 v 64.

    She could end up sending herself a telegram, or whatever she sends to centenarians these days.

  2. Oh...ok! Shows I haven't been paying much attention recently! Thanks for commenting...I am not expecting the usual 25 to 30 comments for this post.....!

  3. It was the headline item on the BBC on Sunday, but not much else coverage wise I could see. 70 years on the throne is no mean feat and the first British monarch to achieve this. Some nice photos you've found there too Keith.

  4. Thanks for commenting Steve.

  5. Which Queen is this?? lololol. 😀

    1. Just look north mate - she is the Queen of that country too. You poor unfortunates have to put up with a head of state like Nixon or Trump or Biden.....

  6. I think she has done a great job keeping it all together over the past 70 years. It will be interesting to see whether Australia finally takes the step to becoming a republic when she passes on.

    1. True Lawrence - I don't know the latest numbers but given Australia's propensity to imitate the US as far as they possibly can, I would think they will take the opportunity to become a republic when Prince Charles ascends the throne - so adding another election, more expense, and an extra arm of government to an already messy federal system - why wouldn't you? It might even divert the voters attention away from the mess the politicians have made actually running the country!

  7. Every time I see images of Queen Elizabeth II from back then, I think of how few living connections we have to WWII (and the 30s leading up to it), and imagine what it must be like for her to have come through those times and be experiencing the sorry state of things now, not the least of which is the degradation of respect for institutions, some ceremonial and others governmental, of which she is the rearguard.

    1. Cheers Ed - that's a very thoughtful comment. One thing that brought on this post was a weekend trip with my wife, taking her mother to visit my deceased father in laws elder sister, who is a spritely (and I am being genuine in the use of that word) 101 year old! She was an ambulance driver in the NZ Army during WW2 and recalled a couple of amusing anecdotes whilst reminiscing about her brother - who was two years younger and followed her into the army in 1943 - see previous posts about his service etc. Its amazing to think they were born into a world where there were virtually no planes, no TV, no colour films etc...they have certainly seen huge changes, and not all for the better, including in standards of behaviour and societal norms, as you point out. We have a bunch of bozos protesting outside our parliament today about their freedoms being taken away (not original of course, they are copying the Canadians) - you do wonder how people today would cope with six years plus of rationing, blackouts, no streetlights etc etc, never mind half the male population being overseas fighting Fascism!
