Thursday, 29 December 2022

2022 - A Brief Review

Normally I don't do this as I am too lazy to go back and check what I got up to in the preceding twelve months but having read a few other reviews and with my self-imposed aim to hit 132 posts this year, I decided this was a good topic to make use of! So here we go.....

First up, games played. Down a bit on the previous year I believe, but I still managed 30, which isn't too bad, just short of an average of 3 per month. Era's covered included Napoleonic, Russian Civil War, English Civil War, Pulp, Fantasy, Border Reivers, Colonial, WWI aerial and WWII. In a new departure. I also played a few solo games on my "new" 2' x 2' folding card table, which helped raise the total number of games played.

I had the bright idea of "a few" pix of each game - but maybe I have gone a bit overboard....just scroll through quickly, I wont be offended!

Off the painting table marched a multitude of figures to add to the following collections - RCW, SCW, Pulp, Border Reivers and WWII. Included in this count were both 20mm and 28mm figures and equipment, including quite a few 20mm/1/72 scale plastic kits, which is something I have not done a lot of for a few years.

Yes, you have guessed what's coming next, but hey, its Christmas and I have a lot of time on my hands!

Right - that is DEFINITELY more than I intended to do - hope you have found it mildly interesting and honestly, I haven't even got images of everything I painted throughout the year, I did use some discretion and left lots out that I would have liked to have included! Maybe something to look at in 2023 is creating a "Year in Review" folder that I can add images to as the year progresses, so that next Christmas, it is all ready to add to a similar post?

Thanks for dropping by - another post is likely in the next 24 hours!


  1. Very well done, Keith! You were quite productive in 2022 both on the gaming and painting front. I did not remember your Clue game. I may go back and dig that one up. Could not recall your work on the M3 halftrack either. My memory must be slipping although I do remember much of the rest of your efforts.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Jon, we are all getting older mate, don't worry....I am pretty sure you commented on the "Clue" game, because in the Commonwealth, it's known as "Cluedo" ...and you mentioned the difference!
      Not wanting to be pedantic, but they are actually M5 Halftracks....not that I know what the difference is, EXCEPT the PSC models come with Commonwealth figures in the M5, which was what I wanted! The M3 comes with US personnel.

    2. I am sure I did comment on Clue. Pedantic? You are the second blogger this week to correct my oversights and identification errors. Thanks for the correction. Now, I will go see what the difference is between an M3 and M5.

  2. A lot of quality work there and well done. Great to review all the games. One of my favorites is the Cluedo game 😁

    1. Thanks a lot Ben, for a quick solo game that I pinched the idea from another blog for, the Clue(do) game garnered a lot of positive comment!

  3. Well done mate! It’s always a bit frightening looking back…I am looking back over my year at the moment.

    1. Cheers Mark....I had a bit of spare time on my hands today, so took the opportunity to spend an hour doing this! I really do think I will do that year in review folder idea.....!

  4. Well done Kieth- you have done a lot this year- three games a month is a good tally. Happy NEW Year to you and family. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks Mark says above, looking back, it always surprises me how much I actually have done, and how many games I have had doesn't seem that many, to be honest!

  5. A nice retrospective, Keioth. Mine will come shortly after the first, but I don't generally include photos from the past year's posts, which isn't a bad idea; in that regard I am more of a numbers and comparison to plans type guy! :-)
    30 games in a year is doing very well for the vast majority of us!

    1. Thanks Peter.....there wasn't really a lot of thought or effort in my review, hence the sensory overload to distract the readership! I had meant to mention, I did several "parades" of full collections during the year, and also refer briefly to some reading done, but after an hour (or more) of trawling through images, I had had, my wife kept asking me WHEN are you going to get your hair cut.....!😄

    2. A little early for a review from me too. I have games and painting up until the calendar clicks over. Last game is scheduled for the 31st.

  6. Great year end review, except for the obvious lack of outdoor adventures. You did add a lot to your collection. I think with the Friday old guys games included, probably had 30 games all year, mostly skirmish based. Hopefully your hair cut is successful

    1. Thanks Joe...not 100% sure on the haircut to be honest but at least it's done! I considered the great outdoors for inclusion in the review, but that would have added ANOTHER hour and 50 more images!

  7. I was surprised as to just how many of the images I remembered, considering all that I have looked at this year. I never keep my images once posted (I compulsively clear out), but that makes it impossible for me to dip back for high res images for this sort of thing, so I might keep some faves going into 2023 - cheers.

    1. Thanks Norm, glad you approve and saw some images you recognized! I save all images from my phone onto a laptop and create the posts from there, so it's simple enough to save them to a folder afterwards. I think I even have quite a lot of them saved onto a USB!

  8. Diversified and superb, what a splendid and productive year!

  9. A great little review there Keith and 30 games or thereabouts, is pretty good going for most of us. I reckon to get in about two a month on average. Mightly impressive too to lack back at all the stuff you have painted, most of which I remember, but a few I can't.

    What I do is at the start of the New Year is to create a Review post that I simply add to after each game, purchase etc, which makes it easy come the end of the year to then add the text to go with it. A nice idea to include photos which I might try to do in 2023, if I remember that is!

    1. Thanks Steve, I am pretty sure the idea of saving images as I go for next years review is something I am going to do!

  10. Wow. What a great year Keith.
    You missed a trick here. You could' ve made two excellent posts for your review instead of one, and been a little closer to your target.

    1. know what, Richard, I seriously considered that option.....but I think I have enough stuff to create two more posts this year, so in the end, I left the review as a one off!

  11. You've had a very productive 2022 with a good mix of projects and games

    1. Cheers Scotty, ithe review was an interesting exercise and one I think I will repeat in twelve months time.

  12. A fun round-up and an interesting mix of games and projects in there Keith. Well worth a review.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it was simple but time consuming to put together, so next year, the review folders idea is a definite!

  13. That's good going Keith. 30 games and such a great variety of periods too. And some fabulous photos. Now I have to mop up the drool!

    1. Thanks Chris, hopefully the first game of 2023 will appear next week!

  14. Well, Keith, anyone scrolling through the "year in pictures" or who has been following along with your blog even casually would not be inclined to think you "lazy" 🤔 . Looking forward to blog year 2023 (if it's not too soon to say so).

    1. Thanks for the endorsement Ed! 2023 is but 36 hours away for me here in NZ, so no, I don't think it is too soon to say so!

  15. A nice serving of eye candy here! Nice work on all the games played and your ability to document them. All the best for wargaming and painting in the coming year.

    1. Thanks for the visits and comments Dave...I hope you have a good 2023 too!

  16. You have certainly been a busy chap this year Keith…
    I have had no where close to the number of games you have had.. nor as many miniatures painted…
    I look forward to seeing next year’s output.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly...the game total was a bit of a surprise to me (although 6-8 of them were little solo skirmish games, so that boosted it a bit) as it felt like I had not had very many. It would be nice if I could get back into a routine of near weekly games, which I was lucky enough to have a few years back, but as I am totally dependent on others to host, that's out of my hands.

  17. Nicely done Keith a productive year as others have said, the Napoleonic battles take the prize for me though 👍

    1. Cheers Matt, the Napoleonic games are certainly the most impressive visually although I possibly enjoyed the smaller level RCW games more, as a player!

  18. You had quite a year Keith! A very productive and busy year, here's to 2023!
